Ch 3 the second battle

The battle among the sikkho - shā and the Akuma the sikko sha members were constantly trying to save lives and kill any Akuma possible. The lieutenants were the ones leading the shikko - sha members with the sergeants because the hashiras were fighting with the strongest battles . This chapter coves the battle between the third strongest Akuma and the water hashira.

" You are the first one I am facing you are a little feeble aren't you ", the Akuma said to the water hashira. " I don't want to fight anyone before the nanao was killed by your kind ". Said the water Hashira. " Oh are you talking about the ice hashira ", said the Akuma. " Oh I was the one who killed her after ahe was injured by brother dai ",said the Akuma . " What gasp ", said the Akuma ." Hahhahw She was constantly babling about brother kaito will come to save her and kill you when I was cutting her leg hahahaah ", isd the Akuma while laughing and jumping on the spot. " You shit bag I will kill you ", screamed Kaito . " Judging by your reaction you seem to be the one she was talking about aren't you you ", said the Akuma ." Normally after killing ab Akuma I use holy water sonthat they find peace in their after theit after life but for you I will give you the most painfull death possible", Said Kaito.

Kaito took his katana our and said " water style 13 th form splashing water flow ", water suddenly came out from his sword and kaito suddenly started performing a foowork and started getting close to the Akuma . " You think I won't be able to hi you if you do something like that said the ", Akuma ." Take this ", said the Akuma and swung his sythe at Kaito . The sythe hit kaito hit kaito directly on the chest . But when he looked carefully kaito was not there but just a after image of his . " What what is it how did he do it where is he ", thought the Akuma. Kaito appeared behindbthe Akuma and said . " Water style 11 th form high pressure thrust ", the sword thrust into the right leg of the Akuma and then he said water style 5 th form water cutting slash and slashed the leg clean off of the Akumab. " Ahhh my my leg it is gone no my leg ", cried the Akuma he was in great pain though the leg started healing because he was an akuma. I told you I will give you the most painful death possible. No prepare for my next attack said the water hashira . " Wait no I am still injure I can't work no ", said the Akuma . However kaito didn't gave an response but started casting his next skill " water style 7 th form flowing water dance ", and then try to started dance and water started swelling around the akuma. " You think you can kill me ancoma with something so silly like that you think I am a child and you want to please me with your dance I had a lot of fun with your little nanao before killing her ", said the Akuma trying to anger the great foe infront of him . " Water style 6th form Rapid water wheel ", said kaito . The dancing water which was dancing around the akuma had now started speeding up and now had taken a greater speed and started slashing the a comma from all sides. The colour of water around him soon became red. " Please stop no no ", said the Akuma. "You should have gotten out when I gave you the chance now the battle is still not over", said kaito. "Water style 10th form Whirlpool ", kaito.said and huge amounts of water gathered in the area and started swrilling around. The akuma this time he had no chances to get away. " Please let me go for at least give me peaceful death don't kill me such a way ", pleaded the akuma . He had never thought that the water Hashira who was said to be so docile what turn up to be so aggressive. The water speed suddbly increased and they started cutting everything in front of them at first starting cutting all the trace in the way then stones and then came the turn of the accomma to face the water. Forever only screens could be heard in the water and later and all the water moved away a body was lying on the ground with all slashed down by the water. It was as if he was dead. You think I am a full thinking that you are dead give me a break I haven't been finished torturing you now let's move to the next part. When the akuma understood that his cover was blown he decided to give it his all "fucjk uuu taje this ", said the akuma and started slashing his sytche at kaito. Kaito was not expecting such an attack from him after getting cut by his Whirlpool. Wounds started appearing on him. He said " water style 9th form holy water ", sado and pure white water started appearing on his body and the wounds on his body started healing .

. "Take this said kaito ",. Water style eight form striking tide. Kaito started moving towards the akuma with his sword in front. The akuma decided to long range attack at him because his height was longer but kaito was faster . Hey pierced the chest of the akuma with his Hito and blood started gushing out of the wound like a waterfall. Jump up in the air and said "water style 12 form waterfall slash ",. And with strong current of water force kaito slashed down at him . The akuma decided to dodge the attack but was unable to he barely saved his head but had to part away with his hand and his leg. But didn't expect what was going to come. kaito already know that the attack was not enough for him so after landing he rust at him and said. Water style 14th form water Dragon slash and a dragon like thing emerged from his Sword and with his sword kaito slashed down the akuma. The Attack hit the akuma right head on and his fell on the ground. His life was barely on a thread. But I to didn't show any remorse he decided to give him death by the last scale of his. He said " water style 15th from sea of death ", "what no no not that not with that anything else please no ", screamed the akuma but it was too late Black Water started emerging from the ground and it enfulfed tha akuma. His flash started burning bone started melting, skin started to fade away. And after sometimes the Akuma melted into the sea of death. There was nothing left. I have avenged you little Nanao, you can sleep in peace now.
