Who is she?

The day of the ball finally arrived and Dahlia was more nervous than excited. She had been pacing around the room for the past ten minutes while nervously biting her lip.

"Everything's going to be okay, Dahlia." Analice tried reassuring her for the umpteenth time that evening.

"In a few hours, the whole kingdom will know I'm their king's mate and most of them already hate me." 

"That's because they don't know you. Show them all the real you and watch as they all fall in love with you." Analice gently squeezed Dahlia's shoulders, "You're more than just a stereotype of your kingdom."

Hearing those words finally calmed Dahlia to some extent and she was able to come back to her senses. "You're right." She sighed.

"When am I never," Analice teased, "Now, go put on the dress before you're late to your own party."