Chapter 12: Preliminaries [Rewrite]

Many of the teams finished on the last day. By the end, Sasuke and his team were the last to make it before the time limit, making it 24 people, or 8 teams in total who made it. Most everyone had some type of injuries. Out of the first three teams finished, only Lee was really injured because of his lone wolf mission. The rest of us were in good condition, only minor scratches from branches or mild hits taken. The last teams to finish looked like hell. I slipped Sasuke my final recovery pill. It was only a small one, but I knew he would need it in a moment. He eyed me skeptically, but when he saw the look in my eyes, he didn't question it and just ate it. I watched him perk up a little bit, but the curse mark was still draining him.

The Hokage gathered us and gave us a speech about friendship and the purpose of the exams. Then a new proctor appeared, Hayate Gekko, and stated that we would be doing preliminary battles. Hayate kept sounding like he was going to die from his cough, and I was very concerned for him. Something in my memory was clicking in, I think he dies soon. I don't remember how specifically, so I'm not sure how to prevent it. I want to say it happens the night that Gaara kills Dosu, but I don't think Gaara did it. 

I thought Kabuto would withdraw when Hayate offered, like he did in the show, but he didn't. This caught my attention as suspicious, but I worked hard not to show it. We all made our way to upper viewing platforms after Sasuke is called first to fight against one of Kabuto's teammates, Yoroi.

I stood with my team and watched solemnly as Sasuke had to fight without using any chakra, against an opponent who absorbs chakra. I glance at Lee, this would have been easy for him, but not Sasuke. He eventually gets a rhythm going, and even channeled Lee's techniques into his fight. I watched though as his curse activated in the middle of his attack.

"Sasuke!" I called out firmly in a warning voice. It might have helped, because his mark receded again and he finished his Lion's Barrage attack. I watched Lee get incredibly jealous over Sasuke copying his move from my side. Sasuke won his fight, but just barely. I could feel someone's eyes on me, and glanced to my side and then the other, and noticed it was Kakashi watching me skeptically. If that becomes an issue, I'll deal with it later. For now, he went to go seal Sasuke's curse. 

"Why are you always talking to Sasuke?" I hear a whiny voice say from my side. I turn slightly to look out of the corner of my eye at Sakura.

"Try again." I say patiently. I don't like fan girls, so my tolerance with them are limited. I hear Neji sigh out.

"Try what again?" She asks confused.

"Your introduction." I say simply, still not looking at her.

I hear her grinding her teeth, "I'm Sakura Haruna, Sasuke's teammate. Why are you always talking to him?"

"Hello Sakura. I am an old friend." I say simply, not elaborating further.

"Well you just stay away from him. He's mine." She says stubbornly.

I turn to her and give her a sweet smile and tilt my head slightly. "Down girl. No need to pee on him. Now go sit, stay, the next match is starting." I smirk as Shino and Zaku get called up to fight. Sakura yells out then stomps off to Naruto's side.

"What was that about making friends?" Neji teased me in a whisper.

I rolled my eyes, "I hate fangirls. When she grows up I'll be her friend." I tell him simply.

I move my attention down to the match. Shino uses his bugs to defeat Zaku in the creepiest way. I shiver at the thought of having bugs crawl inside my own skin, I barely tolerate when one lands on my skin. He made it so the bugs crawled out of Zaku's arm. Lee was confused how it happened, and as Neji looked at Zaku with his activated eye, I informed them.

"The Aburame clan have a contract with bugs. They live inside their bodies and feed on their chakra. They are bug tamers. It's creepy as all get out, but it's powerful." I say with a shiver. The third match was announced, Kankuro versus another one of Kabuto's teammates. It was a fast match, Kankuro winning using his puppet technique.

After that is was Sakura versus Ino. It was a dramatic match, they were fairly evenly matched, and they pulled in a lot of their personal vendetta into the fight. Neji scoffed at how weak they both were, and I had to remind them that they were the standard strength for Kunoichi.

"Thank god you aren't that weak." Neji huffed out. I just nodded in agreement, growing bored of the match. I looked around at everyone there, then spotted Asuma watching the match. He felt my gaze on him, and when he caught my eye, I waved at him. Ino is his student, I don't want to interrupt his focus while his student is battling. After their battle was done, and their Sensei's had fetched both their passed out bodies after they tied, I then formally greeted Asuma.

