Lifeless Melody

"Fuu... This should be fine."

About an hour has passed since the chaos this morning. Honestly, I'm not that caught up with the situation yet but if I want to survive, I have to toughen it up for the meantime.

It's one of the very few things that I learned from my father. Although having been trained by that spartan of a man isn't necessarily something to rejoice about.

I thought of that as I recounted my current equipment.

A sharp knife that I taped to a stick and a small tactical axe that I kept around.

Finally, I also prepared a backpack and stuffed my remaining supplies inside such as food and a few bottles of water.

After thinking about it, I realized that I didn't have enough supplies to last here. Heck, I haven't even done my groceries yet and the drinking water that I have are the few bottles I kept in the fridge.

It's practically at the critical. This is why, I'd rather risk my life outside than worry about my constantly depleting supplies.

It was a shame I didn't bring any guns or other weapons when I moved out from my father's house. Well, I guess I just wanted to stay away from that kind of life too.

"Alright... It's all or nothing."

After looking in the door's peephole and finding nothing there, I moved the table that blocked my door away and slowly undid the locks one by one. The anxiety might kill me even before the undead did.

I scanned both directions in the hallway. After finding that there was nothing remotely moving, I made my way to the stairs.

The elevator looked very tempting right now, but thinking about it, it's far more riskier.

However, entering the stairs gave me my first hurdle. A man who is now an undead, with his back turned on me, is roaming there. I steeled myself and began to try taking it out stealthily.

Unfortunately, fate wasn't as forgiving, as I made a big blunder right off the bat. One of my backpack's metal rings collided with the stair's handrail. It didn't produce that loud of a sound but I'm 100% percent sure that undead heard it.

The moment I looked at it, it suddenly turned its head to me. A scene that was straight out of a horror movie.

Adrenaline rushed through my head as it received a flight response. Fortunately, I managed to outrun the undead and came back to my apartment's door.

But I didn't go in.

What would happen if I did? Hide inside? And what if the undead didn't go away?

In the end, running away from here would just increase my problems later.

The steps of the undead became louder and louder as he managed to reach the hallway. It stopped and looked for its prey before breaking into a run once more.

I braced myself and held my weapon. It's the knife that I tied to a stick. It should have enough reach to kill the undead without risking it grabbing me.

With my current physical ability, being grabbed by that means game over.

Time seemed to have slowed as countless thoughts rushed to my head.

Aside from the movements I'm planning to take, another thought came to me. My conscience clashed with my logic, asking me why I was ready to kill a man. For all I know, he might simply be infected by some sort of disease.

Such thoughts were something I'd expected. Even though I've hunted animals before, a person is a different story.

So, I'm sorry.

While my eyes looked firmly straight ahead, time came back to its usual pace, and the undead were getting close to me. Its own eyes, although without the light of life, feel dangerous. 

It's time to decide, once and for all. What kind of person will I become in this world?

It's simple. I can't die yet and certainly not because of some bullshit like I hesitated to kill an undead because it still looks like a human.

Whether they are infected or dead, doesn't matter at this point.

After all... To me...

They're not human anymore!

"They're not human anymore!"

I swung my weapon, cleanly hitting the top of his head and splitting his brain horizontally.

A huge amount of blood gushed out and his body fell to the ground with a dull thud.