Chapter 36: Danzo

"I can see the summit building now, we will be there in one hour." I inform our traveling group when I can just barely see the towering fortress in the far off distance. From here on out, I keep my eyes activated until I catch sight of Danzo fleeing quickly from the fortress. Once I see just that, I look over to Tsunade, giving her the signal that I will be leaving to tail him and she nods, granting me permission to leave. I take off in pursuit of Danzo, keeping my distance until I can see Obito appear in front of him. I watch them fight as I keep at a safe distance and observe until Sasuke appears out of Obito's head with Karin. I allow them to have their initial start of the conflict, letting Sasuke say what he needs to say before I join in. When I see the battle really start with Sasuke using his new Susano'o, I summon my bow and take aim from where I am perched in a nearby tree. I load up a pure white arrow with my silent wind chakra, and take aim at Danzo's right arm, the one that has the Uchiha's eyes embedded in it. I let the arrow loose, and transport myself to Sasuke's marker, making my dramatic appearance in the battle while Danzo is getting impaled by my arrow."Dynamic entry." I say coldly, appearing behind Sasuke and glaring at Danzo, who is holding his bleeding arm. My arrow went straight through his arm, taking out two of the eyes in its path."I should have known you would be here." Sasuke says with a hint of sarcasm in his monotonous voice. I coyly smirk at him in response, my attention never leaving the evil man in front of us."Ami Hyuga." Danzo growls out to me angrily. "I should have taken you and your brother into the foundation when I had the chance. Such potential wasted.""I hear about my wasted potential a lot from those I shoot. Seems my potential is doing just fine." I drawl out to him sardonically."If it wasn't for Hiashi, my plan to have you both would have worked. I could have taken you alone later, when you were always off away from the compound in the village." Danzo says disgruntledly to me, letting me know he was always having me tailed. "But no, by then you were one of the famous Hyuga Twins, you were untouchable. Such a waste, after all that effort to make you an orphan as well." He grins smugly at me, his eyes full of greed and arrogance."What did you just say?!" I growl out dangerously to him, gripping my fans tighter. What does he mean, making me into an orphan?"Who do you think suggested your father's body be sent in to replace Hiashi's?" Danzo asks cockily. "I couldn't allow the Byakugan to fall into the enemy's hands, I had to act to keep the village safe. I should have been able to collect you twins after as well, but Hiashi argued that you both were under his care then. You became untouchable, the two most advanced Byakugan users the Hyuga's have ever produced." Danzo admits with both pride and bitterness together."You had my father killed." I say darkly, and Sasuke has to grab my arm to stop my advancement to Danzo."Calm down, Ami. He is trying to make you angry, to make you mess up. You are better than that. We will kill him, together. He will pay for his crimes against our families." Sasuke whispers to me seriously, and I calm down and nod in agreement. This man will die today.I take out my fans, open them and extend the blades fully, ready to fight at full power. "You're right, he will die today. No longer will he poison our village." I say with a glare at Danzo. "You look a little tired, Sasuke. You gonna make it, brat?" I ask Sasuke with a coy sneer, observing his beat up and tired appearance. Sasuke just huffs out and nods his head once to me. I look at Danzo's arm with my Byakugan, seeing the different colors and flows of chakra coming from it. Sasuke already took out three eyes before I entered the fight, I took out two with my first shot. I power up an attack, and send a large frontal wind attack at Danzo, then use my speed to rapidly get behind him in his blind spot when he jumps to avoid it. "Too slow!" I yell out, sending a second attack at point blank range where he can't defend at all, successfully killing him a sixth time. I rejoin Sasuke again and update him, "He has died six times now, we need to kill him four more times.""How is he continuing to live after each hit?" He asks me in frustration, still not seeing how Danzo is doing it."It is the power forbidden even among the Uchiha. Izanagi." Danzo informs Sasuke confidently, getting back up. "As for you, Hyuga. Your speed is impressive, however your wind attack is inferior to mine." He says darkly, then does a wind style jutsu, Giant Vacuum Ball. Sasuke wraps us both in his Susano'o, blocking the attack. Danzo then summons a bizarre giant monster and uses it to attack us."Sasuke, do a fireball. I'll enhance it." I tell my friend and he starts to prepare a giant fireball jutsu. I treat it the same as I do Neji's and I's Twin Missile attack, and enhance it with wind, making it larger and faster. We together catch and kill his summoning and Danzo himself easily before the animal even attacks us. "That was easy, but it bought Danzo time. He has an interval in between when he can use that Izanagi move, I was watching earlier. It's only a 60 second window, but during that time we can attack his real body. I'll create an opening, you attack.""Very well, bossy." Sasuke teases me as we go in for the attack.I choose not to use wind, he will likely be able to counter it if I blatantly use it when not catching him off guard. Instead, I use Gentle Fist along with my enhanced strength and speed, and I kill him again by targeting his heart. He cannot match my skills. He comes back to life again, only now he