Mysterous woman

"No! Don't take me away from her!" A woman yelled as guards were dragging her away from the crying four-year-old girl before her.

"Mother… I want my mother!"

The pouring rain drowned out the sounds of cries and screams as the two were being forcefully separated from each other.

"She's my daughter! She's mine!... Let go of me, you bastards." The woman kept protesting as she was being dragged away.

"Mother, please don't leave me… Mother…"

"Dahlia! Dahlia, wake up." Azriel tried waking Dahlia as she stirred and cried in her sleep.

"Mother!" Dahlia let out a sharp cry the moment she woke up.

"It's okay… it's just a dream." Azriel tried soothing her. It was the third night in a row that she woke up screaming from her dream and yet she hadn't told him what it was about. He was beginning to get worried.