The Castle

The ride to the castle was a short one and in no time, Dahlia was staring at the large building before her.

The kingdom of Zrika was known to be the biggest of the four packs but seeing it in person was truly a sight to behold.

Before Draco sold her as a slave Dahlia always dreamt of visiting Zrika but the bad blood between the two kingdoms prohibited her from doing so. There were only two ways in which a person from Kayer could visit Zrika, either enter illegally or enter as a slave. Sadly, the latter was her only option.

"We're at the King's castle, tone down your excitement a level," Gertha told Dahlia after noticing she was gawking at the magnificent castle.

"Sorry." Dahlia shyly apologized. She didn't realize she was lost in staring at the castle until Gertha pointed it out.

Gertha led Dahlia to what she presumed was the servant quarters. All the servants she walked by had the same uniform on, it was slightly different to the one she was wearing and more detailed.

"Is Analice in?" Gertha asked a servant who was busy sweeping the halls.

"Yes, lady Gertha, she's in her room." The servant replied.

Gertha simply nodded and dragged Dahlia to the direction the servant pointed them in while Dhalia was left wondering who Analice was but her questions would soon be answered.

They entered a room that looked more like an indoor garden than a bedroom but the bed by the corner begged to differ.

"She loves nature... a lot," Gertha said once she noticed the confusion on Dahlia's face. "Keep your back straight, you don't want to annoy Analice." She warned.

Gertha didn't have to give Dahlia a warning because her back instinctively straightened the moment she laid eyes on Analice. She just had one of those faces that would make anyone self-conscious and feel inferior.

Her presence in the room was intimidating.

"Gertha darling, it's been a while." Analice smiled as she enveloped Gertha in a hug.

To the outside world, the two women looked like best friends reuniting but the look of disgust on Gertha's face said otherwise.

"The hug is too tight, Analice." Gertyha awkwardly said as she tried to break free from Analice's unwanted embrace.

"My apologies, darling," Analice pulled away but she took notice of Dahlia at that very second, "Who's this? Is she the new servant we bought?" She asked as if the person she was talking about wasn't right beside her.

"Yes, she is. We got her yesterday." Gertha shortly replied.

"Just her? We paid for three girls."

"The rest were not suitable to be seen at the castle so she's the only one for now. Once the new batch arrives, we'll bring the remaining two girls to you."

The way they spoke of servants as if they were vegetables to be bought and delivered infuriated Dahlia. Even while she was in their presence, they didn't hide the fact that to them she was less than a human, a thing they could buy and own.


Analice turned to look at Dahlia like a predator would a prey, her gaze alone could make a person who wasn't strong-minded wet themselves. "This face of yours will be wasted if you work as a slave." She explored Dahlia's face with her hands, "I don't normally do this but I could put in a good word for you so you can become a mistress, of course, if that happens, half your pay will be mine."

Analice spoke as if she was doing Dahlia a huge favor when in fact, she was just a greedy goat hungry for more money.

It was clear that she was hinting at Dahlia becoming a sex worker. Realistically speaking, she could earn more money that way and get her life together but there was no way Dahlia would let life's hardship prompt her to make such a decison.


"I appreciate the kind offer, Lady Analice, but I'll have to decline." Dahlai nearly gagged as the words 'kind offer' escaped her mouth. There was nothing kind about that offer especially since Analice wanted to use her body as a way to earn quick cash but there was no way Dahlia could say that out loud.

It would be the death of her.

"Of course, not everyone is fit for such a life," Analice backed away from Dahlia and let go of her face, "Well, looks like your final choice is slavery."

The way she said it made it seem like Dahlia had a choice when she had none to begin with. The sheer hypocrisy was alarming.

"What post are you going to give her?" Gertha asked, breaking up the silent tension in doing so.

"Cleaning, washing, bed-making, or tending to the horses, which is your specialty?" Analice asked Dahlia.

There was not a single bone in Dahlia that knew how to clean or do basic household chores since everything was always done for her and although she could learn how to do it, she'd probably get punished before learning becomes an option so the next best choice was the horses.

Back at Kayer, she was a skilled horse rider and took care of her horses on her own so tending to the horses at Zrika wouldn't be a problem for her but rather a blessing.

The one silverlining in her messed up life.

"Tending to the horses." She confidently replied.

"Are you sure? It's one of the hardest tasks." Gertha worriedly asked thinking Dahlia was unskilled and would make a mistake.

"I'm sure, Lady Gretha, I can handle the horses." Dahlia felt touched by the concern Gertha showed her no matter how little it was. It made her believe she wasn't completely alone and not everyone was against her.

"It's settled then, you'll be working in the stables from now on." Analice chimed in.

They finished the remaining negotiations and left the room once all was done.

"Take care of yourself and don't cause any trouble." Gertha told Dahlia as she was preparing to leave.

"I will, Lady Gertha. Take care of yourself too."

The two said their goodbyes and just like that Dahlia was left alone again. Loosing the one person who showed an ounce of care for her since the whole ordeal and now she was stuck with the greedy Analice.

Analice spent the rest of the day showing Dahlia around and she didn't fail to mention how it was an honor to have her personally show her around.

Yet again, Dahlia had no other choice than to suck up to her and kiss her feet just so her life wouldn't get ruined.

Things were off to a rocky start.