Change seats for Qinqin

Two days later, Ye Cheng took Fei Wei and He Yiping back to Pengcheng by plane. He Yiping immediately closed down his battery repair shop and destroyed the new lithium-ion battery with its rough five-element structure. In the end, he only brought a big bag of various drawings and notes, which recorded all his research data on new batteries in the past few years. With this data, it would be much easier to carry out research again once the laboratory is built.

Upon arriving in Pengcheng, Ye Cheng arranged for He Yiping to stay in a hotel temporarily and then tasked the company's personnel with finding a suitable location for building the laboratory.

Although Ye Cheng had video calls with his wife and daughter every day, being away for more than a week still felt like a long time. Ye Cheng looked at his wife's significantly enlarged belly and rested his head on it, listening to some movement inside. After five months of pregnancy, Ye Cheng and his wife had been trying prenatal education for the fetus in the womb, and the effect seemed to be quite good.

"Husband, in a few days, we'll have the six-month pregnancy test. We should be able to do a six-dimensional color Doppler ultrasound then, and we'll be able to see the baby," Lin Yuanyuan said, touching her stomach with a happy expression.

Compared to the time of their first child, this second pregnancy wasn't as difficult. Moreover, the family's financial situation had improved significantly with no financial pressure.

"Husband, she seems to have heard our voices and is kicking me," Lin Yuanyuan suddenly exclaimed.

"Really?" Ye Cheng pressed his ear against her stomach, but there was no movement. It was only six months into the pregnancy, and the fetus wasn't fully developed yet. In another two months, it would be a different story.

In the afternoon, Ye Cheng went to the kindergarten to pick up Qin Qin and bring her home.

"Dad!" Qin Qin exclaimed happily as soon as she saw Ye Cheng, running over to throw herself into his arms. "Dad, do you miss me?"

Ye Cheng picked up Qinqin, kissed her, and asked, "Qinqin, do you want to talk?"

Qinqin replied, "Yes, Daddy."

Then, she suddenly exclaimed, "Dad, today my deskmate changed to a troublesome boy in our class, and he stabbed me with a pen." As she raised her hand, a dark red mark on the back of her hand became visible, apparently from being punctured with a pencil or something similar.

"Qinqin, did you inform the teacher?" Ye Cheng asked, his tone serious.

"I did, but Mr. Huang didn't mention that classmate at all. Dad, didn't you and Mom say that we should tell the teacher, and the teacher will take care of it? Does Mr. Huang dislike me?" Qinqin said with wide eyes, sounding a bit aggrieved.

"How could that be? Maybe you missed it when he was talking about classmates," Ye Cheng said, trying to reassure her.

Nevertheless, he decided to inquire further. Ye Cheng put Qinqin down, took her hand, and walked back into the kindergarten to find Qinqin's teacher in the office.

This semester, Teacher Huang replaced the previous teacher, who was said to have resigned.

"Excuse me, Teacher Huang, may we have a word?" Ye Cheng addressed the beautiful teacher upon seeing her.

"Certainly, what's the matter?" Teacher Huang asked, noticing Ye Cheng and Qinqin.

"Mr. Huang, let me explain," Ye Cheng began, recounting the incident.

"Qinqin's father, when she told me about it, I also told her that Wang Zixin is just a child," Teacher Huang responded.

"Mr. Huang, I hope such incidents won't happen again. After all, this time it's just a minor injury on the back of her hand. If next time it ends up in her eye, it won't be as trivial," Ye Cheng expressed his concern. "If possible, I would appreciate it if Qinqin could have a different desk mate."

"Qinqin's father, the seating arrangements are rotated weekly. Even if we want to make a change, it will have to wait until next week," Teacher Huang explained, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Dad, I really don't want to sit with Wang Zixin. He often bullies his classmates," Qinqin chimed in.

"Qinqin, did you say the boy who stabbed you often bullies his classmates?" Ye Cheng asked, surprised.

"Yeah, he often beats people. Last time, He Mengyu was smashed on the head with a stationary box and burst into tears."

Qinqin nodded.

"Mr. Huang, it seems that this is not the first time this classmate has beaten someone. Don't you just ignore it?"

