It'll be okay

*tap* *tap* *tap*

The only sound that kept Dahlia somewhat sane the last four days was the sound of water leaking from the roof of the dungeon and dropping onto the metallic floor. She didn't even want to imagine where that water could possibly be leaking from.

The first few hours she spent in the cell were horrible, the force of slaps the duke gave her was stinging like salt on an open wound. Making matters worse he had several rings on which resulted in her face getting scratched in the process. Now she had blood, sweat, and tears all stuck and dried up on her face.

She cried a bit after getting thrown in there, but her tears weren't one of sadness, it was anger. She was angry at her brother for starting this chain of misery, angry at Jacinda for plotting this ruse, and angry at Lydia for playing her. But most of all she was angry at herself for letting them all treat her how they wanted.