
Dexter wiped his injury with a wet towel then turned on his phone. He smiled noticing Luciano's message but then returned his expression to a cold one when he saw the second message he had just received

Dad: meet with the others at the test room.

Dexter could already guessed what had happened. The test room wasn't necessarily what it sounded like, it was just a large hall-like room where the organisation members met either when the action squad succeeded in killing or capturing supernaturals or when the research squad made another discovery concerning supernaturals.

Dexter sighed, neither of those options made him relieved in any way, but alas, he was in no place to complain.

Dexter arrived at the front door of the test room only to meet the man who had brought him up as a son. He paused as they made eye contact.

"We've got a double hit today" the man's Scottish accent was quite thick but it was very familiar to Dexter. Dexter frowned

"Stop stalling and just cut to the chase" he scolded

"Walrus" he added tauntingly and Walrus, his Foster father, stared at him momentarily before turning to the door as it was pushed open for him

"The action team succeeded in capturing a female vamp and a wolf boy while the research ream discovered a way to mutate the genetic components of supernaturals" he explained patiently. Despite his emotionless expressions and his being the chief of the entire N.S.P organisation, Walrus was quite attached to this stolen son of his.

Dexter squinted getting a bad feeling about what Walrus was telling him, he knew there was more to it than that.

"And...?" He drawled awaiting further explanation. The door to the test room was automatic and only opened after a particular sequence of symbols, known only to ghe security personnel, was inputed. Thus, it took longer than normal for the door to open, Dexter had plenty of time to hear what he wanted to from Walrus.

"This specimen not only mutates their genes and appearance but cuts off all connections neurones have with the brain" the door finally opened completely and made a loud thunk sound

"Basically, it turns them into extrapowered mindless puppets" Dexter shortened turning away from Walrus, a foreboding feeling creeping up from the pit of his stomach. Walrus nodded but was aware Fexyer couldn't see him so added


They both walked into the room, Dexter up to the front of the crowd and Walrus to a slightly elevated platform beside the testing stage where the three members of the upper echelon sat.

Two young supes bound at their ankles, wrists and necks were dragged onto the stage brutally and Dexter felt his heart constrict at the sight of the girl. He squeezed the part of his shirt that was over his heart as he stared at her. As If aware of his gaze, the girl looked up suddenly and stared at him their eyes making contact. Dexter felt a connection between them both, an indescribable one.

"A good day to be a supe-hunter am I right?" A man of average height with dyed gray hair shooting out in different directions joked with a smile after climbing up the podium. No one laughed

Clearing his throat the man known as Taymen continued

"We researchers have once again made a breakthrough and developed a means to create our very own puppets from the bodie of original supes. This has been tested in the laboratory but to confirm jts validity and uphold my reputation as head scientist, I will demonstrate using these young supes in front of the entire brotherhood" Taymen completed earning a snort from the only female member of the upper echelon.

All of the upper echelon members didn't like the Taymen of a guy. The guy was passionate about his work but He was a gender-discriminating, pussilanimous, back-stabbing, heartless squirt who wouldn't hesitate to push anyone down the gull for his own interest.

Taymen gestured towards a lady wearing a lab coat and she walked up to him pushing a trolley along. The trolley held two beakers, a reagent bottle, vial, suction tube, syringe and needle. Taymen poured a but of the black liquid in the reagent bottle into the vial using the suction tube, added drops of the liquids in the two beakers then attached the needle to the syringe before filling it up, all while having a crazed smile on his face.

The two young supes quivered in fear of what was to come as they watched him. The wolf boy shrunk back trying to make himself smaller as Taymen approached them. The vamp girl immediately turned to Dexter with hope in her eyes and yelled


The entire hall went silent as all eyes turned to Dexter who stood frozen on the spot and highly confused

"W-what?" He stuttered as he stared at her, his chest was beginning to hurt all the more. The girls eyes started to gradually change colour, as Dexter watched the crimson colour seep into the original green of the girl's eyes, something was stimulated in him.

The pain in his chest multiplied and his heart beat accelerated immeasurably. He started breathing heavily taking in deep breaths in an attempt to catch his losing breath and began hearing really loud and hard to discern screams in his head. The hand on his chest squeezed tighter while the other went up to hold his ringing head as a groan escaped from his lips. Despite everything, his eyes never left the girl's.

There were a lot of muffled shots as everywhere began to shake, Taymen ran and knocked the vamp girl out. Dexter got knocked out as well, much to his expectation.

* * * * *

"Hellooo~" Reena sang with a smile as she picked up the receiver of the ringing homelike.

