Chapter 14: Neji's Fate [Rewrite]

A month passed relatively quickly. Neji and I both practiced our moves relentlessly, advancing the range of our sight and the efficiency of our technique. My game plan is to use my wind style to defeat the bugs, so I've been practicing with the fans in the forest, rapidly killing any bugs I see and focusing on precision with my wind. I ran into Kiba one day while practicing, and picked his brain a bit over Aburame clan members and how they fight. He agreed with me, they are creepy but formidable foes, and he helped point out some weaknesses. Since the bugs feed off the owners chakra, the host ninja only have a limited amount of stamina. As much as I don't want to draw out a fight with Shirotsu, it's not a bad plan to have a longer fight because I will win in stamina over a bug user.

Guy helped set up some good training for us, and stopped in when he could, but we could see his focus was on Lee. Neji and I went to see him often in the hospital. Lee's really depressed, but I urged him to keep a strong outlook, and to not give up just yet. He got some crutches by the end of the month, and has been able to move around slightly on his own, which has made him feel better. He got busted multiple times for training though, so he has to be watched like a hawk. 

I checked in with Asuma a couple of times too for some pointers on techniques. He was fascinated about my fans since he saw me use them briefly in the preliminaries, and I gave him a private demonstration on what I can do with them so far. He had a few good idea's to add in, and also an extra one he thought of for my bow. I mentioned since the stadium will be larger, I might be able to use the bow during the match, and he worked with me to create a scatter shot type of attack in case my opponents make clones. He couldn't train me much since he was punishing his own team for not making it, or in Shikamaru's case for not trying harder even though he did make it.

I ran into Sasuke once the day after he was admitted to the hospital. He was just about to escape from his room when I had entered, and I made fun of him for it. I'm still not sure if Kabuto tried to kill him again, but I like to think he didn't, at least not that day. I gave Sasuke a quick rundown of all his potential opponents, minus my twin of course. He gave the same arrogant line that Neji had, saying he was 'sorry' for how he was about to destroy my brother. I just laughed lightly at him, whatever helps motivate him to train. I was surprised by how much he was talking when I visited, I figured he would be his usually broody self, but he genuinely wanted to know about the other contestants, even mine. He said he was sorry for missing my fight against Kabuto, that he would have liked to see me go all out on someone. He promised to see my fights during the finals, but I knew he would miss them.

Neji and I had a little bit of free time here and there, since our team wasn't going on any missions anymore with Lee injured and with us training. We reached out to Guy, wanted to broaden our horizons a bit, and he introduced us, in 'Guy fashion', to Kurenai. She spent a couple of days going over genjutsu basics with us since neither of us use it particularly often. Our Byakugan can counter and see through basic level genjutsu, and even some moderately advanced, but it wouldn't work against a strong Sharingan or an auditory based genjutsu. We practiced how to identify and release ourselves from different types with her, though visual was her strength. It was good for us to learn, and since her team is also not going on missions because of Hinata's injuries, she had the free time. Shino is training with his father, so she really just had Kiba to train. He also gave some good pointer about using scent to get out of a genjutsu, which while natural for him, is something Neji and I would have to train to enhance. 

I started to take night time strolls or night training sessions once it got closer to the exam. I knew that Hayate would die soon, the same night as Dosu, I just didn't know where or when, but had a feeling it had to do with the full moon. I still hadn't remembered who killed him in the story. I've seen Gaara around the village, he sticks out pretty easily, and he seems to have a nice hatred/obsession growing for me as well. I smile at him every time I see him though, because he's just so adorable. When it was two nights before the third test, I was out training near Gaara's hotel at night. It was dual purpose, I got some training in that improved my new special wind attack, and I also got to watch Dosu die. Nothing personal against him, I just needed the cue. 

When I saw the monster appear and kill Dosu, I combined both my fans together, and unleashed an unnecessarily large and loud attack into the forest that sounded like a huge explosion. Gaara's hotel wasn't far from the training grounds in the woods that I was at, so I knew if I made a big enough noise, the potential of someone being able to slip away was high while all the attention was on me. I had Neji and Guy with me that night, Guy because he loved being around for anything deemed 'unusual' training, and Neji because I dragged him along. I was supposed to be working on small, precision attacks, like created micro wind blades, so when I suddenly caused a huge explosion, it got a bunch of attention. I've been trying to create a new larger attack that would work on multiple enemies or just for pure mass destruction, and I seem to have created it.

