Her Decision

Verona's voice cut through the tension like a blade, a knowing glint in her violet eyes. "You know," she drawled, her tone laced with a dangerous amusement, "there were times when an attack on a prince warranted a war between the two countries."

Aethelred's gaze hardened, his nostrils flaring. The air crackled with unspoken threats. "What are you implying?" he growled, his voice strained. It was a testament to his simmering anger that he still refused to acknowledge Verona's title, a deliberate attempt to downplay her power.

Verona's smile vanished, replaced by a glacial stare.

"What war?" Kim countered, her voice dropping to a low hiss. "You think you can declare war on me because of that… spoiled bastard?" Her eyes flickered towards Neveah before continuing. "He started all of this! Shouldn't he be punished for his arrogance?! He tried to kill the dragons and even us!" Kim, emboldened by a misplaced sense of foolish courage, blurted out.