Everyone Is Busy Having Sex

{WARNING: This chapter is not suitable suitable for young readers as it contains mature sexual content and strong nudity}

Audrey Tate

"What if they found out about us and what we did" i asked Falcon while pacing up and down the room

"Would you calm your butts" Falcon said clearly undisturbed "No one is going to find out"

"What are you even saying? That detective guy is digging around, putting his nose everywhere. It won't take him long enough to find out what we did" I said panicking and stuff my face full of food

Yeah, I'm a stress eater

"Hey, calm down. I can assure you he won't find out. And even if he does what could he possibly do" he said

"Are you kidding me right now? We could be all over the news, we could be in jail and what about the kids, how are they going to look at me after they find out what I did" I asked him

"Well, your son isn't going to look at you any differently," he said laughing. When he realized I didn't find the joke funny, he stopped laughing "I'll make sure he doesn't find out" he promised

I looked at him doubtfully and continued pacing till he grabbed my hand and drew me to himself

"Hey, look. I swear nobody's going to find out, I'll do everything within and beyond my power to ensure that what happened in this ship stays in this ship. Now stop stuffing food in your mouth and stuff me in your mouth instead" he said lifting my jaw up and taking my lips 

Immediately I felt his soft lips drawing on mine, I pushed all my thoughts and worries to the back of my mind and kissed him back, placing my hands at the nape of his neck and slowly touching his hair. The kiss progressed from a slow passionate one to a hungry and desirous one. 

He lifted me up and I folded my legs at his back while his hands rested on my wait caressing my ass. He walked closer to the wall and I placed my back against it so that I was now caught between the wall and him.

He loosened up his pants and with one hand while holding me with the other and took it off without breaking the kiss. His hands slowly trailed under my nightgown and I felt a hot burning sensation as his hands slowly made their way through my thighs. 

He reached my panties and for the first time he didn't completely remove them, he just shifted the thin fabric aside and found my clit and started rubbing on it slowly. The pleasure was too much for me, I stopped kissing him and just buried my face into his neck muffling my moans. 

He started going faster, circling my clit in rhythms and I couldn't hold it in anymore

"Uhhhhh, Fal…Falcon" I moaned, almost screaming

"That's right, baby girl. I want to hear those screams, let them out" he replied in a sexy voice which turned me on even more. He released my clit and ran his fingers on my vulva till he found my opening, he just started circling the opening of the hole without going in 

"Just fucking finger me" I said and he ignored me and continued circling around the hole, teasing me

I decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. I slid my hands down from his neck till I got chest and stretched it to reach his dick and started fondling it.

"Audreeyyy" he moaned, his hands stopped circling around and he focused on the pleasure I was giving him. I felt some precum through his boxers and eventually his hands gave out due to the pleasure and he took me to the bed.

I smiled at him after letting him taste his own medicine

"You know, two can play that game" I said still smiling

"We'll see about that" he said grabbing my legs and pulling me closer to him 

He knelt down and spread my legs ajar and took off my panties and threw it on the floor, exposing my pussy to the cold air. He took one look at me before diving for my pussy with his mouth.

His tongue went for my already throbbing clit, licking and sucking sending multiple spasms of pleasure down my spin

"Fuccccckkk" I screamed "oh my Godd"

He kept running his tongue all over my clit while my screams of pleasure filled the room. I felt his hands on my pussy and he slipped two fingers into my pussy, moving in and out while sucking on my clit. I couldn't take it anymore, i jerked so much and tried to escape from him but he kept pulling my legs back

I tried drawing his head up but he didn't bulge and continued. My legs started shaking as I gripped his hair tugging at it. I knew he must have felt pain but he didn't show it because he was still sucking me off. 

I felt like my brain was going to explode and I orgasmed all over the bed and he licked me all up and finally came up to kiss me, making me taste my own juices.

My leg were shaking so hard that he noticed

"Next time you do something naughty, you are going to be in a wheelchair," he said, smiling sinisterly and I couldn't help but smile at the thought. I was definitely going to be naughty everyday

Detective Walker

I quickly wore my pants and packed up all the tools I just saw in Alicia's cupboard.

"Where are you going with all those things" she asked clearly very drunk

"Uhhh, I am going to keep it in a safe place for you" I said, hoping she was drunk enough to buy my lie 

"Oh okay, grab the condoms and get over here" she said, motioning to the bed

She was clearly very drunk, I didn't even think she'd remember me or any of what happened tomorrow morning. I walked over to the bed and slowly rubbed her head till she slept off. She was clearly too drunk to have sex and I was too excited about the new evidence I just found 

I slowly grabbed the tools I just found, tiptoed out of the room and closed her door slowly. As I was on my way to my room, I saw Audrey Tate slipping quietly into her room with her legs shaking. I wonder where she went and what she was doing.

I walked over to Jude's room to tell him what I found but I knocked and knocked and I got no reply. I decided to open the cabin door and he wasn't there.

Next I headed to Laura's room and just like Jude she wasn't there either.

Where could the two of them be?