The Living

Jean was strong, there was no doubt about that. That's why, if I want to beat him, I have to start it emotionally so I engaged in psychological warfare.

If his judgment becomes clouded by his emotions, then it would be easier for me to find an opening. Well, that itself is easier said than done though. At worst, that provocation might just bite me in the back.

Still, I've done what I could. It's only a matter of seeing this through. No matter how it may end up, I'm fully prepared now.

I thought of that as I rinsed my face. It was morning but I wasn't able to sleep well. Maybe I should've just accepted Claire's invitation to her bedroom.

Apparently, the mother and daughter were watching my conversation with Jean. I did see the cameras but what surprised me was that they knew exactly what I would try to do.

Well, at least Aunt said that she would explain everything to Maria. So that's one problem down.

That aside, I am indeed restless so early in the morning. Even though I'm currently in a pretty safe place, it was probably worse than being out there in the open and fending against the undead.

I never thought that the living would give me more trouble than the dead could. When I finished fixing myself, I heard a knock on the door. As I opened it, I quickly greeted her when I saw that it was Claire.

"Good morning!"

"We've got trouble."

So it wasn't a good morning. I wonder, are my mornings really cursed? Just yesterday I woke up to a virus outbreak, you know?

I quickly dressed up and followed Claire outside. When we got there, I saw Aunt Amelie talking with a group of men. Some of them were rather burly but the rest just looked like normal soldiers. They didn't seem that old aside from a few others.

They were still wearing uniforms... No, those are tactical clothing but they're not military or even police uniforms. That emblem doesn't look like one either. When I thought of that, I frowned a little bit.

"Maam, please let them in. They are my comrades that became a separate force from my father's squadron. Some of them are even part of the camp before."

It was Jean who I heard explaining about the people. When Jean saw me, he glared at me before his mouth creased into a grin. Is that how it is?

"It might be a coincidence that they came here but this would probably make that guy think that he gained leverage."

"I doubt this is a coincidence."

"Yeah... He's probably just as prepared as I am."

Claire suddenly leaned into me when I whispered. I guess that guy's serious about this as well. Not that I'm not.

Aunt Amelie accepted them in, albeit reluctantly. Then she noticed us coming and beckoned us to come closer as she introduced us to the group and the mansion guards who were also present there.

"This is Claire, my daughter, and Leon, her boyfriend. If you want to stay here then treat the two of them the same way you will treat me. They also possess full authority of command over everyone here."

When Aunt said that, the people there all had different reactions. Some of the mercenaries sighed as if to say 'It's a shame', Jean naturally frowned, the guards were a bit confused but still saluted, and finally, Claire wore a bright smile on her face.

Wait, when was this decided!? No, it's not like I have anything against that but this is too sudden. But I couldn't just voice out my complaints at that moment so I just swallowed them back.

When the introduction was over, Aunt announced that a small feast would be held inside the mansion. The threat of the undead still looms near so we couldn't dilly-dally outside.

However, as we were heading inside the mansion, I felt a bit odd and looked around. I dropped my gaze when I noticed what was up. Those mercenaries were staring at the women, especially Aunt and Claire lustfully.

Ahh... This is trouble indeed. It was a template scene freshly out of a movie.


When the feast was over, the mercenaries were asked to introduce themselves.

"Hehe, thank you for letting us in and even feeding, Mrs. Amelie. Then, as planned, it would be our honor to join you all."

One of the men who seemed to be their leader thanked Aunt Amelie. He's called Luis. His speech wasn't all that bad but I still have a gut feeling that I shouldn't trust him.

And I think I already have an idea why. I remembered a phrase my Dad once told me. It's that a liar can easily detect another liar. While I'm not really the best at lying, I'm confident that I'm still better than many. That's why I was able to discern his true intentions.

His expressions, choice of words, and even simple gestures. They all seem planned and calculated. Now I know why he's their leader.

"Still, I didn't expect to see Mrs. Amelie in the flesh, I was always one of your admirers."

"Oh, is that so? I'm flattered."

Luis revealed that he was one of Aunt's admirers but Aunt merely replied indifferently. It was an expression that she never displayed when talking to me or Claire.

But I know what that means, she often acted like that when talking to other adults back when we were still at the camp.

 "Your daughter is a beauty as well, I could understand Jean's fascination with her."

"Hey, Luis!"

 When Luis said that, the other mercenaries laughed. But those laughs were fake.

What's going on? While sitting, I reached over to my pistol and clutched it. A bad premonition came to me.

That's right, if Jean did call them to come here, then that means they came here prepared. Prepared for what? There's only one answer to that.

When I provoked Jean last night, I practically waged war against him. That can only mean that their plan would definitely revolve around taking over this mansion.

But how? Right now, the guards are also inside. There might not be many but they're at least more than the mercenaries. I thought of how things would go down but that was also when I realized one fatal mistake that we made.

"Now then, I'm grateful for this, I really am. But unfortunately, this world has forced us to do this, so... put your hands behind your back and kneel on the ground."


As Luis said that, he pulled out a pistol and pointed it at Aunt Amelie. I didn't waste any time and also unholstered mine and did the same by pointing at him instead.

It happened so fast but the reaction of others also exceeded my expectations. The mercenaries also raised their guns at us and the guards while the guards did the same. It just turned into a stalemate.

"Hooh? I see, I felt that something was indeed amiss but you people really did it, huh?"

"Hehe, but I assure you, my motives are more than this."


Aunt calmly looked at Luis, smiling slowly even. But Luis said something that made her feel uncomfortable. He even said that as he looked at her up and down.