"Hello Reena, it's been a while, hasn't it?" Answered a cool obviously feminine voice that sounded like it carried the weight of the world. Whoever owned the voice was definitely a proud-assed bitch.

Reena clicked her tongue as her smile was replaced with a look of displeasure.

"Oh, it's you. How can I help you, mother" she added the last part with great distaste. There was a cool laughter at the other end of the phone as Ramonda, the trusted advisor of the dark queen took humour her daughter's tone

"What is wrong, dearest daughter? Shouldn't you be happy to hear your mother's voice?" She questioned with great amusement in her tone.

"What do you want?" Reena asked coldly

"My daughter" Ramonda answered just as cold. Reena bit back her anger fully aware that showing your emotions when speaking to that woman would land you in a heap of trouble.

"What do you mean?" She asked rather than slamming the receiver down after warning her to never call again, which was what she really felt like doing.

"I am back and I won't let any old geezer take away what's mine, especially not my next of kin" Ramonda answered and Reena scoffed

"We both know that I want nothing to do with you and your fucking witch cult so stop trying to take something that isn't takeable. Plus, stop calling dad old geezer, I keep thinking about grand-pap when you say that" Reena slammed zthe receiver down after concluding in a typical Reena-manner.

Climbing up to her room, Reena saw the black leather bound book that never opens suddenly pop open its latch and flip open from one blank page to another before finally stopping at the middle. Reena squeezed her hands into fists as she walked up to her reading desk and picked up the book. It was a message written in the ancient language.

"I'm coming soon..." Reena read aloud

'Dearest daughter' she growled the last part in her mind as she was too passed to always it out.

Reena huffed and shut the book, she knew better than to throw it away or burn it so instead, she stuffed it in her black bag that never seemed to have a limit along with some other things. She put on a black threaded six-spiked star pendant and a pair of glasses, then grabbing her huge black hat, she picked up a crooked white stick from under her bed. She rolled her neck round as she faced the wall

"Teleporto corandm" she chanted as she whipped the wand in a vertical manner. A ground-shaking space rip appeared and Reena smiled putting on her black hat.

"Still got it" she muttered sassily as she swung her bag onto one shoulder and pulled the rim of the large hat down to cover half of her face then walked into the rift. Once she had crossed, the rip closed and everywhere became still again.

* * * * *

Luciano sat on the window sill with one leg propped up and supporting the hand that held the book he was reading while the other swung back and forth, his feet occasionally brushing against the ground.

The title on the book cover read 'The Wolf Elders: History of the Luna Race'.

Finally reaching the end of the book, Luciano closed it gently with a sigh

'Why are sules so fucking complicated' he thought as he got down from the high window sill. He placed the book on his reading desk and stretched. He had been sitting in the same position for five straight hours and it was already dark out.

As he stretched, a golden glint caught his eye and he was reminded of the gold-wrappings of Reena's gift.

"Might as well worry about the book later" he muttered walking up to his bed where the gift lay. He tore the wraps off and opened the box to see a weird rectangular shaped object. He turned it around observing it and noticed that other than the front part that had a lot of signs and symbols with a circular orb-like thing in the middle, the other surfaces were smooth and gold plated, plus it was exceptionally heavy.

"Huh, never expected Kyru to be associated with symbology" he muttered referring to the place that Reena had travelled to. He squinted his eyes looking at a weird arrangement of signs that were oddly familiar to him. As if compelled, he started reading out

"acti-lumi-takmisshcka-iro-..." the box began vibrating as the ground shook. His body jittered all over and Luciano lost himself in whatever it was that was overcoming him. Suddenly, his room door burst open and Delilah barged in. The book dropped from Luciano's hands and a slightly out of breath and shaking Luciano turned around slowly to look at his mother.

"Luciano!, I heard a lot of noise coming from-" Delilah stopped talking mid-sentence when she saw Luciano's eyes. The irises were white with only a dotted line to outline it.

Delilah gasped hyperventilating as she shook her head in denial

"No" she whispered quietly

"Mom, what's wrong?" Luciano asked worriedly as he approached Delilah but she backed away

"N-no..., your...your eyes" she whispered as her face eyes grew pale and she broke out in cold sweat. Luciano grew more worried as he walked closer

"What's wrong with my eyes?" He asked

"They-they're" Delilah gasped in between words as memories started to flash through her mind so quickly her head ached

"Like what? Mom, what's wrong?" Luciano asked

"Like his..." Delilah passed out but Luciano caught her before she fell shouting