Ye Cheng asked in a deep voice, "I spent so much money to send my daughter to study in this kindergarten. I believe this is a trustworthy high-end kindergarten, and I didn't send my daughter to be bullied."

"Parent Qinqin, the situation is definitely not what you imagined. It is common for children to frolic among themselves; this time it should be the child Wang Zixin who accidentally stabbed them," Teacher Huang said quickly.

"I don't care. If you are seated, I can only go to the Eaton Education Group Council behind your kindergarten." Ye Cheng was a little angry. The teacher knew right away that he was trying to fool people.

When Mr. Huang saw Ye Cheng's angry look, he was full of aura and a little scared and immediately said, "Okay, Qinqin's parents, I'll change Qinqin tomorrow."

Originally, she thought that Ye Cheng was good at talking, so there shouldn't be anything wrong, but she didn't expect Ye Cheng to turn his face all of a sudden.

Standing in front of Ye Cheng, she actually felt a sense of suffocation, as if she were facing the senior leaders of the Eaton Education Group who came to inspect some time ago.

She immediately understood that the parent in front of her was not an ordinary person.

In fact, parents who can be sent to this kindergarten basically have money, but there is a big difference between having money and not having money.

The person in front of her is obviously not an ordinary rich and powerful person; otherwise, it would be impossible to put such a lot of pressure on her.

"Then I'll trouble Teacher Huang. I was in a hurry just now. If what I said is too heavy, please don't take it to heart." Ye Cheng's attitude softened.

"It's okay; this is what I should do. After all, our teacher's management was not done well, and this kind of problem happened," Teacher Huang said.

"Then I'll take Qinqin and leave first. Qinqin, say goodbye to Teacher Huang."

Ye Cheng nodded with a smile.

"Mr. Huang, goodbye."

Qinqin waved to Teacher Huang and said, "Qinqin, see you tomorrow."

Teacher Huang also waved his hand.

After Ye Cheng and Qinqin left the office, Teacher Huang could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

A teacher sitting opposite said, "Mr. Huang, this Qinqin's parent can see that he is not an ordinary person at first glance. He had a strong aura just now. Also, Wang Zixin in your class only came in this semester, and it seems that it is not the first time he beat someone. A few times, parents came to complain."

"Yeah, I can't help it either. Wang Zixin's family is not ordinary. If I arrange for him to sit alone, his family will not bother me," Teacher Huang said. 

"Then you have to pay attention to this Wang Zixin; otherwise, there will be more and more troubles in the future," said the teacher.

"Well, that's all there is to it." Teacher Huang nodded.

Ye Cheng took Qinqin back home and told Lin Yuanyuan about the matter. Lin Yuanyuan felt distressed when she saw the mark on Qinqin's back.

"How come there are such students in Qinqin's class, and why haven't I heard of it last semester?" Lin Yuanyuan asked curiously.

"Mom, this student Wang Zixin was transferred this semester," Qinqin said.

"It turns out that this is the case; we Qinqin must not be able to sit with such classmates," Lin Yuanyuan nodded.

"Don't worry, that teacher Huang should change Qinqin's seat," Ye Cheng said.

"Actually, the root cause still lies in this child, Wang Zixin. If you can't manage him properly, other students will definitely have similar things happen when they sit with this Wang Zixin in the future," Lin Yuanyuan said.

"Yes," Ye Cheng nodded. From the expression on Teacher Huang's face, he could see that this kind of thing didn't happen once. However, he can only take care of his own piano, and the rest can only be taken care of by the kindergarten.

The next day, Ye Cheng specially sent Qinqin to school. After seeing that Mr. Huang had changed Qinqin's seat, he was relieved to leave the kindergarten.

Ye Cheng came to the company and first listened to Zhao Xiyao, the deputy financial director, reporting on the expenses and profitability of the Xinghai Association last month.

Now, Xinghai Guild's monthly income can basically be stabilized at more than 1.2 billion yuan. After deducting various expenses, Ye Cheng's net income is as high as hundreds of millions of yuan.

With the Xinghai Guild alone, Ye Cheng can earn more than 1.2 billion annually.

This is the amazing change brought about by live streaming.

If there is no such income, only the income of things and the like is estimated to be $10 million.

The profit from live streaming is too high.