Chapter 2: Caged Bird

Over the next few years of growing up, I learned to adjust to the world I was now in. I learned the language, and worked hard to imitate how my father and brother acted and pronounced things so that way I could blend in. A few times, I accidentally spoke English out loud, and got strange looks for it but was able to pass it off as baby babbling, and worked harder to always use the native language. My own internal thoughts even changed to Japanese in order to force it to be my new native language. 

I spent all of my time with Neji, and he with me. He was an incredibly sweet boy, and very smart for his age. We started training at the age of three. Our father trained us personally when he wasn't on missions. Hizashi, our father, was a great man. I bonded with him just as much as Neji did, and love him deeply. 

"Again!" Dad called out to me as we trained. Neji had just finished his sparring with father right before me, and he was resting and watching us with a smile on his face.

I put my body into the starting position he is teaching me, then charge at him with all my strength, perfectly landing the blow as he showed us. We have recently turned four, and we are both very good at training. Neji because he is a natural genius and learns very quickly, and me because my mind is older and can grasp concepts easily.

"Good job, Ami." Dad praises me gently. "That is all for today." He tells us both and we grin at each other.

"Race you home!" Neji calls out and takes off running, me right behind him, catching up as fast as my short legs can. We giggle as we shove each other clumsily through the front door after a couple of minutes of running. 

"I win!" We both call out proudly as our father walks up behind us. We narrow our eyes at each other for a moment before we both laugh. Even with my mind being an adults and from another world, Neji and I still developed a twin bond. I think it is largely because I looked to him on how to act in this world, but also because he is very sweet and loving and I just genuinely enjoy being around him.

"I believe that was another tie, children." Our father smiles softly at us before going to the kitchen to prepare dinner. "Go and wash up now, there is time to bathe before dinner."

Neji and I go and prepare a bath. It had never been weird to me that we do this together, we are both so little. Our dad has bathed us together since day one, so it became very natural. We get cleaned up and changed, and by the time we get back downstairs, dinner is laid out for us.

"Eat up and get some rest tonight. You will have a... big day tomorrow." Dad says to us, I notice a hesitation in his voice.

"What's tomorrow?" I ask him as Neji nods, food in his mouth.

"Tomorrow is a day of great importance for the clan. Tomorrow is Lady Hinata's third birthday. The entire clan will be there to celebrate." He tells us with a solemn tone he is trying to mask.

This. I remember this from the story. If this realm is going to follow the show's plot, then tomorrow Neji, and now myself too, should be getting our curse seals. So far, the only piece of story line I have been able to notice was when we were one and the nine tails attacked the village. Our father had taken us and run to safety, leaving us with the other clan women who were guarding the children during the attack while he went to defend the village.

"Do we have to go?" I ask in a small voice, already knowing the answer. Neji looks at me curiously. We haven't met the head family yet, but I have seen Hiashi, our dad's twin brother, a few times in the distance.

"Yes, Ami. Everyone must attend the next heir's third birthday, it is a date of importance for the main family. We will go in the evening, so make sure you both are cleaned and dressed before then." He says firmly but gently.

"Isn't there a celebration in the village tomorrow?" Neji asks curiously. We had overheard someone in the clan talking the other day about an event happening, something with the Land of Lighting.

"There is, however all the Hyuga's will be here attending our heir's birthday." Dad says to us. We drop the topic and go back to eating. Neji and I head to our bedrooms early for the night. I lay up awake for a while though. I can't think of a way out of getting the curse mark tomorrow. As I spend more time plotting, I eventually resign myself to my fate. I am not supposed to know about the marks, or that it's happening tomorrow, but I do and in the privacy of my room, I let myself panic in anticipation. I do not get restful sleep that night at all.

The next day, Neji and I practice in the morning with each other like usual, then bathe and get dressed in new formal matching black yukata's our father laid out for us. Both of our hair is long and brushed back neatly for the day. Neji is excited for the party, and I try to match his excitement, but the fear of the mark stops the smile from reaching my eyes. Whenever he notices this, he grabs my hand gently, giving it a squeeze, which brings my full smile back.

"Lady Hinata is already three, congratulations, Hiashi. These are my twins, Neji and Ami. Neji, Ami, this is Lord Hiashi, the head of the family and his daughter Lady Hinata." Our father says with a tone I cannot place as we stand outside the main family house, greeting the clan head.

We both smile at Hinata, who is hiding slightly behind her father's legs, looking shy but kind.

"She seems nice." Neji whispers to us with a smile.

"She does." I agree with him. Our father just gives us both a sad look.

"I will now be taking both Neji and Ami into my custody. Enjoy the festivities for the evening." Hiashi says abruptly, and another family member steps forward and takes first Neji's hand and then my own. I hesitate before taking it, looking to our father for guidance. He gives a sad, grim nod to me before I take the outstretched hand. Neji and I are led to follow behind Hiashi, who takes us deep into the main family house. We enter into a large room, which looks like a sparring room, that has a table with a scroll laid out on it. We were also not the only ones brought into the room. There were several other branch family members in the room, all of whom were older than us, but still on the younger side. I had seen several of them around the compound over the years, but never really interacted with any of them.

"Today is an important day for the Hyuga clan," Hiashi started, going to sit on the other side of the table while Neji and I are brought up to the front. Evidently, we will be going first. "When the main family's heir turns three, this is the day that you branch family members will be receiving your curse mark. Our family has created the Caged Bird Curse Mark as a protection to the clans secrets, and have practiced it for generations. This cursed seal is used by the Hyuga Clan in order to protect our kekkei genkai, the Byakugan. The branch house members will receive the cursed seal so that when you die, your Byakugan will be sealed away, preventing its secrets from being learned by our enemies. Today, you will receive your marks, and we will start with the youngest. Which of you twins is the youngest?" He asks, staring hard at us both.

I hesitate for a moment, then step forward. "I am." I say quietly, knowing what is about to happen.

"Step forward, Ami." I do as is asked of me, feeling everyone looking at me, and seeing Neji reach out for me. I turn to look at him, and give him a soft smile, conveying to him that I will be fine. He doesn't know that's a lie, so he steps back hesitantly. "Place your forehead down onto the scroll. I will then place the mark onto your forehead, then it will be done." Hiashi says to me monotonously.

I take a big breath in, then place my forehead down on the scroll, releasing the air. A short moment passes, then I feel it. Blinding pain takes over my mind, and I start to scream out. I back away from the scroll, and feel myself being caught in my brothers arms as I continue to scream, my eyes shut tight as I hear him call out my name. The pain lasts for several moments, until finally, I can't take it anymore and I pass out, seeing my brothers concerned face just before I close my eyes again and fall into darkness.

I awake during the night, finding myself back in my bed with my forehead wrapped in a bandage. I touch it lightly, and notice I still feel a bit of tenderness on my forehead. Not feeling like being alone right now, I get out of my bed and go across the hall into Neji's room, and crawl into his bed with him. He rolls subconsciously to face me, his hand reaching out and I take it. I stare at him for a moment, his face slightly scrunched in pain and his head also wrapped, before I close my eyes again and fall asleep, clutching his hand tightly.