Final Talk

Neveah furrowed his brow, a knot of confusion tightening in his gut. "Hold on," he interjected, a thread of challenge lacing his voice. "What about Vampires who can turn others into their kind, they shouldn't be limited to a population factor. right??"

Verona gave an understanding smile. " Of course they can," she conceded, rolling her crimson eyes. "But it's not that simple, little one. Turning someone into a Noble Vampire, a creature with the true potential for power, is a delicate and highly complicated process that very few can amd even then they are limited, unless you have a progenitor status that would be very difficult. And commoners, who are the most populated, can't humans to vampires of the same status, they can only make defects that are the plebians, even then the commoner vampire has to have fulfilled a bunch of requirements like age and many more. And Vampires can't just go around turning things, it's regulated"

"Regulated?" Neveah asked. "By who?"