Tomb 2

A hush fell over the observation room as the commotion below flickered on the massive screen. The once vibrant display of student chatter had morphed into a tense standoff. Light from the activated tomb pulsed eerily, illuminating the brewing conflict.

"Uhm... Are we going to let this happen, miss Eliana?" A human instructor, his voice barely above a whisper, broke the silence. All eyes turned towards Eliana, her regal bearing and unwavering gaze holding the room.

They didn't need words. Eliana's position as princess of the most populous race of students, humanity, gave her immense authority. Sure, the others within the room were nobles – from Ducal houses, great clans, all prestigious families – but here, in the face of potential chaos, Eliana held the most sway. Humans, while considered the 'weakest' among the student body, were also the most numerous. A fight could turn disastrous for them.