Partial Nobility

A wave of emotions across Theodore's face, anger, annoyance and disbelief.

"Quick to anger and weak…" Neveah's voice was heard in the room but he himself was gone. "… You can't even cover up your tracks… YOU ARE UNQUALIFIED. Prepare yourself… I'm coming for your tokens."

With the threat and disapproval proclamation... Theodore clenched his fists, his body trembling with fury.

Kai, however had his mind reeling from the recent revelation, turned to his boss with confusion evident on his face. "Theodore… What does he mean? You are a noble and you work with nobles?"

Theodore hearing this just let out a frustrated groan he pinched his nose bridge with annoyance as he gritted his teeth.

"Kaiser!" he said with a sigh. "We can't do this alone… We need help."

"But… Nobles? Out of all people? You know how they treat us." Kai said as if he had been betrayed.

Theodore sighed heavily, again. "Kaiser, listen," he said, his voice hardening.