"Well..." I say to them, looking around at the giant portion of destroyed woods. A few other Jonin and even an ANBU came to investigate the source of the noise. "I guess if I just need to kill all of the bugs in the arena I can just do that. No aiming required." I chuckle innocently while Neji looks shocked and then sighs loudly. I then have to sit down, I poured a ton of chakra into that attack and I'm wiped.

"Excellent plan! Go in loud! Bring the power of your youth out to a roaring moment!" Guy prattles off for a while longer, and once the other Jonin and ANBU see Guy, they just sigh and walk away. Sensei is so incredibly useful at times. I just hope Hayate managed to use that moment as a distraction, if he was nearby. I also hope that Orochimaru doesn't try to target me harder if he saw what I did, but then again, there's nothing I can do.

Something I have been working on privately is trying to find the ANBU Root headquarters. I've been trying to find it for years, and finally did during training several months ago, before the exams. I found it while doing long distance archery practice with Lee. I had seen it underground with my eyes, but at the time, couldn't find the entrance. I didn't want to be seen constantly looking for it, so I limited my trips out there in that part of the woods. During our month of training, I finally found the entrance. I made a plan, which doesn't really have any backup plans, that I could try and infiltrate it during the attack on Konoha that happens during the third test. As heartless as it sounds to abandon everyone during the attack, I want to at least try. I really wish I had known the Flying Thunder God technique or at least shadow clones, either would have given me more options. My purpose is to find evidence of Danzo causing the massacre on the Uchiha, and that Itachi was just the weapon. Sasuke needs this info before he leaves the village, which will happen soon from the look of things.

The morning of the final test, Neji and I ate a hearty breakfast and went to the stadium. Guy and Lee both met us there and gave us a pep talk, in their typical over enthusiastic way. When we couldn't handle anymore 'pep', Neji and I just walked past them, me sending a wave over my shoulder, and we took our place in the center of the stadium. The first real, impactful change in the story line was standing in front of me. Hayate was alive, and he was standing there at the front. He was injured though, I could see bandages wrapped around him peeking out from under his shirt. I guess my distraction actually worked then, and he was able to get away. I glance around the stadium, seeing if they would have put up extra security, but there's so many people here it's hard to spot who would be extra or not.

Neji and I were two of the first to arrive, the only other ones here were the Aburame's. Eventually the Sand siblings came next, then Shikamaru. Naruto barely made it in time. Sasuke was nowhere to be seen, but I knew he was off training with Kakashi, and would dramatically arrive late. Which sadly meant he wouldn't see my match, but I'll give him grief for that later. Naruto and Shikamaru are talking and being loud, but Neji and I are staying stoic. I look up in the crowd, and my eyes lock on Lord Hiashi's. Today will be a turning point in our clan, thanks to Naruto and Neji. When we got back from the preliminaries, the main family got mad at Neji and I for Neji's actions. I was lumped into the lecture because we are twins, so obviously we are the same person. They got lazy trying to put the blame on me, but they are good at that, shifting the blame or generalizing it. It irritated us both, and we used it as our fuel. We both perfected and polished our clan techniques, we intend to make a show today.

Hayate called all of our attention after the Hokage welcomed everyone and made a speech. He showed us the new tournament layout, and how the match ups changed now that Dosu 'dropped out'. My match didn't change at all, but now instead of the final match being three finalists, instead now it's the second match in my half of the bracket. If the Sand/Sound don't invade, then I would be fighting against Shino and Temari, assuming I beat Shirotsu.

As they called for the first match, I locked eyes with Neji before leaving. "Make a statement, Neji." I say vaguely and walked with Shikamaru up to the participants box. My friend gave me a supportive nudge as we took our places in the competitors balcony. I didn't take a seat though, actually none of us did, we all stood with laser focus to watch the match. My eyes travel to the Hokage box, where I see the fake Kazekage sitting next to the Hokage.

After some talking to each other at the start of the match, Naruto makes some shadow clones and uses them to fight Neji. A good theory, disorient our eyes that way, but Neji is still stronger. He knocks them down easily, then they start their speech moments. I listen attentively, my eyes shifting from them back to Hiashi.

