The chamber reverberated with the snarls and roars of the demons, their rage a counterpoint to the crackling electricity of Verona's violet aura. Surrounding her, the demon Barons hacked and slashed with reckless abandon, while the Viscounts, their eyes gleaming with malicious intent, began weaving their attacks. But it was their words that truly drew Verona's attention.

"Demonic Chains of Torment!" bellowed a hulking Viscount, his voice resonating with dark power. Black chains materialized from thin air, coiling towards Verona with malevolent purpose.

" Demonic..."

A sardonic smile played on Verona's lips. "Demonic Laws?" she mused, dodging the chains with a graceful twist. "How quaint. You Viscounts have formed your own little demonic rulebook, have you?"

Another Viscount stepped forward, his voice dripping with a venomous hiss. "Demonic Binding Avarice!" he snarled, and tendrils of dark energy lashed out, seeking to bind Verona's movements.