Digital currency surges

October 1st is National Day.

The first day of the seven-day holiday.

Because the money was all in Bitcoin, Ye Cheng and Lin Yuanyuan didn't go to see the house anymore.

Although Lin Yuanyuan wanted to see the house, she still didn't want to push Ye Cheng too hard.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if it's a few days late. At most, the better house will be picked out.

When she woke up in the morning, Lin Yuanyuan opened the Huobi platform as soon as possible to check the price of Bitcoin.

Not only did it not fall, it also increased by dozens of dollars each.

"Dad, get up quickly; we are going to the underwater world."

Qinqin got up very early.

Because I decided yesterday to take her to the underwater world today.

Ye Cheng and Lin Yuanyuan had already made arrangements for the National Day holiday.

Although I can't travel, I still have to take my daughter to have fun.

"Qinqin, let dad sleep a little longer."

Ye Cheng didn't even open his eyes and said it in sleep.

After all, I was really exhausted last night.

Unfortunately, Ye Cheng was finally woken up by his daughter. After brushing his teeth, washing his face, and eating noodles cooked by his wife, the three of them went out.

It wasn't until the evening that the three of them came back.

My feet are sore and numb.

However, Qinqin had a great time.

After coming back, I was still talking about happy things.

In the next few days, Ye Cheng and Lin Yuanyuan took Qinqin to other places for fun.

In this way, the seven-day holiday passed.

The price of Bitcoin has neither risen nor fallen much, remaining at $4,340.

By October 9th, Bitcoin once again experienced a surge, rising to more than 4,700 US dollars.

After Lin Yuanyuan found out, she never mentioned selling Bitcoin again.

She is even more concerned about the price of Bitcoin than Ye Cheng.

Even at work, as long as she gets a raise, she will show her prestige.

By October 12, Bitcoin had exceeded $5,000.

By October 21st, Bitcoin had exceeded $6,000.

Tuesday, October 24th.

Ye Cheng was at work when he suddenly received a letter of authority from Lin Yuanyuan.

"Hubby, Bitcoin has plummeted; sell it quickly."

During this period, the price of bits continued to climb to new highs, exceeding 6,000 US dollars. Ye Cheng's account had a floating profit of 320,000 US dollars, and the soft sister currency was more than 210 yuan.

In more than a month, it almost quadrupled. No wonder Lin Yuanyuan was very nervous.

If it were not for knowing the trend of Bitcoin in the next few years, I am afraid that Yecheng would also be restless and uneasy.

"Honey, don't worry. It should fall for a few days, but it will rise back soon. Well, I'll set the stop loss at $4,500."

Seeing his wife's prestige, Ye Cheng smiled and recovered immediately.

"Okay, then you must set a stop-loss."

Lin Yuanyuan replied to the message.

In this short period of time, she really didn't want to eat or drink, and her work was no longer fun.

In just over a month, the floating profit in their Bitcoin account was several times greater than their savings in several years.

No wonder so many people are speculating on this thing; the money is indeed coming in too fast.

But she knew the risks involved.

Making money quickly means losing money quickly.

At this time, Ye Cheng sent a screenshot of the stop loss to Lin Yuanyuan to reassure him.

Ye Cheng knew that Bitcoin would never drop below $4,500, and he just wanted to reassure his wife.

During lunch, Yang Miaocai looked at her phone while eating and said happily, "Damn it, it dropped another five points. Fortunately, I didn't enter the market; otherwise, I would have lost money again."

He saw that Bitcoin had risen sharply recently, reaching new highs again and again, and he hesitated whether to buy some.

But he was always afraid of chasing the high point. Until now, seeing the price of Bitcoin fall, he was glad that he made the right decision not to enter the market.

Ye Cheng listened and said nothing.

This should be the thinking and mentality of many people.

It is this kind of person who is most likely to lose money—the so-called leeks.

A typical case of chasing the rise and killing the fall.

In his previous life, he was also such a person.

In this way, Bitcoin hovered between 5,500 and 6,000 for several days.

It's quite annoying.

Until October 29, Bitcoin once again returned to the $6,000 mark.

After entering November, the price of Bitcoin surged rapidly, breaking through the $7,000 mark in just two days.

Lin Yuanyuan was completely dumbfounded.

Because she didn't expect Bitcoin to rise so sharply?

Isn't it too easy to make money?

However, after November 10th, the price of Bitcoin began to plummet.

Lin Yuanyuan panicked again.

Ye Cheng understood Lin Yuanyuan's mood very well.

Still, he held on.

Because it's not far away from Bitcoin taking off completely.

At this critical moment, we must not let anything slip.

November 13, Monday morning.

Ye Cheng felt a little distressed when he saw Lin Yuanyuan's face with dark circles under her eyes.

She stayed up all night because of Bitcoin.

"Husband, why don't you take action? If this continues, I feel like I'm going to have a nervous breakdown."

Lin Yuanyuan's mental state is not very good.

Recently, she often wakes up in the middle of the night to look at the price of Bitcoin, and she becomes obsessed with it.

Today, the price of Bitcoin has dropped below 6,000.

In just a few days, the account's floating profit and loss amounted to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

"Honey, hold on for a few more days."

Ye Cheng said.

"All right."

Lin Yuanyuan smiled bitterly.

Days like this are really happy and painful.

Happiness is money that takes more than ten years to earn.

The pain is that the money has not yet landed and may be lost at any time.

That day, the price of Bitcoin returned to $6,500.

Two days later, the price soared by 10%, almost approaching the US$7,400 it had been a while ago.

At this time, neither Ye Cheng nor Lin Yuanyuan could calm down to work.

I simply asked for leave.

Yecheng is fine.

He just wanted to stay with his wife at home to prevent her from having random thoughts.

On November 16, the price of bitcoin reached $7,800.

On November 19, Bitcoin officially exceeded the 8,000 mark.

At this time, Lin Yuanyuan admired her husband's vision.

Of course, she still persuaded Ye Cheng to take action early to avoid an avalanche and not being able to escape.

"Honey, how far do you think this rise can reach?"

Ye Cheng hugged Lin Yuanyuan and said it with a smile while watching the real-time price changes of Bitcoin on the Huobi platform.

"It shouldn't be more than $10,000; otherwise, it would be outrageous."

Lin Yuanyuan said.

In the past, Bitcoin could reach a terrifying price of seven to eight thousand US dollars. She would never believe it.

But now it has become a reality.

"I don't think it's outrageous at all. In the future, the price of bitcoin will probably shock you. Even if it rises this time, I can see at least more than 15,000 US dollars, and even 20,000 US dollars." It's not impossible."

Ye Cheng said.

"Honey, you don't really plan to hold it until it reaches more than fifteen thousand US dollars, do you?"

Lin Yuanyuan became a little worried.

"Decide as things go."

Ye Cheng said.

On November 26, the price of Bitcoin exceeded $9,000.

On November 28, Bitcoin soared to a terrifying level of $10,000.

This also attracted global media attention.

A large number of global players also poured in.

By this time, Ye Cheng's account surplus had exceeded 800,000 US dollars.

Converted into soft sister coins, that's 5.4 million.

In other words, it has doubled tenfold.