
A sudden touch sent a jolt through Azrael. He whirled around, hand instinctively reaching for his weapon, only to see Astrid's calm gaze staring back at him. Relief washed over him, so intense it almost left him breathless.

"Hey..." he rasped, his voice thick with surprise.

"Couldn't sleep," Astrid explained, her hand lingering on his shoulder. "Didn't trust those new 'allies' of ours. Decided to keep watch."

Azrael's cheeks burned with shame. He'd readily accepted the bandits' offer to join forces, desperate for some camaraderie in this strange tomb. Now, Astrid's words echoed the unease gnawing at his gut since overhearing their conversation.

"Oh," he mumbled, scratching his head awkwardly. "Uh, right."

There was no time for self-flagellation. "We're outnumbered," Astrid continued, her voice low and serious. " They are strong, too. We need to warn the others. Maybe come up with a plan."