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Chen Yinong's ultra-luxurious office covers an area of more than 200 square meters, as well as wine cabinets, movie halls, and lounges, just like a president's suite.

The huge floor-to-ceiling glass windows allow a view of the bay in the distance, providing a wide and refreshing view.

Ye Cheng found that his office was a bit small in comparison.

But this is normal; after all, he only made money for more than a year.

However, Chen Yinong has been in the business world for more than 20 years and has a solid background, which is naturally far greater than Ye Cheng's.

"Brothers and sisters, I'm really sorry. This is because our Vientiane Mall was not rigorous enough in our work to identify such a bad situation. On behalf of the Vientiane Mall, I apologize to you," Chen Yinong said apologetically.

He didn't expect Ye Cheng's wife to have a big belly.

No wonder Ye Cheng was so angry.

If it were his daughter-in-law who was hit by someone and almost fell to the ground, I'm afraid he would be eager to tear the other party apart.

Standing in the back, "080" President Li and Manager Wang were very sincere and fearful in their hearts.

They could hear the dissatisfaction in Chen Dong's tone.

After all, this happened in the mall they manage.

Chen Yinong looked at Yang Jingshu, who was standing behind, and Lan Xinyi, whose face was swollen, and said, "Don't come over yet. Apologize to Madam Ye."

Yang Jingshu and the two dared not hesitate. They hurried over, and they knelt down in front of Lin Yuanyuan.

"Mrs. Ye, I'm really sorry. Please forgive us this time," Yang Jingshu still maintained the style of Daming @星, her face pleading at the moment.

For ordinary people, she is a famous star, but in front of the rich and powerful elite, she is just a playchild that can be swayed.

Lin Yuanyuan touched her stomach and looked at the two kneeling people. In fact, she was also very surprised. She didn't expect things to turn out like this in the end.

But she is also a kind person. Seeing Lan Xinyi with a slap mark on her face and then looking at the pitiful Yang Jingshu, her heart softened, and she immediately said, "Since you have sincerely apologized, then forget it this time."

"Thank you, Mrs. Ye," both Yang Jingshu were delighted.

"Okay, since my younger brother and sister have forgiven you, then go away. Remember, don't let me see you again." Chen Yinong waved his hand.

The two were relieved, got up quickly, and walked out of the office.

"Qinqin, Uncle has a present for you," Chen Yinong said as he walked to the desk, took out a box from the drawer, opened it, and found a jade necklace inside.

He walked over to Qinqin, squatted down, and placed the necklace around her neck.

"Chen Dong, this is too precious. It could easily get damaged if a child wears it," Ye Cheng remarked.

At a glance, one could tell that this emerald necklace was very valuable.

"This is one of several custom-made jade jewelry pieces that I crafted from a piece of imperial green jade three years ago. It's just the right size for little girls. My family is all boys, and there is no girl to pass it down to, so it would be a waste," Chen Yinong explained with a smile.

"Qinqin, do you like it?" Chen Yinong asked.

"Uncle, Mom and Dad said that you shouldn't just ask for other people's things," Qinqin replied, tilting her head.

"Qinqin, it's a gift from me to you," Chen Yinong insisted.

Qinqin couldn't help but glance at Ye Cheng, as if seeking his approval.

"Since it's from Uncle Chen, then accept it," Ye Cheng advised.

"Thank you, Uncle Chen. I really like it," Qinqin said happily.

"Qinqin is really well-behaved," Chen Yinong remarked, gently patting Qinqin's head. He then turned to Ye Cheng and asked, "Brother Ye, there's going to be a performance later. Would you like to go watch it together?"

"No, my wife is heavily pregnant, so it's best for us to head back and rest," Ye Cheng declined politely.

"Ah, I see. Then I won't keep you any longer." Chen Yinong nodded understandingly.

Chen Dong, let's go first," Ye Cheng said. Suddenly, he remembered something and immediately added, "By the way, I have set up a private equity fund. Does Chen Dong want to invest?"

"You're pulling my leg?" Chen Yinong didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Okay, I'll put in 10 million first to support you. If the performance is good, I'll consider investing more."

"Thank you for your trust, Chen Dong," Ye Cheng said, laughing. "It's great to have 10 million for my private equity fund."

After Ye Cheng and the others left the office, Chen Yinong glanced at President Li and Manager Wang, then sat down in the office chair. President Li and Manager Wang stood there, not daring to breathe.

"Remember, in my shopping mall, the customer is god. As for the rest..." Chen Yinong's voice was cold. "Wang Xiping, you're finished. Get out."

Wang Xiping's face went pale, but he didn't dare to say a word. Mr. Li was relieved, knowing that Chen Dong didn't intend to punish him directly. However, he understood that Chen Dong had indirectly warned him.

As he exited Vientiane Mall and sat in his car, Lin Yuanyuan asked curiously, "Husband, who is this Chen Dong? He seems formidable."

"What happened today really opened my eyes."

"Chen Yinong, chairman of Jinyi Group, is worth tens of billions," Ye Cheng explained, laughing.

Lin Yuanyuan clicked her tongue. "How did you meet him?"

"I remember going to Kyoto, attending an auction, finding a great deal, and later selling it to Chen Dong for 100 million," Ye Cheng said.

With that, Ye Cheng started the car and drove out of Vientiane Shopping Mall's parking lot.

After returning home, Ye Cheng took a look at the emerald necklace that Qin Qin was wearing.

"Qin Qin, wear it on your body; don't take it out casually in the future, you know?" Ye Cheng warned Qin Qin gently. After all, the value of this jadeite is too high; not to mention millions; hundreds of thousands are definitely there. If a child wears it and is seen by bad people who know the goods, it is dangerous.

"Dad, I understand." Qin Qin nodded vigorously.

At this moment, Ye Cheng's cell phone rang; he took it out and saw that it was Li Renbo calling. Immediately, he stepped out to the balcony and pressed the button to answer.

"Boss, just now Douyin called me and said that some videos appeared on Douyin in which you slapped people. Do you want to deal with it?" Li Renbo said.

"Oh, that's for them to deal with," Ye Cheng said.

At that time, there were many onlookers, and the video taken at the scene was uploaded to Douyin. Although he was not afraid of anything, he still had some influence. Moreover, there may still be Chen Yinong in the video, so these videos must be cleaned up.

Then he called Chen Yinong and discussed the video.

"Brother Ye, I will have the public relations department handle it on an equal footing with Weibo, so there shouldn't be any problems. At best, it will spread in private, and it won't have much impact," Chen Yinong said on the phone.

"Well, that's fine." Ye Cheng also felt relieved. Because he can exert influence on several platforms, such as Douyin, KuaiShou, etc., he has very limited influence on other platforms, such as Weibo.

Now that Chen Yinong has taken the shot, it basically won't be a problem.