Hands of Chaotic Order

Warning! Cliffhanger Ahead!

Better read after I had posted another chaps

From your well wisher...

Karna P.O.V,

On one wonderful day, I was meditating in the middle of Maa Ganga's river.

As for how? 

Don't you know my mother?

Hmm~ Just kidding~

Anyone can accomplish this feat as long as they could focus solely on their chants or the supreme soul, disregarding their physical body to attain enlightenment.

However, don't try this at home! 

It may be dangerous for your health, life, future wife and the children who haven't been born yet. Alright?

So... Where I was?

Oh, right. I was meditating on the flowing water with the help of my yogic power which was not much compared to my past self.

Just then, I felt that someone was observing me! I was startled at first, but my maturity didn't let me meditate due to this puny intervention, or so I thought...

My false confidence was shattered when a light connection was established between me and the observer, almost giving me a heart attack!

It was my first experience! Generally, everyone has their first time. Don't they?

Though tough, I regained my concentration in a moment, surviving from the shame of falling on the river.


Taking a deep breath in my astral form (Symbolically), I carefully followed that thin string joining the intruder's consciousness with mine. 

At the end of it, I found a white cloud of Astral dust covering a figure, probably a woman?

I was a little unsure whether to enter it or not? Why wisdom was refusing to even touch anything shady in the middle of a forest while my curiosity pushed me to uncover the hidden mysterious along with the enraged voice of many frustrated reader longing for the truth

Ultimately, my curiosity won and I entered the white mist and moved towards a rather... womanly figure?

Her entire body was covered by thick white mist, encroaching her soul from inside. 

On focusing in that white mist, I found some traces of a vile entity! Unbeknownst to me, this discovery triggered something inside me!

My craving for its elimination unconditionally! It wanted nothing less than the destruction of the mist!

I was a bit confused about this weird reaction, even then, I believed in my urge and used one of the techniques I was given my Maa Shakti as a gift..

Oh sorry~ You were in the dark right? 

Even I was until last year when they resurfaced in my inner world along with my haunting memories.

Anyways, it's a tale for the future.

That technique's name was...

-{Hands of Chaotic Order}-

[Author: Yeah, that's it. Such a cliché name right! I mean, what can you even do about it? Except berating this lazy author. If you have a better name, do comment it down.]

Using that technique, I initiated the operation to obliterate the white mist! 

Raising my hands up in the sky, I chanted some mantras required to invoke the technique, inwardly. 

Following which, an ethereal mist seeped out from my fingertips, taking the form of a pair of hands. It's just, their fingers were as long as my entire height.


Not caring about this little detail, I moved towards the mist with a low shout to motivate myself! 

Maybe I was not a protagonist, that was why my technique worked without any interruptions from goons of the mist. 

The ethereal hands grabbed the white mist and began the massacre with delight.




With a touch of my fingers, the true form of white mist that might have seemed holy, revealed itself to the world!

[Note: Don't comment that he was alone in that Astral plane.]

The mist was...