"You want to be Hokage, huh?" Neji sneers at Naruto, "It's impossible. Your talent is decided at birth, just like your destiny."

"Why the hell do you always automatically decide things like that?!" Naruto yells at him.

"You think hard work will make you become the Hokage?" Neji scoffs, "Only a handful of shinobi are chosen as Hokage. Look closer at reality! Those that become Hokage are born into that destiny. You don't become it by trying, it is decided by destiny. People must live within their own unchangeable fate. There is only one destiny that every person shares, and that's death."

"So what!? I'm not good at giving up!" Naruto yells, then makes dozens of clones. Neji, however, runs straight to the back clone, thinking he figured it out. After he gets it wrong, Naruto yells out to him, "I'm coming at you with everything I've got and already prepared to die! I'm not a quitter!" I smirk slightly for a moment at his words, him repeating what I taunted to him when I was mad.

Instead of Naruto's clones hits landing, Neji uses the Rotation technique when he's surrounded, destroying all of Naruto's clones. I look again at Hiashi, just to see his shocked reaction. We taught this technique to ourselves, based on our father's scrolls. We, branch member genin, mastered a main family Jonin level technique.

"You thought you had won?" Neji smirks at Naruto who's on the ground. "It's over, you are within the field of my attack." Neji switches his stance to the eight tri-grams 64 palms technique. I can see Hiashi's already bewildered face looking more stunned. He even looks over to me, and I stare him down with confidence. Neji commences his attack on Naruto, swiftly knocking him down with all 64 strikes.

"I have hit 64 chakra points on your body, you can no longer stand." Neji says to him. He taunts him for a bit too. "Having your dreams come true through hard work... is an illusion." Oh Neji, so lost in your destiny mind-set. We worked hard since we were four years old to become the best, clearly hard work actually works. He's too narrow minded to see that though, even after being on a team with Lee for almost a year and a half.

Naruto manages to stand up again, shocking Neji. "I told you," Naruto pants out. "I'm not good at giving up."

"Quit already." Neji sighs out, "Continuing will change nothing. I have no grudge against you."

"Shut up!" Naruto scream out, "I do have a grudge against you!"

Neji pauses for a moment, "What do you mean?"

"Why, if you're this strong..." Naruto pauses, "Why, with those eyes that can see everything, did you mentally attack Hinata, who was trying hard? Why did your twin attack a man who gave up?"

"That's none of your business." Neji growls out.

"Insulting Hinata! Automatically deciding she's a loser! Main family, branch family, I don't know what the hell happened, but pieces of shit like you and your sister who call other's losers or attack a defenseless person... I will never forgive you!" Naruto yells out at him.

"Why am I included in this?" I sigh out quietly to no one.

"Naruto's dense, he lumped you two together as one person." Shikamaru tells me, "It's troublesome."

"Alright, fine." Neji replies coldly, "If you're gonna go that far, and to insult my sister too, then I'll tell you. I'll tell you the Hyuga's Destiny of Hatred."

Naruto eyes him cautiously as Neji's form relaxes. I sigh again as the other contestants all eye me curiously. Neji is about to give his speech.

"The Hyuga main family has a special jutsu that's been passed down. It's a curse seal jutsu." Neji starts his explanation. "It is known as the 'caged bird' curse mark. It is a symbol of being tied down to an inescapable destiny." Neji reaches up and takes off his headband, showing everyone his curse mark. Shikamaru glances at me with wide eyes, but I ignore it, glaring at both the fight and at Hiashi. "When Ami and I were four, we had this horrible seal carved into our foreheads through that curse seal jutsu. That day, a grand celebration was taking place in Konoha. A shinobi leader from the Cloud village, which had been warring with Konoha for many years, had arrived to sign an alliance treaty. But while everyone in the village attended the celebration, the Hyuga clan were missing. Because that day was an important day, it was the heir's third birthday, Lady Hinata's birthday." He spits out, then turns his attention slightly to Hiashi, "Our father, Hizashi Hyuga, and Lady Hinata's father over there, Hiashi Hyuga, are twin brothers. But, Lord Hiashi was born first into the world, a member of the main family. Our father however, was born second, and therefore became a branch family member." Neji turns back to Naruto, "When the Hyuga first born child turned three, my twin and I were turned into caged birds through the curse, all because we are branch members."

"Why... is that necessary?" Naruto asks him slowly, "Why do you need that weird mark to distinguish the main and branch families?"