only has two eyes left, so when I see Sasuke moving in, I kick Danzo towards Sasuke, who stabs him with his lightning blade. "Again!" Sasuke calls out to me, and I summon my scythe. He takes Danzo's body and throws it towards me and I swing and slice his body in half."It's done. That was... too easy." I observe, looking with my Byakugan around. I know that Obito and Karin have been watching the whole time, and they join us now."Shisui's eye will be mine now." Obito says."Madara." Danzo breaths out, slowly dying on the ground, cut in two. "For the world of ninja, for Konoha, I cannot allow you to live." A seal appears on his torso, and I rush to Sasuke's side where Karin also is."Sasuke, get away from Danzo!" Obito yells out to Sasuke, but I already have Sasuke in my grasp. I also link an arm through Karin's, and transport all three of us to where I had perched to watch the fight. I had marked the tree before I left. We all watch a large black bomb sphere appear where Danzo was, all of us would have been caught in the explosion."That was close." I say, releasing both of them. "Everyone alright?" I ask them both. Obito appears next to us. I turn to glare at him firmly. "You.""Ami Hyuga, I believe." Obito says to me in a cold, deep voice. "I am Madara Uchiha, I have waited a long time to meet you. You have been an annoyance in my plans for a long time. Tell me, why are you here now?" He asks me with an edge."I came to kill Danzo." I tell him honestly. "He was a poison on my village, and I took the opportunity while he was out of his safety net of his foundation. Happy coincidence that Sasuke was there as well." I shrug nonchalantly to them all."An unlucky 'coincidence' that I am also here." 'Madara' says threateningly to me, but Sasuke steps in front of me."Enough, she will not be harmed." Sasuke says firmly in a dark tone. "She was just leaving anyway."Obito stares hard at Sasuke and me for a moment before relenting, "Make it fast, we need to leave soon." He says to Sasuke, then teleports away."Sasuke," I turn to him, "We only have a few minutes before Sakura and Naruto arrive, I can see them coming. I need to give you this," I hand him two scrolls, "Look at them in private, you will know when to use them. Only open the white one though, the black one must wait to be opened until it's being used." I warn him. I had prepared a crude method of bringing a single reanimated corpse completely back to life. I gave him both the ritual and a sealed-in-stasis rogue ninja that I was supposed to assassinate. I hope he will be able to use them to bring Itachi back to life in a new, healthy body. Itachi deserved a better fate than what he got. Kakashi and I worked hard and combined two methods, Lady Chiyo's and notes we found in Orochimaru's hideout."Ami, you always give me something when we see one another, it's starting to feel unfair." Sasuke smirks at me, placing a hand on his hip after he stores the scrolls in his belt."Hey, who the hell is this chick?! Why are you looking at her like that!?" Karin starts to freak out at us. She's been silently fuming this whole time."I am Ami Hyuga, Sasuke's oldest and best friend." I say blandly to her, already annoyed by her fangirl attitude but not having the time to be my usual rude self and correct her bad manners."Ami..." Sasuke says, taking a step closer to me, completely ignoring Karin. He wraps his hands around my shoulders firmly, pulling me into a stiff hug. "Madara confirmed everything you said to me before. Danzo is dead now. However... There is still a poison in Konoha, and I will root it out, no matter what." He says to me, but his fingers are typing a message to me subtly on my shoulders. 'Madara just declared war, he plans to use me to destroy Konoha.'I wrap my arms around him as well, pulling him into a hug as well. I type out my own message back to him. 'The five nations just became allies to fight him. There will be a war very soon. Heal up and be ready.' I give him the advice silently as I held him. "They're here." I warn him in a whisper out loud, seeing Sakura appear by herself ahead of Naruto."Sasuke!" She calls out, then her tone turns to shock, "Ami?!"Sasuke ignores her completely, pulling back from the hug slightly. "Ami, get out of here and stay safe." He whispers to me, then gets louder. "Madara!" He calls out and Obito appears. "It is time to leave."Before he pulls completely away to leave though, he leans down quickly, capturing my lips with his once again. This time, we are both older and I no longer view him as a child. This time, I briefly return his kiss before pulling away, looking him in the eyes before he turns away and disappears with Obito and a screaming Karin. I jump down to Sakura, who is looking at me like I'm a traitor."What are you doing here, Ami? What was that just now?" Sakura asks me hesitantly in disbelief."Sasuke and I assassinated Danzo, together." I tell her honestly and her eyes widen even more. "Lady Tsunade is already aware that I was going to do this. Sasuke being here was just a coincidence, though it worked in my favor. Danzo was easily defeated by us both. It is classified what Danzo did to deserve this, but know that he did deserve his death." I say darkly with an edge, not looking away from her eyes. "Naruto will be here soon with Yamato and Sai. I need to leave to rejoin the Hokage, that is my mission." I tell her and leave, transporting away from her. I go back to the main road, and travel towards the summit again when I come across my other friends, passed out and hidden in the bushes."Kiba! Sai! Lee!!" I call out to them, shaking each of them awake. I punch Lee in the gut really hard, and he wakes up from his slumber."Sakura!" Lee