Long Night.

[Neveah POV]

My thumb hovered over the end call button. It had been an hour, and frustration gnawed at me. Lara, the elusive Elven Princess, had vanished. My search had stretched from the bustling hallways to her quiet apartment building, all yielding nothing but disappointment. Eliana, my ever-reliable homeroom teacher (though a tad annoyed with my interruption), had provided the number well she basically gave me the entire contact list of the Class. Well a win is a win.

Two rings, none answered. Third time was a charm, they say, but the answer that greeted me was far from charming.

"Whaat… Can't you take a hint. This better be important." The voice dripped with irritation.

"This isn't Lara," I thought, sinking deeper into the comfortable chair in my apartment.

Clearing my throat, I began, "I apologize for calling late, May I speak to Princess Lara?" I kept my voice polite, even as annoyance bubbled within.