The Twin Pov

[Kael POV]

" Kael, Constantine this will be your new master." Said big sis Bianca as she showed us a picture of a small kid who was now our master.

" As you know we serve the royal family. But... We choose our master you both have a right to test him and see if he's qualified... Even if he is and you still don't like him you can choose your path... I'll support and shield you."The image of Bianca flashed in my mind – my stoic older sister, her hand resting on my shoulder and Constantine's, a promise of support.

Ever since I was born, I was drilled in the art of service. Unlike Bianca with her spatial affinity or Constantine, a prodigy with shadow and space magic.

I was deemed the failure within the Twilight clan. Cause I lacked the spatial affinity, well lack is a strong word. My affinity is very poor that I can't control it.