calls out in distress, then realizes it's me who is waking him up. "Ami, have you seen Sakura? I believe she is going after Sasuke alone. I must protect her from harm." He says, getting up groggily."Lee, she's fine. She got there too late, Sasuke is already gone. Naruto and Yamato are with her, though I think a clone of Sai is also there because I saw him there too." I say reassuringly, pointing to Sai at the end."That is good news to hear. She will be safe with Naruto. What are you doing here?" Lee asks me after being relieved. I don't answer and just go back to trying to wake up Kiba and Akamaru while Lee notices and goes to wake up Sai. I hit some of their chakra points, flooding them with adrenaline. Sakura must have used a concentrated sleeping gas bomb on them to knock them out."You guys should all join back up with Sakura, she and Naruto are not far away now. I must rejoin Lady Tsunade presently." I tell them all once they are woken back up. I leave to rejoin Tsunade and Kakashi, and meet them outside of the fortress of the summit. I'm not permitted to enter, since technically Tsunade already has her two guards she was allotted to bring. Kakashi fills me in on everything that happened after I left them.~ Kakashi POV when Ami left to fight Danzo~"Yo, where she's going, ya know?" Killer Bee asks as Ami breaks away from us quickly."She has a different mission out here, she is not a part of my guard for the summit. She was simply escorting you here first." Tsunade answers him.We work out a believable cover story that we ran into Killer Bee and one of our shinobi along the way. Apparently, Ami told Bee a lot of the truth about Sasuke when she met up with him. We again have to swear him to secrecy, it's too risky having more people know about it. We already took a risk having Shikaku learn about her involvement, even if he doesn't know about her whole truth. Shikaku's is on the assignments roster, so he knows she's an assassin for the village already, so we let him believe she is also a spy and how we gathered so much information about the Akatsuki. We make it to the summit just before the other Kage are preparing to leave."Leaving already? I thought we had a five Kage summit to attend. I realize I'm a little late, but we had a pest problem to take care of first." Tsunade says loudly, making her entrance."Lord Bee!?" The two Cloud guards say in shock upon seeing the Jinchuriki walking in with us."Where the hell have you been?!" The Raikage yells at his brother. "We were told you were killed by the Akatsuki.""Me? Lose to that little fool, ya fool?" Bee raps out. "As if he could match this greatness, ya know?""One of our Jonin found him while on her mission in the Hot Springs village, and she brought him immediately to me while I was on my way here. I am returning your brother, who was clearly not killed by Sasuke Uchiha. I am also revoking any permissions to kill Sasuke that the traitor Danzo gave while I was indisposed." Tsunade says firmly to the Raikage. "Sasuke Uchiha will be handled by Konoha.""Sasuke Uchiha just attacked the five Kage summit! I almost lost an arm to him, and one of his teammates killed several samurai." The Raikage says angrily to us."Almost lost an arm?" I ask curiously, drawing the attention to myself. Ami said that the Raikage does lose an arm to Sasuke here."He used Amaterasu flames on the Raikage. The flames went out before he cut his own arm off." Gaara says slowly to us. Those flames would never go out on their own, Sasuke must have cancelled the jutsu before permanently harming the Raikage. Ami was right, he really isn't evil. I sigh out in relief upon hearing this."We have more important things to discuss right now." The Tsuchikage says impatiently. "Madara Uchiha just declared war on the five great nations. We need to make preparations.""And we need to protect the eight tails and nine tails Jinchuriki's." The Mizukage adds in."I don't need protecting, ya fools." Bee interjects. "No one can touch me, ya know?""Perhaps not, but Naruto does need it. You are the only Jinchuriki left, perhaps you could help keep Naruto safe. Or else, just help him learn to control his tailed beast as you have yours." I suggest out to him.The Kage's go into discussions from there, the Raikage being named lead commander of the allied shinobi forces. They made plans to have Naruto and Killer Bee sent to a moving island to train, which is following the flow of Ami's story. We spend more time going over information before we set out to depart, plans made to keep in contact while we prepare for war. As we are heading out, a samurai greets the Hokage, telling her a Konoha ninja is outside the fortress, waiting for her."Ami." Tsunade says in greeting when we find out who it is by going outside. "Is it done?""It is done." Ami confirms triumphantly. "Easily, too. However, Sakura spotted me there, with him." She says pointedly. "I informed her I was there with your knowledge, but that it was classified. Be prepared for questions, Naruto was also there but I left before being seen. I did run into Lee, Kiba, and Sai who were knocked out by Sakura and left in the road. What happened here?""Bee was reunited with his brother, and plans for war have been made." Tsunade says. "Let's depart and get back to the village. I have new elders to assign." She adds darkly, and Ami smirks."Asuma will be so disappointed his retirement is over." Ami says sarcastically."New elders?" Shikaku asks in confusion. Tsunade hesitates a moment, and then fills Shikaku in on the transgressions that Danzo did and the elders allowed to happen. They will be asked to retire when we get back home. We travel swiftly back home, making it back in good time.