As if to ignore it, Aunt then turned to face Jean, who, the same as Luis was pointing his gun at our side or more specifically, at me.

"I'm disappointed in you, Jean. Is this how you will repay us for taking care of you? You might be even worse than your father."

"I'm sorry, Maam. But there's someone here who I have to kill no matter what. I promise that we will also let you and Claire join us after this."

"Join you!? You've got to be kidding me!"

When Jean responded to Aunt's words, Claire suddenly interjected. She was pissed. However, before Jean could continue, Luis stopped him.

"There there, I'm sure there's a right order to this. Jean and I only want one thing. And that is? That man, Leon, was it? If you let us kill him, then all of this would be resolved."

"Over my dead body-"

It was Aunt's turn to get mad, however, she was interrupted when Luis turned his gun to the ceiling and fired a shot.

Since no one was hit, the stalemate continued but that action of his confirmed my bad premonition. I spoke while trying to keep myself cool.

"I see, that was a signal, huh?"

"Oh? You're unexpectedly sharp, I can see Jean's worry now. But you are correct. Right now, our comrades have surrounded this mansion, way more than your guards."


"What's wrong? Scared now?"

"Scared? Nah, barely."

Well, I was scared but it wasn't because of their numbers. It's because I can't think of a plan with our current position. They got us good, huh? Still, I should observe the situation first, and quite possibly buy time.

All I have to do is free Aunt and Claire. With their combat prowess, it should give us a chance out of this.

"I know what you're thinking, it's a way to get out of this situation, right? But unfortunately, you are alone in that."


When Luis spoke as if he had read my thoughts, one of the other mercenaries who seemed to be one of the people who came late entered the mansion.


Claire shouted in worry. That mercenary is holding Maria with her hands tied behind her.

"Heh, boss, this one's quite a catch as well. Our preparations were definitely worth it!"

That mercenary spoke while his hand reached up to Maria's breast and gently fondled it. Maria's face was one of absolute disgust at that action.

"Alright, save that for later, we have to start the show first! Now, you're name is Claire, right? Put your gun away and raise your hands or that maid is dead."

"My lady, please don't worry about me and-"

"It's alright, Maria."

Claire obediently followed Luis' words and placed her gun on the table before standing up with her hands raised up. Maybe their relationship was more than just master and servant.

But while I was thinking of that, Luis' next words almost made me furious.

"Now, strip."

"Wha- Luis! This isn't what we- Ugh!? U- ugghh!?"

When Luis spoke of a ridiculous order, Jean interjected but the moment he did so, Luis' other hand was equipped with a knife and before we knew it, he used it to stab Jean.

Jean quickly puked blood and fell to the floor. Now, he's looking at Luis in contempt for his betrayal. But he couldn't do anything more before Luis kicked his head.

"Ahh... It really is a shame, Jean. But unfortunately, you'll only hinder our plans if we keep you. It's a shame you wouldn't be profiting from this, though."

Luis said that before turning to Claire again.

"Now, strip, unless you want that maid to die."

Luis said that before kicking the table away, along with the gun that Claire dropped.

Shit, I want to shoot him right now. His words made me furious but Claire looked at me and made an expression as if to calm me down.

"Wait! I'll do it, so leave her out of this."


Aunt Amelie shouted before Claire could do anything. Luis' smirk only deepened at that.

"Ehehe, that was rather heroic but you gave me a great idea. How about the two of you just do it together?"

"Wha!? You bastard! Leave her out of this!"

"Do you think you are in a position to negotiate?"


"It's alright, Mom."

Claire consoled her mother before shooting a sharp glare at Luis. The man only gestured for them to do it.

"Ah, right, have your guards drop their guns first and kneel to the floor."

Luis said that before clicking his finger and some other mercenaries came inside as if to ascertain number superiority. Of course, Aunt could only comply.

Damn it! I have to do something... But what can I even do!? I thought of that as Luis turned to me.

"You too, boy, drop your gun and kneel."


"I'm sure you're also smart enough to know that you can't do anything here."

I looked at Claire and she simply nodded at me. Tch...

"Now, the only thing left is to enjoy the show!"

As he said that, one of the mercenaries approached behind me and placed a knife near my throat. He then dragged me away beside the man who was holding Maria. Unbeknownst to what I can do because of it.

"Now, we have two hostages! One is a maid and one is Claire's lover! Now, if you really don't want them to die, then follow my order!"

After that, the mother and daughter began to strip. I knew it, I'm only a burden after all... Claire's intention of fighting back died the moment I was also taken hostage. Even Aunt didn't speak anymore.

But as they were stripping, Claire glanced at me and smiled solemnly. Luis who noticed that snickered as he thought that Claire would get humiliated but it was different for me.

It was a smile of expectation. The me who was dejected earlier was gone. All I had now was drive. The drive to kill that man and everyone else with him.

"Hohoho! Would you look at that~?? How sexy~!"

Luis said that as the two finished stripping up to their underwear. He holstered his pistol and began to approach the two. His intentions are obvious to everyone.

Once he reached them, he would surely touch them. But that is one thing I cannot allow. Come one, Leon, think!

"Easy there."

I moved my body a little and the guy behind me noticed it before aiming his knife even closer. But I couldn't care less.

Because when I moved my foot earlier, it touched Maria's leg, Despite her wearing a long skirt befitting of a maid, the skirt was soft enough that I was able to gouge what was in her thigh.

It was a holster with a gun, strapped in her thigh. Or more specifically, my ticket out of this mess.