let's go

A bolt of red lightning tore through the night sky, " crackle!"

It struck dead center on a mansion... It was quite for some seconds then... "BOOOM!" An igniting inferno that erupted with a loud. Flames dark-red flames, devoured the structure. The wood, metal, stone bricks, broke first then were engulfed in red flames, the wood turning to ash while the stome and metal softened as they glowed red and then turned into soft lava.

The shockwave from the explosion rippled outwards, shaking the very foundations of neighboring buildings.

The night was now covered in an eerie red glow.

The heat intensified with each passing second. It became hotter than random things suddenly burst into flames even people.

Screams pierced the air, screams of terror, pain, grief and confusion. Some vampires were caught in the blast zone and were incinerated instantly, their bodies reduced to wisps of ash before they could even react.