"Hello Asuma Sensei. Are you doing well?" I ask him politely after he was done setting up Ino.

"Hello Ami. I'm well, thanks. I would ask if you're prepared for your match, but knowing you, you're ready for it. Good luck anyway, for what it's worth. I know you won't need it." He says warmly.

The next match was Tenten versus Temari. Interesting, the match up stayed the same for her. I wonder if her skills are any different not being a part of Team Guy. I give her a kind smile and nod as she heads down to her match. We may never have interacted much, but she and I are always polite to one another. I admired her hard work back at the academy, and she's a nice person. As I watched her match, it seemed to flow much the same as it originally did. She used a bunch of generic weapons from hiding places and scrolls. They had good aim, but only had standard power in them, and was no match for Temari's fan. I heard Shikamaru call it in the beginning of the fight, he saw it too, that Tenten just wasn't strong enough to win. I am interested as I watch the match at how Temari's fan would work against my own fans. I would assume her giant fan would cause stronger winds, but mine likely has sharper winds. It would have been interesting to go against her. Maybe in the finals I can.

The next match after that was Shikamaru versus Kin, the sound ninja girl. I wished him luck before his fight.

"Shikamaru, don't get too lazy and quit mid-fight." I taunt as way of encouraging him. He just sighed and complained about how troublesome this is.

Shikamaru used his shadow possessions and his big brain to win the fight. Kin managed to disorient him pretty well with her bells, but he overcame it. He still got stabbed a bunch of times though, so I felt pretty bad for him. He got her to knock herself out against the wall, and then he smoothly taunted his opponent. I felt proud at his arrogance. Like he was channeling me.

I was starting to think my match should be coming soon, but no. Both of Tenten's teammate were called up to fight each other. Shit. This may likely mean that I will go up against Kabuto. My eyes flick over to him briefly, that will be a hard match. He's a Jonin level spy for Orochimaru. I know I'm strong, but I'm not that strong. I turn my attention to the two fighting. Two boys, one from the Aburame clan, Shirotsu and the other boy is from another village clan, Isochi Kurama. His clan specialize in a type of genjutsu, from what little knowledge I have of their clan. Actually, maybe it's best I didn't fight them. I hate bugs, and I'm weaker against genjutsu, at least any strong types.

Their fight was pretty intense to watch. Shirotsu fought much like Shino did, only he used his bugs around his own skin to prevent contact from his opponent. It worked effectively, because Isochi couldn't land him in genjutsu at all. I glance over at their Sensei, I've never seen her before, but she is watching them both with a worried expression. I turn back to the match, and it ended quickly after the genjutsu user couldn't get any hits in. The bugs around Shirotsu stayed clung to his skin, and he started to advance on Isochi. Isochi tried to get in his blind spot and attack him, but ultimately failed. Shirotsu knocked out Isochi, and became the winner of the match. 

"That's a formidable technique, gross, but formidable." I ponder out loud to myself. I'm interrupted from my contemplating when Naruto and Kiba are called for the next match.

"Good luck Kiba. Don't underestimate your opponent." I warn gently to my friend as he heads down to his match.

"Ha, like I need luck to beat that loser." He scoffs. Oh well, I tried to warn him. His smelly funeral.

He and Naruto fought, and I was proud of how Kiba did, right until he got too cocky. I knew it would happen, but I still can't believe Kiba lost to a fart. I just shake my head as he passes out for a moment. Neji shoots me a look that says, 'I can't believe you're friends with that loser'. I sigh, Kiba's so smart when in his element, but overconfidence is definitely his downfall.

I get snapped out of my disappointment when the next two names are called. Neji versus Hinata. I grab Neji's hand before he goes down, and look him firmly in the eye.

"End it quickly. Remember, she is not your enemy. It is not her fault, don't take it out on her." I say firmly and quietly to him. He nods in response. He hates the whole main family, and blames our curse mark on Hinata being born. It's irrational, it's not Hinata's fault we were cursed, she was a toddler. But, I know what's about to happen, and I know it's necessary for their growth, so I let his hand go, and wait for the family's dirty secrets to be revealed. Lee is standing with Naruto, they have formed a bond during these preliminary fights so far, but I stand a little bit away from everyone for this fight. I don't need the angry resentful looks I might be getting soon from Neji's actions. Or worse, the sympathetic ones.

