Dragon Team Celebration Banquet

After Ye Cheng returned to Pengcheng, he informed Lin Yuanyuan about the sale of the Heizhou project.

"You mean, the Heizhou cobalt ore project you purchased previously was sold for 1.7 billion yuan?"

Lin Yuanyuan opened her mouth, her pretty face brimming with incredulity.

She was aware of the Heizhou cobalt ore project, albeit not in great detail. She only knew that her husband had spent tens of millions to acquire the project.

"How long did it take from purchase to sale? Fifty million to buy, 1.7 billion to sell—how many times has it multiplied? How can my husband make money so easily? Is he still the same husband?"

The changes over the past year have taken Lin Yuanyuan by surprise. She had thought she was accustomed to it, but her husband continually shattered her perceptions.

"Yeah, isn't your husband amazing?" Ye Cheng hugged Lin Yuanyuan gently, his hand caressing her already bulging belly, and he said it with a smile.

"My husband is amazing," Lin Yuanyuan replied, feeling proud. She believed that choosing such an excellent husband was God's greatest gift to her.

"Wife, I'm attending the Dragon Group's celebration party tomorrow; would you like to come?" Ye Cheng suddenly inquired.

"With this big belly of mine, perhaps it's best if I don't," Lin Yuanyuan replied, touching her belly and shaking her head. "However, if I don't go, will you refrain from mingling with female stars at the party?"

She turned to him once more. "These film and television celebrations always attract numerous beautiful female stars. You know how chaotic the entertainment industry can be."

"Wife, do you truly think of me in this way?" Ye Cheng was taken aback.

"It's not about you, but others may not understand. Men can be susceptible to temptation," Lin Yuanyuan explained.

The next morning, Ye Cheng put on a custom-made suit and styled his hair, appearing young and promising, handsome and capable, and with a unique aura.

"Husband, seeing how you look now, I'm really a little uneasy," Lin Yuanyuan said, gazing at her husband, who seemed increasingly attractive as a man. What woman would not like it?

"Otherwise, I'd better dress casually," Ye Cheng suggested.

"No, how can you be casual about participating in a formal occasion like this?" Lin Yuanyuan shook her head.

Ye Cheng smiled, recognizing the complexity of a woman's heart.

The Dragon Group's celebration banquet took place in a high-end hotel in Pengcheng. The scene had already been arranged, with a red carpet extending from the entrance of the hotel to the intersection. Two rows of security guards formed a human wall, keeping fans and passersby at bay on both sides. Many media reporters surrounded the area, their flashing lights creating a dazzling spectacle.

Men and women in elegant dresses walked down the red carpet, some deliberately slowing their pace to garner more attention.

At that moment, a black Mercedes-Benz arrived nearby, with Ye Cheng inside, driven by Fei Wei, who usually accompanied Ye Cheng whenever he went out, serving as both bodyguard and part-time driver.

As Ye Cheng stepped out of the car, a woman wearing a work ID badge hurried over and respectfully asked, "Are you Mr. Ye Cheng?"

"Yes," Ye Cheng replied with a nod.

"Mr. Ye, please come this way," the woman said, leading the way.

Ye Cheng followed her, making his way towards the red carpet. This would be his first time walking the red carpet.

This scene is much grander than the signing anchor party he held last time.

After all, the influence of this film and television circle is much greater than that of the anchor circle.

Ye Cheng walked onto the red carpet, and immediately many reporters from the entertainment media aimed their cameras at Ye Cheng. The flash of light almost blinded Ye Cheng's eyes.

He didn't stop; he just walked directly across the red carpet and entered the hotel.

Following the direction arrow, Ye Cheng arrived at the venue of the celebration banquet.

The interior was very luxurious.

Men and women in formal attire were conversing in groups with wine glasses in hand.

"Brother Ye, this way."

Ye Cheng had just entered when someone suddenly called out to him.

Ye Cheng heard the voice and looked over, recognizing an acquaintance.

It was Su Binggui.

Having invested $2 million last time, he was also invited to participate in the celebration banquet this time.

Ye Cheng walked over.

The two Ye Chengs didn't know each other. After exchanging greetings, they started chatting.

There was a director with a good reputation. Upon learning that Ye Cheng had invested more than $10 million in the Dragon Group, he immediately sought to persuade Ye Cheng to invest.

Upon hearing about the movie the director was planning to make, Ye Cheng took it as a sign that he needed to consider it.

Nonsense; he wouldn't bother investing in movies he had never heard of.

At around ten o'clock, Wu Jin, the protagonist of the Dragon Group's celebration feast, finally arrived at the scene and immediately became the center of attention.

Several prominent entertainment media reporters stepped forward to interview him.

Su Binggui watched from below the stage and remarked, "Wu Jin has come a long way."

Although Wu Jin had starred in some movies before, the box office returns were very mediocre.

However, with the success of the Dragon Group, his reputation skyrocketed, propelling him into the ranks of top directors.

"Brother Ye, I heard that Dragon Group 2 is also planning to commence production. You should consider participating in the investment agreement for that project as well," Su Binggui mentioned again.

He greatly admired Ye Cheng's foresight.

Not only did he invest 13 million yuan directly, but he also signed an investment agreement for Dragon Group 2 with Wupu.

He could only marvel at it now.

At noon, the celebration banquet concluded, and all the crew members, along with the representatives of the investors, took a group photo at the entrance of the hotel.

In the conference room,

All the investors gathered together.

The producer, distributor, and director, Wu Jin, prepare to split the box office revenue and credit it to the investors' accounts.

"This time, if you don't have any doubts, please sign here and provide your fingerprints," said Fang Zong, the producer from Fengdeng Films.

As the producer, Fengdeng Pictures is directly responsible for the copyright of the film Dragon Group and is also responsible for sharing the revenue.

All investors have previously reviewed the details of the revenue split, and this is just a confirmation.

Soon, the representatives of the investors signed and provided their fingerprints.

When Ye Cheng arrived, he briefly reviewed the document, found no issues, signed his name, and then pressed his fingerprint next to it.

Not long after, Ye Cheng received a call on his cell phone from Long Chong, confirming the receipt of over 314 million yuan, transferred to his company account, not his personal account. He had established an investment company named Chenyuan Investment, through which all his investments in Long Group and Captain Xia Guo would be managed. This arrangement would lead to more favorable tax payments on box office revenue compared to personal taxes.

In the future, Ye Cheng's investments would also be handled by Chenyuan Investment.

After the revenue split was completed, all the investors remained in the room, knowing that the investment in Dragon Group 2 would also be finalized.

In another room,

Fengdeng Films, Wu Jin, and several heavyweight film companies, along with representatives of well-known film and television investment firms, gathered.

"Wu Dao, it's absolutely impossible for Ye Cheng to account for 30% of the investment share," President Fang of Fengdeng Pictures said firmly.

This time, small and medium investors were excluded from the investment in Dragon Group 2. Only a few major players remained, and those re-entering were either industry giants or top investment banks.

Because of their substantial investments, they exerted significant influence. How could they allow a small investment firm to claim a 30% share?

Even so, they planned to exclude Ye Cheng's investment altogether.

With the success of Dragon Group 1, they had immense confidence in Dragon Group 2.