"This mark on our forehead is not simply for decoration." Neji says darkly, and I touch my head with a glare, remembering the pain we received from it. "The curse seal is the absolute fear of death given to the branch families of the main house. With a simple secret hand seal, the branch members mind can easily be destroyed. Death is just as easy, of course. This curse will only disappear after death, sealing up the ability of the Byakugan along with it. The Hyuga house is a clan that holds great advanced blood. The amount of enemies that go after those secrets are immeasurable. So, with this jutsu, the branch family is allowed to live only to protect the main family. No disobedience is allowed by the main family. I have seen this first hand be used on my father and sister. It is an effective system, created to externally protect the advanced Byakugan blood of the Hyuga." I can feel Neji's rage rising as he goes into our dark memories, "And, that incident occurred..." He chuckles humorlessly, "Our father was killed by the main family."

"Huh?!" Naruto gasps out.

"One night, Lady Hinata was kidnapped. Lord Hiashi easily took care of it, killing the masked kidnapper. And who do you think it was, hiding under the mask? He was the leader of the Cloud village, the same one who just signed an alliance treaty. It became clear that he was there after the Hyuga secrets from the beginning. But the Cloud village, with one of their leaders killed in a failed plan, made demands of Konoha for 'breaking the alliance'. Of course, Konoha and the Cloud argued. It almost came to another war. But with Konoha wanting to avoid war, they made a deal with the Cloud. The Cloud wanted the Hyuga main family's Byakugan, they demanded the corpse of Lord Hiashi... And Konoha agreed." Neji says darkly. "The war was avoided, thanks to our dad, who was killed by the main family to replace Lord Hiashi's corpse. I could never imagine using my twin to take my place in death!" He yells out, then calms down and chuckles, "To escape this horrible curse, there's no other way then death. Our father and Hiashi were twins, their strength was virtually the same, just like Ami and me. One born first, another born second. I was born first, but I would never have allowed Ami to be cast to the branch family." He spits out and I smile softly at him. "Destiny was decided just like that. And like this fight, your destiny was decided the moment I became you opponent." Neji retakes up a fighting stance, putting back on his headband, done with his speech.

Naruto and he fight again, and Naruto gives a true 'Naruto' speech moment about changing your own destiny. Then after some back and forth, Naruto taps into his nine-tails chakra.

"I don't know about this Hyuga destiny of hatred or whatever, but if it's too much for you, then you don't have to do anything anymore." Naruto growls out at him, "When I become Hokage, I'll change the Hyuga clan!!" He declares as they both hit each other with a mighty hit. Both scatter away from each other, both knocked down. Neji is the one who stands, and walks over to where Naruto's 'body' is laying. As Neji is taunting quietly, Naruto appears out of the ground and powerfully hits Neji, knocking him down, paralyzed from the hit and from chakra overuse.

I grip the railing hard. I know my brother needed this, but I don't like seeing him so hateful, or in pain. I want to go to him, but I can't until Naruto is officially declared the winner. The two of them are still talking to each other, but it's too quiet to hear. I'm sure it's about changing destiny though, and I watch the moment Neji's face relaxes. The only part I do hear, is Naruto saying 'Unlike me, you and Ami are not losers.'

The proctor declares Naruto the winner, and I jump down immediately to go to my brothers side.

"Neji." I say softly, placing my hand on his cheek. "You did good."

"Ami." He says quietly, "Do you really think we can change our destiny?"

"No Neji." I say firmly, then grin at him, "I know we can change it. I've always said we were destined to make a mark on this work."

As Naruto runs around enjoying his applause he earned from the audience, Hayate turns to us, "Even a caged bird... if it's clever enough, will try to open the cage with its beak. Never giving up its desire to freely fly in the sky. This time, you have lost." He gives Neji a light but genuine smile before walking away.

I help the medics get my brother onto a gurney, and I go with them to the infirmary. I catch Naruto's eye, and smile lightly and nod to him in thanks. He looks surprised, but grins at me too. In the infirmary, before the medics even get to work on patching Neji up, Lord Hiashi comes in and asks them to leave. Neji struggle to sit up, so I help him up and support him as he sits.