"I never thought I would be fighting you, Lady Hinata." Neji says to her before the fight starts, neither of them taking a fighting stance.

"Neji nii-san." She says to him. My eyes narrow slightly, I know we're cousins but we are definitely not close enough for her to call us 'brother' or 'sister' like she does. I hear Naruto freaking out, asking if they are siblings.

"They are members of the Leaf's oldest and greatest blood line, the Hyuga clan." Kakashi explains to him patiently, "But they aren't siblings. His only sibling is his twin." Kakashi glances towards me, but I'm focused on the two below me.

"Then what are they?" Sakura asks him.

"Hmm, well..." Kakashi hesitates a moment, "They are members of the Hyuga clan's 'main house' and 'branch house'."

"Main house and branch house?" Naruto asks in confusion.

Lee steps in after glancing at me, seeing that I won't fill in the answers for them. "Yes! Hinata is a member of the main house of the Hyuga's. While Neji and Ami carry the Hyuga blood, they are in a lower house, the branch house." Lee explains to them.

"So they are cousins then?" Sakura asks, "That makes fighting difficult."

"Yes, but..." Lee grows more serious. "Many things have happened between the houses over the years. And right now, they do not get along very well." He says, and I clench my jaw tight. We told Lee and Guy vaguely what happened to our father, but never went into details. I still resent the main family for how we were told, and that they still have not told us the truth.

"Why?" Naruto asks him.

"I don't know everything, but..." Lee poses a little to make it serious, "This is normal with their houses but, in order to protect the blood and house of the original Hyuga family, many rules have been established to put the main family in an advantageous position. Because of this, the branch family feels slighted."

"So they hate each other than..." Sakura mutters out.

"Let the match, begin!" Hayate calls out. Neji adjusts his form slightly, but doesn't even bother to take a full fighting stance yet.

"Before we begin to fight, I'd like to say something, Lady Hinata." Neji says to her. "You don't make a good shinobi. Forfeit now!" He warns her. "You are too kind, you wish for harmony and avoid conflict. You agree with others, never resisting." He taunts her. "And you have no confidence in yourself. I always feel your sense of inferiority. That's why, I thought it would be best for you to remain a genin. But, the Chuunin exam can only be taken as a team of three. You couldn't even turn down your teammates request, and unwillingly entered. Am I wrong?" He challenges to her.

He is not wrong. We were there, though not spotted, when her teammates Kiba and Shino had asked her forcefully to join. It was practically a guilt trip, one she fell into instantly. She didn't even try to back out, though we could see how much she didn't want to participate.

"No.. I .." She stutters out weakly. "I just wanted... wanted to change myself. Do it myself..."

"Lady Hinata." Neji sighs, "As I thought, you are a spoiled brat of the main house. People cannot change themselves!" He exclaims. I sigh, he still has that damn destiny idea in his head. Then again, even I agree with it often after living in this family for almost 14 years and seeing how they are structured to oppress the branch family. "Losers are losers." He continues, "Their personality and strength will not change. Because people cannot change, differences are born. Expressions like 'elite' and 'loser' are created. My twin and I are from the branch family, and you are from the main family, this cannot be changed. I have seen through you with my Byakugan, I can see how much you don't want to be here."

"No... I really.." Hinata tries to stutter out a defense. Sakura asks Kakashi what a Byakugan is, and he explains the origin of it and how it's even more powerful than the Sharingan.

Neji activates his eyes, and then taunts Hinata by dissecting her every movement and analyzing it back to her. By the end of his taunting, she is sweating and shaking while he tells her she can't change. He is mentally ending the fight in her before the actual fight begins. It's a simple mind game, and she fell so easily into it.

"You can!!" Naruto yells out suddenly towards Hinata. "Stop deciding things about people!! Idiot!" He yells at my brother. "Kick that bastards ass!! Hinata!" He yells to her. She takes in his words, looking down and collecting her thoughts for a moment. I know she needed the encouragement, but it would only matter coming from him, her crush and idol.

Hinata takes a fighting stance, though it is still a poor version compared to ours. "I will no longer run away!" She shouts quietly. "Neji nii-san, we fight." She declares.

