"Hey Bel someone is at the door wanting to see you "Miranda said stretching her head into her room.

"And who might that be?"she asked concentrating on the thing she was doing.

"Go see for yourself huh don't ask me questions "she walked off heading towards the kitchen." I just need a cup of freshly blended apple juice ,not any drama with that sister of mine and her childhood boyfriend,hehe ,she laughed out loud . I dare not say that out o don't need any drama today "

Few minutes Miranda came back into Bel's room carrying a tray containing a glass of freshly blended apple juice.

"Bel you're keeping him waiting for far too long than normal, if you don't wanna talk to him you can just go tell okay?" She sipped on her juice.

"You didn't tell me who it was huh?" She defended herself.

"Like you don't know "she rolled her eyes.

"I don't wanna see any freaky face okay?"

"Okay Bel,if you don't wanna see any freaky face then I guess the freaky face gonna see you, it has to come in one way or another " she gave a wicked smile.

"Don't you dare let him into my room, I'm gonna k*ll you if you dare"she shouted at the top of her voice.

"Watch me then"she laughed and ran away with the juice spilling onto the tray.

"I guess you don't wanna see me huh?"He said grimly standing at her room door with folded arms.

"Oh my God why do d that little brat let him in"

"Of cause I don't wanna see anyone not just you,I really busy right now"she pointed at the notebook she was writing on.

"You should have at lest told me you were honestly busy huh,I thought it was only an excuse, I won't take much of your time, can I come in?" He asked politely like a gentleman.

"Be quick about it she sat up ready to hear what he was about to say. Does it has to do with the prank we've earlier planned to okay on him?"

"Emily told you she liked me?" He asked staring deep into her eyes searching for answers.

"Like…like…you?" She stuttered,he always had a way of pulling her off guide.

"Yeah she told me about it on school today, and I….would I say was so fu*king surprised,I was complaining taken off guide" he grunted.

"Hmm "she gave a sigh .

"Did she or did she not tell you about it?"

"She …did but I didn't know she was serious " she defended herself.

"And you didn't think it was right to tell me?"

"I couldn't do that " she protested.

"But you could tell her to come tell me herself?" He arched his brow.

"Well..I didn't know she would really do come to you huh, so?" She rolled her eyes.

"You should have told her" he bowed his head.

"Told her what ?"

"You do me better Puppy you do know I don't do those shit right?the best you could have done was warning her against loving me, I'm not that kind of a guy, I'm not a lover boy ,you should know better he said staring into her Olive eyes.

Ain't they so beautiful? But I'm not interested in those shitty stuffs,I can only admire and nothing more ".

"I never knew about that huh, when did you ever told m you weren't interested in dating stuffs huh?" She asked feeling a mixture of freedom and sadness.

"Well… I thought you've always known ,and you …well … forget about it . That isn't the only reason I came to see you" he shrugged.