"I came to tell you both the truth of that day." Hiashi starts. He then goes into the full, real story about how Hizashi asked to be sacrificed. "He didn't die for the main family, he died for his twin, even if I did not deserve it. He defied his own destiny. He left you this." He hands me a scroll to open and read with Neji. I open it, and together we read our father's last words.

Dear Ami and Neji, I'm afraid that I only have a little time left, and I want to use that limited time to tell you both something." The letter says, then goes on to describe what Hiashi just told us. Neji's arms start to shake while reading the letter. When we get to the part where father is asked about us when he is sacrificing himself, father says he wanted us to know that he sacrificed himself for his twin, for us, and for his village. "Even siblings must have the courage to sacrifice each other when needed." That line stuck out to me, I know without question or hesitation, I would do that for Neji. Father goes on to talk about his resentment of the main family, for his curse, and for cursing his children. "Forge your own destinies, Ami and Neji. Your fate is something you create with your own hands."

"This is the truth." Hiashi says, bowing on the ground in absolute respect.

Neji struggles for a long moment about how to approach this. He glances at me, and I give him a tiny nod. "Don't bow to us, Lord Hiashi." Neji requests simply, and after a moment, Hiashi stands up and turns to leave.

"Lord Hiashi." I call out, he stops and turns towards me. "Why wait until now? Why have us grow up resenting you, and not knowing our father died a hero? Why keep his last words to us away?" I ask him firmly with a hard stare. Hiashi sighs, then looks back at me.

"I was a coward. I hated myself for letting my brother, my twin brother, die in my place. Everyone around me seemed to just accept it, but I wanted more people to hate me for my actions. That is why I allowed you to believe this. I thought it better to let you hate something that is close to you, rather than hate blindly." He tries to justify.

"You thought it best to let children grow up consumed with hate, all alone, rather than let them grow up with a hero, even if that hero was gone." I say with contempt. "You're right. You are a coward."

"Ami." Neji gasps out at me in concern. I can see fear in his eyes.

"No, she is right. I cannot take back my actions." Hiashi says, "I can only ask that you let me try again. I can see plainly my approach was wrong. I can see how much damage I have caused. I just ask that you allow me to try and fix that damage. You two lost so much already. That is also why I made sure you two would to be on the same genin team. I wanted you to be together, that way you wouldn't be alone ever. No one should be without their twin." He adds in a sad whisper.

I wait a moment, ignoring Neji's look of surprise at the reveal. "You can try." I say shortly but not unkindly. He nods deeply, then leaves the room. So he's the reason we are together on our team. I'm thankful, I am, but I'm still bitter. It will go away with time though.

"Why did you challenge him like that?" Neji asks me.

"When else would I get the opportunity to?" I joke lightly. As I am sitting down to tend to Neji's wounds myself, the medics come back in.

"I'm sorry, miss, but we need you to leave to we can start to treat him." They inform me, and I glare at them for a moment.

"Ami, it's ok." Neji takes my hand, "Go, watch the matches. I'll be out there for yours when it's time, I promise."

I turn to the medics, "Make sure he keeps his promise, I'd hate to have to retell the fight to him, sounds like a lot of effort." I smirk at my brother and leave. However, outside the door is Hiashi, waiting for me.

"Your father made one other strange request to me. Before he passed, he left me this." He pulls out a smaller scroll and hands it to me, "He said to give this to you when you were ready. I am unsure what he meant, but judging by your independence just now, I can only assume you are ready. It has never been opened. His only request was for you to receive it in private, not even with Neji around."

I nod to him and he leaves. I look at the scroll curiously, and glance down the halls to ensure privacy. I open it tentatively.

"Ami, I write this only for you. I may not be able to know fully what it is, but there is something different about you. As a small child, you had intelligence and wisdom beyond your years, but there was something more than just being smart. I do not know what makes me say this, but I can tell you are truly destined for great things in this world. You knew, before I even fully grasped it, that I was going to die. If this is a natural gift, please use that to help guide your brother and to keep each other safe. Unfortunately, as I leave you, you are all each other has in the world. Do not let your world stay narrow, make friends, create a new family. Shape your own destiny in this world, do not be guided by what is set. Always remember, nothing is set in stone."

I roll up the scroll, a small tear in my eye as I read his words. He is right, nothing is set. I've been in this world for almost 14 years, and I've been passively watching the plot take control. I am here, I can change it. Hayate being alive proves that I can make real changes in this world.