"I thought so." Lee says quietly as they begin to fight. "She uses the same Hyuga fighting style. Her stance is almost exactly like Neji's and Ami's, though..." He says, even he can spot that hers is inferior. The others question him to continue, "The Leaf's strongest taijutsu style. I said it before, the two strongest Leaf genin are on my team. One of those, is Neji Hyuga."

As they continue to fight each other, Neji controls the flow of the battle. He is blocking her chakra without her even realizing it. Guy Sensei and Lee explain to the others as I watch the fight with a slight glare. He's toying with her now. Her determination must have annoyed him to want to drag this out. When I see Neji strike Hinata's heart, I frown deeper.

"So this is the extent of the main houses strength." He sneers at her. She tries to keep fighting, and he blocks even easier. He raises her sleeves to show her the damage he has been dealing from the beginning. He knocks her down again, "Lady Hinata. This is the difference in talent that can never change. The difference between elite and loser. This is the reality that cannot change. Forfeit." He recommends to her as she crawls on her hands and knees.

"I... Don't go back." She struggles to stand up, "On my word. That is my ninja way." She gives him a determined look. I grip the railing, knowing that look will just piss my twin off more. Neji takes his fighting stance again, and she coughs up a bunch more blood. Her heart is severally damaged from the strike he did. I can feel people looking at me as Hinata continues to try and fight and Neji becomes ruthless. He strikes her multiple more times, and gets her heart a second time and she collapses. He's letting his rage blind him. I turn to catch Guy's eyes, letting him see my expression. He gives me a tiny nod, he will step in soon.

Right as the proctor is going to call the match, Naruto starts yelling for Hinata to get up again. At this point, that's just as cruel as what my brother is doing. She needs a doctor, and fast.

"Acting tough is useless." Neji says to her as she stands up again. "You can barely stand. From the moment of your birth the responsibilities of the Hyuga main house have been forced on you. You have always hated yourself for your own weakness, but people cannot change. That is destiny. There is no need to suffer anymore, let it go."

"That's not true, nii-san. Because... I can see it... It's not me at all. The people who are lost and suffering within the destiny of the main and branch houses... is you and Ami nee-san." Hinata says to him weakly.

"Shit." I say as I watch my brothers sanity snap. The Jonin jump in instantly and stop him from the killing strike he almost delivers to her. I jump down after, not caring is that's against the rules at this point.

"Neji, give it a rest." Guy tells him sternly, "You gave me your word you wouldn't lose your head over this main family stuff."

"Why did all the other Jonin jump in..." Neji struggles to say, "Oh, more special treatment for the main family." He scoffs.

"Neji." I walk to stand in front of him, Hayate moving out of my way. "It's done. This is not how you change anything. Drop the fight and come back upstairs." I say firmly, holding out my hand for him to take.

He takes my hand slowly, and the Jonin release him. We don't make it more than three steps before Hinata collapses in pain. Her Sensei runs to her and so does Naruto, who just jumped down too.

"Hey, the loser over there." Neji turns and releases my hand, but I stay by his side. "If you're a shinobi, then cut out the pathetic cheering of others. And one more thing," He turns away, but glances back at him, "Once a loser, always a loser. That cannot change."

"You wanna test me?" Naruto says darkly. He charges at us, but Lee intercepts him swiftly.

"Naruto, I understand your feelings so much it hurts, but the fighting should occur in the matches. Whether a loser can defeat the elite through the power of hard work, that's something to look forward to in the main test. Though I shall be one of their opponents." Lee declares to us. "But even if it is you, Naruto, there will be no hard feelings." He adds on to Naruto. Lee strikes a 'nice guy' pose and Guy reciprocates it. Neji and I just sigh, everything back to normal. I grab his hand again, this time to give it a squeeze, asking him if he's alright now. He squeezes back gently, telling me he's calmed down.

Hinata starts to go into cardiac arrest, and gets hauled away by the medics. Naruto dips his hand into her blood and holds his fist out to Neji and vows 'he is going down.' Neji just scoffs and I lead him back upstairs to end the bickering. For whatever reason, Kankuro also crosses to our side of the audience level. He sidles up to Naruto, picking an easy target to get information out of. I don't get to hear much of it because the next names are called to come down.

Ami Hyuga and Kabuto Yakushi.