What Lurks, A Love Rival!?

"That undead managed to break the door or rather, punch a hole through it."

"I see, but wouldn't a normal human be able to force a door open like that as well?"

"Putting aside the fact that they seem to be walking corpses, under normal circumstances, the door should have fallen at once, but it didn't. Which means that the door's hinges were reinforced. And that undead was just stronger."

I recalled what happened earlier and retold it to Claire when we were exchanging information. I omitted the details about Clarisse but Claire seemed to have comprehended that something was amiss in my statements.

Although she didn't pry in further about it.

When I told her about the undead that was different from the rest, she pondered over it and inquired for more information.

"So it's an undead that was different from the rest... Could it be something like a variant already?"

"I doubt that, it's still too early after all. Moreover, from what I've seen, those undead were really different from each other. For instance, some of them were faster than the others."

"Then, that means we can't use our knowledge in movies here?"

"Right on."

Things weren't as simple as they may seem. Because those undead aren't the same as each other, we can't just let our guard down and we have to be always ready for surprises.

An idea came to me back when I was still at the apartment complex, where those undead still had a little life left in them. But when I tested it by hitting the head of one of them, that idea was completely wrong.

"They can only be killed through their heads, or more specifically, the brain."

"Yep. Our details align completely. Although we haven't encountered a strange one yet."

I see, then they should have managed to take it easy. As I was thinking of what to report next, one of the men- no, this one's pretty young, came to us.

"Miss... We've secured the vicinity of the mansion. There also doesn't seem to be anyone else aside from... him."

Claire who is currently sitting on my lap looked up at him. I'm just guessing but I felt like the guy glared at me for a moment.

"Good work but I already told you, Leon isn't an enemy, he's my... friend."

Claire answered the man while trailing off.

"We shouldn't let our guard down miss, especially not just because of a man who simply appeared out of nowhere."

"Haah... I appreciate your worry but... Forget it, Jean, just go back to patrolling."


The man, Jean, hanged his head as he walked away. However, Claire added something that made Jean come back in high spirits.

"I'm counting on you."


I see what's going on here. Realizing something, I spoke to Claire in a teasing tone as if I was jealous. Unfortunately, she was a little late to catch it.

"You seem pretty close to him. Jean... was it?"

"Heh? Ah... Actually, he's also my childhood friend. He came to the camp after you... Left. And from that on, we trained together before graduating."

"I see..."

Tha camp she was referring to, is a special training camp hosted by my and her father. There, we trained together even though we were still children. 

Although I did excel at some things, Claire was different. Not even a month had passed, she was already hailed as a prodigy. Meanwhile, I got more and more tired of that kind of life, and when that incident finally happened, I was able to get out.

Since we were still children, we simply hunted animals at best for practical training. But I still didn't like it and would rather spend all day in my room. I guess, now I'm kind of glad that I still paid attention and followed those training.

Claire wondered why I didn't respond and smiled as if she realized something.

"Oh? Could it be... That you're jealous?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Haha just kidding, I know someone like you wouldn-"

After processing my answer, she halted speaking and started blushing.

"R- really?"

"Yeah, after all, you're my woman, you know?"

"Y- yours... Ehehehe."

I kept adding to the joke but it didn't seem like one to her. Now she entered a tranced state as if she was daydreaming while she started caressing my cheeks.

However, as I was about to bring her back to reality, someone else had done it before me.

"Fufu, you two are still as close as ever~"

Another beautiful woman entered the living room. She had the same light-purple hair and crimson-red eyes as Claire. But what made them different was that she exuded a mature aura and a cold yet calming presence.

She was Claire's mother, Amelie Angestel. Although she's already a middle-aged woman, she'd probably be mistaken as Claire's older sister if they stood beside each other. That's just how young she looked.

Claire, who finally noticed her presence, was brought back to the real world and quickly separated herself from me. She blushed even harder as she sat on the sofa upright.

It was a delightful scene but for some reason, her mother smiled a little sadly at that.

"Long time no see, Aunt. You're still as beautiful as ever."

"Ara, certainly, hearing something like that from Leon has a different feel to it."

The reason why I call her aunt, was because she's the one who took care of us when we were still at the training camp. Apparently, she couldn't stomach the thought of having such young children take on those rigorous training. 

So she volunteered herself to oversee the whole thing. That's where I first met her when she took care of me after I injured myself by falling off of a tree.

It wouldn't be a lie to say that she's my first love.

"Still, while I didn't expect that you're also here, I'm glad that you're alright, really. If you weren't here, I would've gone out of my way out there to find you and bring you back safely."

"Is that so? That's rather sweet of you. Then, would save me if I'm in danger?"

"Of course, you can count on me."

We've gone over our usual conversations, but Claire interrupted us while she looked at me, pouting.

"Hey... Can you stop trying to hit on my mother already?"

"Ara ara, if it's a kind child like Leon, I really~ wouldn't mind, you know?"

"You're just making this worse, mom!"

Looking at the two, I couldn't help but smile.

"Anyways, Claire don't you still have to prepare the things you will be bringing?"

"Ahh, that's right! Leon, I'll be leaving you here for a bit... And don't do anything to my mother, okay?"

As if! I waved at her in response. Now then, it's just Aunt Amelie and me... Crap, now that I think about it, I could only say those kind of things when there are other people nearby.

Now that we're alone, I feel awkward as hell!

"Fufu, you really haven't changed. You're too courageous when there are other people but when we're alone, you get reduced to a little boy~"

"Ah, errm-"

"Well, let's put aside those things for now. I'm sure you already noticed but I also want to talk alone with you."

Of course, she deliberately pushed Claire away. There's also the thing she told Claire earlier. Prepare what exactly?

As I was pondering what she wanted to talk about, she moved the seat next to me where Claire just left and scooched closer until our shoulders touched.

"You must be wondering what Claire is preparing, right?"

"Well, yeah."

"It's supplies, in case things were to get out of hand here, you two can easily and safely get away from here."

"Out of hand?"

"Yes. I'm sure you've already seen how it works. A horde, that's what we call it for now. If our assumptions are correct, they seem to gather at places where there are large numbers of people, living people."

A horde, huh? It's not like the thought of it didn't come to me. It's a common trope in zombie movies, a horde can usually overrun even a bigger camp.

And if a defensive against a horde begins, it would quickly turn into an endurance battle. The gunshots or even if only melee weapons were used, the sound would simply bring more and more undead in.

Unless they possess heavy weapons such as machine guns and a shit load of ammunition, then an attack from a horde will either end with the defenders being forced to abandon the place or get annihilated.

"Wait, what about you?"

"Worried even for me, are you? Don't be, despite how I look, I can also fight, you know?"

It seemed that she didn't quite understand my sentiment so I embraced her, surprising her as she jolted upwards but didn't escape my embrace.

"I'm not quite sure what I consider you as, maybe a parent or a guardian but... One thing I'm sure of is that I see you as more than just my friend's mother."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, so please, if such a thing does happen, please come with us."

"...Fufu, alright you got me."

She then returned the embrace but hers are more tighter than mine. Then she whispered something that caught my attention more than the earlier conversation.

"By the way, you already know him, right? Jean, I mean."

"Yes, why?"

"That child is fascinated with Claire, he might try doing something to her or you, so be on guard. Of course, I'll also interfere if something were to happen. After all, this isn't the first time I'm suspicious of him."

"Hold on, what do you-"

I was about to press her for more about what she meant, but Claire, perhaps finishing what she was doing, came back to the living room and witnessed Aunt and I hugging each other.

"H-e-y! I told you not to do anything!!!"