Interlude: Clarisse Forth ~ Converging Fates

"Come on babe, come with us already~"

"Yeah! We promise you'll have fun too!"

"No... Please get off of me..."

The night was dark as always. Along with the moonlight, the solemn color of the street lights dimly illuminates the streets.

However, That kind of environment is notorious for people to be doing evil deeds at. Such is when a girl who happened to come home late, was ambushed by two men.

"Haha bro, we scored well here, this one looks better than the others."

"Yeah, these are also awesome."

One man spoke with a wide grin on his face, meanwhile the other followed up as he tried to grab the breast of the poor girl. She was a beautiful girl with dark brown hair and irises that matched it. When one thinks about it, the man's words, albeit wicked, was not wrong. 

The girl, one who is timid, is having a hard time speaking up to the men, not like she would be able to do anything anyway. The streets she was currently in were also famous for having empty houses.

Normally, such situations would end badly, however, as if the world itself willed it, a hero appeared to vanquish the evil.

"You people should be able to do better than that. Can't you see that she doesn't like it?"

From the dimly illuminated road, another man appeared. He has a light-brown hair and, compared to the two who were harassing the girl, he wears a kind face and a reassuring smile.

The girl who heard that looked at the man who just appeared, her eyes reflecting the dim lights. She, who often reads romantic fairy tales, has seen such lines more often than not.

"Huh? Stay outta this punk!"

"Bro, how about we just teach this hero-wannabe a lesson!?"

The two delinquents, seemingly wanting to impress the women, proceeded to assault the man who just appeared.

"Haah... Guess there's no other way out of this."

As the man uttered that, he swiftly and casually manhandled the two delinquents. One got dropped to the ground, while another got punched into the dream world.

The man concluded the fight, or the assault calmly. He then approached the girl slowly with the best smile he could, as if to reassure her that he was not a bad guy.

"Are you alright?"

"...Y- yes!"

"Be careful around these places, there are thugs like those who simply wait for their victims."

The man looked worried, thinking that the girl was still in shock about what happened, and wondered how he could help her calm her mind. However, that is not the case at all. Well, it wouldn't be a lie to say that the girl wasn't shocked though.

"Um... I'm Clarisse, thank you for saving me... What's yours...?

"I'm Leon, no problem."


The girl's, Clarisse's mind was in shambles. From the moment Leon appeared, to the conclusion of the situation, she could only think of one thing.

As if Leon was her prince, atop a white horse who rushed to save her. No, it would be more appropriate to call him her hero.

From then on, the two called the police and settled things, with the delinquents ending up behind bars. Unfortunately, Clarisse made a blunder and forgot to ask about Leon's contacts, unbeknownst to what would happen next.

A few days after that incident, Clarisse had gone to school as usual. However, she made a mental note to avoid such places as last night. She did have a thought of going there again, thinking that she might meet Leon, but quickly dismissed it.

When she reached her school though, the cruel reality hit her, making her delighted and disappointed simultaneously.

"Ohh Clarisse! You finally arrived!"

"What's going on?"

"Well, look over there."

As Clarisse turned to look at the direction her friend pointed, she was shocked.

The man she had longed for since the incident, is currently surrounded by other women whom she never dared to compare herself to.

Why? It's simple. Clarisse is a ridiculously timid person, the moment the chances of winning crosses below 50, she simply leaves herself up to fate. It should be a miracle that something as bad as that night never happened to her before.

That man, Leon, was surrounded by very talented women who were famous all over the entire school. That was when she realized, why the name Leon was so familiar.

Leon Rauthier. An outlier to the entire school, a prime subject of male envy, and an object of doubt for the female populace. He is part of a prominent club that is also the gathering of said talented individuals.

But that is not what crushed Clarisse's heart. It was the action of another woman, one with light-purple hair and red eyes. She was also subject to the stares of many men on that campus.

And that woman is currently clinging to Leon's arm happily, as if she won't separate from him even if the world ends.

On that day, Clarisse's first love started and ended at the same time.


"If we meet again… Let's help each other survive for real, can you at least promise that?"

That was the last words she had heard from the man who was her first love. He didn't remember, but she also chose not to make him do so. She was already content that she was able to meet him again.

When she ran, with her back facing the man she loved, several thoughts ran through her head.

She knew that she shouldn't, but she also thought that the chance of her brother being dead was higher than being alive. But she didn't want to believe it.

It's foolish, that she knew of. Hell, she could have simply chosen the better option and run away along with the man she loved and pursued her happiness. Clarisse is a very timid person, so the choice she should make should obviously be the best one, no?

She knew that herself, she knew the whole time. But she made a different choice. A selfish choice that only she could benefit from.

"Leon... Thank you, and... I love you."

She said as she ran back to the store at full pace. Her imagination is at full capacity.

Similar to Leon, hers are also full of what-ifs. She even thought about what would happen if Leon accompanied her back instead. But she dismissed that.

Because even though that didn't happen, her image of Leon never changed. She didn't understand whether it was love or something else. After all, she also thought that falling in love with Leon because of some fairy tale scenario was as shallow as it could be.

"No matter what... You are always my hero~"

It was a love that bloomed through a coincidence, one that was broken because of one, and was rekindled because of another.

On that day, Clarisse changed, the same as the world did.