Amazing Profits

In a blink of an eye, the time arrived on February 4, 2018.

This day marks the beginning of spring.

There are only twelve days left before the Chinese New Year.

Ye Cheng took his wife and daughter out to play for a day, and when they got home, they were quite tired.

After taking a bath, Qinqin didn't let Ye Cheng tell a story as usual, and she quickly fell asleep.

"Husband, aren't you still asleep?"

Lin Yuanyuan was lying on the bed, looking at Ye Cheng sitting at the computer desk, facing the laptop, still busy with something.

"You go to bed first; I'll also deal with the bitcoins."

Ye Cheng said this without turning back.

According to the memory of the past life, Bitcoin will fall to a low in the next two days, and the minimum will be on the edge of six thousand US dollars.

Then it will rebound to $11,000.

Later, it fluctuated between seven and nine thousand.

Originally, Ye Cheng planned to stop short selling after this wave, but he had the task of making 10 billion.

He decided to make another rally.

As for the rest, forget it.

Because the fluctuations are not big, you can't make much money.

Since his capital was too large, he could not sell at the lowest point and could only sell it in advance.

All of his Bitcoin short contracts totaled eight.

The first transaction was a short contract of 312.241 bitcoins, with an average price of US$19,938.

The second contract was for 354.165 bitcoins, with an average price of US$14,156.

The third contract is 1317.254 Bitcoin contracts, with an average price of 11,381 US dollars.

The fourth transaction is 1073.564 Bitcoin contracts, with an average price of 11,646 US dollars.

The fifth contract of 3,686,910 was 885.754 bitcoins, with an average price of US$11,298.

The sixth contract is 861.118 Bitcoin contracts, with an average price of 11,612 US dollars.

The seventh transaction is 899.038 Bitcoin contracts, with an average price of US$11,123.

The eighth contract is 1544.115 Bitcoin contracts, with an average price of US$10,395.

This is because he bought short contracts in batches; otherwise, the average price of Bitcoin contracts may be lower.

Yecheng now has 7246 Bitcoin contracts, which is not a small number.

Once such a large Bitcoin contract is traded, it will definitely cause a chain reaction in the market.

Of course, compared to those big guys who hold tens of thousands of bitcoins, this point in Ye City is nothing.

The reason why Bitcoin prices fluctuate so hugely is actually the result of these big guys manipulating the Bitcoin market.

What Ye Cheng has to do is follow the trend, hide in it, and sell all Bitcoin contracts.

So Ye Cheng started to operate.

He can't wait for the lowest price.

Once it rebounds, the losses may be even greater.

In this way, the sales of Ye Cheng's Bitcoin short contracts lasted until February 7, when all the contracts were sold out.

By this time, the price of Bitcoin had returned to more than 7,600.

However, while Ye Cheng was selling short contracts, he also started buying long contracts on February 6, the day of the largest decline.

In this way, it lasted until February 9th before Ye Cheng completed the sale and purchase of the entire bitcoin.

So tiring.

Fortunately, he didn't regard currency speculation as his homepage; otherwise, he would have felt too tired.

Of course, the gains from currency speculation during this period are still quite large.

When he sold short contracts before, there were a total of 7,246 Bitcoin contracts, and the average selling price was US$7,132, which was a full US$1,000 difference from the lowest price ever of US$6,168.

But Ye Cheng was very satisfied.

After all, you can't eat it from beginning to end, and no one can do it.

The larger the amount of capital, the more difficult it is to enter and exit the market.

Like the main force in the stock market, they must repeatedly pull up in order to make the capital field strong. Unlike small retail investors, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of funds can come in and out freely. This is an advantage for retail investors.

After selling all the short-selling contracts, Ye Cheng's short-selling profit reached an astonishing US$33.14 million.

Converted into soft-buy coins, that's 220 million.

In other words, his assets have more than tripled.

At this point, his total capital reached an astonishing 47.96 million US dollars, which is more than 319 million.

It's just that Ye Cheng was very emotional because 300 million was still too far away from the goal of making 10 billion.

Ye Cheng withdrew 30 million US dollars from his Huobi account. He was really worried that such a huge amount of money would continue to be placed on the Huobi platform.

Stay safe.

With only US$17.96 million left, he purchased 10,899 Bitcoin long contracts at an average price of US$8,239.

After he gets out, he should be able to earn another $30 million.

After making this profit, he will say goodbye to Bitcoin in a short period of time. When he enters the market again, it will be in October 2020.

That wave will be even crazier.

Relying on that wave, Ye Cheng believes that as long as it is done properly, it should be no problem to earn more than ten or two billion. As for more, it will be a bit difficult.

Once the scale gets too big and attracts the attention of those giants, it may be possible to jointly suppress them.

He didn't think he could handle it.

Therefore, it is basically impossible for Ye Cheng to earn tens of billions of dollars by speculating in Bitcoin.

He had to find another way.

However, it was possible to accumulate starting capital with the help of Bitcoin.

With hundreds of millions of dollars, it will be much easier to do anything later.

Moreover, he already has a clue about the subsequent money-making plan.

In the office of the Xinghai Guild.

Ye Cheng twisted his neck.

Staring at the computer for a long time hurts my neck.

He looked at the time in the lower-right corner of the computer. It was already past three o'clock in the afternoon.

Suddenly, his mobile phone on the table vibrated.

He picked it up and saw that it was Tang Xiaofeng calling.

Since they live in the same community, they occasionally have contact with each other, but they are not as close as they imagined.

Ye Cheng pressed the button to answer, "Hey, Xiaofeng, why do you have time to call me today?"

"Hey, Brother Cheng, I've really collapsed recently... The market has been falling for more than a week in a row, down a full 15%. The few stocks I hold have basically lost money. It's 20 or 30%, and it's useless to cover up the position. The more you cover, the more you will lose. If I had listened to you last time and had come out in early February, I wouldn't have suffered such a serious loss."

Tang Xiaofeng sighed on the phone.

I originally thought I would reach the $5,000 mark, but I didn't expect to be hit in the head and cut in half.

"Brother Cheng, do you think it will continue to fall? Should I cut my losses and cut my losses?"

Tang Xiaofeng was very confused.

Ye Cheng opened the stock trading software and took a look at the market situation. It had dropped to more than 3,100.

And he recalled the stock market in his previous life 18 years ago. In the end, the market seemed to have dropped to more than 2,400.

In other words, there is still room for decline.

However, during the first wave of decline, there was a relatively large rebound, which made investors think it was just a simple correction. However, they finally discovered that this was just a trap set by major institutions for retail investors.

"Xiaofeng, if you listen to me, don't leave the market first. There will be a rebound next, but this is just a rebound, not that the market is going better. When the market rebounds to 3,330, you must be decisive. It is best not to leave the market this year. If you do, you can only make a short-term rebound. It is estimated that the market will not improve until the beginning of 2019."

Ye Cheng thought for a while and said,.

Since Tang Xiaofeng came to ask him, he naturally had to remind him.

As for whether to listen or not, that's up to him.

I was reminded last time.

This time he was reminded again that if he still couldn't seize the opportunity, there would be nothing Ye Cheng could do.