The Tears...

Prakriti's P.O.V,

"Child, State your Origins!

Before the Karna, covered in water, five women stood valiantly shielding a woman from every direction.

She was dressed in luxurious garments similar to that of an empress, defining her status by their virtue.

The five women shielding her appear to be the Royal maids of Hastinapur, evident from their similar red sarees.

Despite being in the midst of such a situation, he tried to respond to the harsh inquiry of the woman, Who seems to be the leader of the other four maids, by following the first lesson, #1 Respect your Elders, taught by Devi Radha.



However, before he could introduce himself, the water around him swirled and took him out of the river. Additionally, when Karna was placed beside the Ganges by the water that appears to be alive, his wet clothes were dried clean, bereft of the presence of wetness or dirt.

During this whole ordeal, the maids stood at their places bewildered by the event unfolding before them...

But, it wasn't the movement of water that left them startled but... The overflowing charisma and radiance radiating from Karna, a young man, standing without the veil of water obstructing their visions.

The appearance of Karna was unparalleled to any boy they've seen in their whole life! His lovely figure invoked the motherly affection stationed in them, reserved for their children awakened and wanted to bask Karna in its sheer volume!!!

Except for a certain forgotten woman stationed in the middle of her maids, Devi Gandhari who was incapable of observing the sculpture carved by the Mohini (A form of Lord Narayan) while Maa Shakti added her elegance in it...

Unlike others, who remained still at their position, afraid to break their dreamlike state...

(Note: Karna is eighteen years old. Consequently, he's still a child for Devi Gandhari, her maids or any other elder.) 

Albeit, Every wonderful thing ends too soon, such as this time, when...

The water of the river surged together to form a figure of a celestial maiden in white standing on the surface of water.

Her elegance and gentleness awakened the maids from their sweet dream* making them realize the current situation.

Under the presence of Devi Ganga, all of them bowed respectfully after moving away from Devi Gandhari, leaving an empty place with Karna, Devi Gandhari and Devi Ganga...

It's not because they fear her. Instead, she was their supreme empress as well as the holy mother hailed for her purity. To even gaze at her pure self, one has to gain great Karma or become virtuous enough to be blessed with her presence.

If not, other than self harm, nothing can be obtained from longing for what isn't yours.


Devi Ganga observed the actions of the Maids but didn't interrupt their action. After all, She was called by Devi Gandhari (a Virtuous Woman) as the previous empress of Kuruvansha. Therefore, their presence wasn't necessary at that place. 

After the maids settled at a place, She spoke to Devi Gandhari in her soothing voice, "Putri, What do you want?"

(Note: Don't you think we are forgetting something/ Somebody?)

"Pranam Maha-Mata Ganga." Firstly, Devi Gandhari touched the feet of the holy mother who appeared before her, earning a blessing of Devi Ganga as she added, "Maha-Mata... Kuruvansha has once again faced another unfortunate event... The Pride of Hastinapur... Late-king Pandu,.. Your grandson has passed away..."

Devi Gandhari stated the above message in a grievous tone. The emotions she expressed before the maiden who had experienced the death of her sons by her own hands... was aware of her state...

In spite of this much misery, Devi Gandhari stood strong. Her static body was denying any presence of pain in her and yet,... her tears... threatening to fall from her pretty black irises... meet the ground, and... 

Unable to see her torment, Devi Ganga took Devi Gandhari in her warm embrace. She caressed the empress's back and whispered gently beside her ears, "Putri, don't hold them inside. Let your misery out..."

Though She tried to relieve Devi Gandhari, who can pacify her whose eyes were also filled with warm essence?

Her advice helped the empress to recover from her grief, but, what about her?

Devi Gandhari was in misery because she treated Pandu as her son...

And here, Pandu was Devi Ganga's grandson! Though not related by blood, do you think a celestial like her cares about it?

The Death of one's kin is truly unbearable to watch.... Even the maturity of Devi Ganga was incapable to deny the grief built up inside her...

Thereby, a lone drop of water formed at the end of her eyelashes, as it moved to fall onto the ground...



Just before it got detached from them, Two figures of a person and a bird appeared near the holy Deity, earning her attention...



They remained stationary at their place and stared at their mother. Devi Ganga also looked at them, locking their eyes for a brief moment. No words were exchanged in that brief period.

Even then, the watery eyes of both of her children explained more than a tongue can ever do...

After all, Who can bear the tears on her mother's face? Could you?

Anyways, Their warm act filled her heart with a little happiness, elevating her mood a little while the tears evaporated into thin air...


Next chapter, 'Arrival at the Castle'

Stay tuned for more~