New money-making opportunities

Once a child is interested in something, there will be a hundred thousand "whys."

So is Qinqin.

Questions popped up one by one, and Ye Cheng explained for a long time before Qin Qin was satisfied.

But Ye Cheng's patience is not bad.

He knows that children's thirst for knowledge is to seek answers through external questions and gradually gain knowledge of the world.

I used to be busy with work and didn't have much time.

It's different now.

With this condition, he must nurture his daughter well.

At this time, Aunt Xu prepared the meal.

"Qinqin, let's go to dinner," Ye Cheng said.

"Auntie, I'm here to serve dinner," Qinqin said actively.

The kindergarten teacher asks the students to go home to help their parents with the housework, so Qinqin is very motivated to do housework at home every day.

"Qinqin, be careful; don't get burned," Aunt Xu said.

In this way, Qinqin filled four bowls of rice, and one bowl was brought to the dining table.

The next morning, Ye Cheng drove to Chenyuan Battery Co., Ltd.

Renovation is going on here, and many areas need to be remodeled before they can be put into use.

After this is done, the ordered equipment and related production lines will all be in place.

"Mr. Ye, there are still these items that need to be ordered, but they are not available in China, so they must be imported from abroad, and the price will be very expensive."

He Yiping was also present.

He has nothing to do now and can only come to his future workplace to observe. He can't wait to devote himself to his research.

After seeing Ye Cheng arrive, he quickly handed over a prepared list.

After Ye Cheng read it, he realized that he wasn't familiar with these instruments and equipment, but he could tell at a glance that they were high-precision equipment.

Since it's what He Yiping needs, it must be bought, no matter the cost.

"Don't worry, I will try my best to find channels to purchase this equipment," Ye Cheng assured.

Then, he took a photo of the list and sent it to Ling Sang, the logistics procurement director of Chenyuan Media Company, asking him to inquire whether there was a channel for ordering this equipment.

If that didn't work, they would have to find another solution.

Two days later, Ling Sang informed Ye Cheng that their original foreign equipment procurement channels were not reliable. The purchase of such equipment required qualifications, and only some large companies could manage it, while ordinary companies often ignored such requests.

With no other options, Ye Cheng went directly to Wang Zilong of Luoshui Molybdenum Industry.

This company should have its own high-end equipment import and procurement channels.

Wang Zilong agreed to help.

It took a week for Wang Zilong to reply to Ye Cheng. He had already contacted several foreign equipment manufacturers, but the prices were very high.

After Ye Cheng communicated with those equipment providers, he found that the equipment was indeed expensive. All purchases would cost at least hundreds of millions of soft sister coins.

However, the accuracy of domestically produced equipment was not sufficient for He Yiping's research on the new battery technology. Therefore, they needed high-quality equipment to continue the research.

Understanding the importance of this new battery technology, Ye Cheng was willing to invest money in it.

Anyway, the purchased equipment would become a fixed asset.

Unable to negotiate the price, Ye Cheng had no choice but to accept it, pay the deposit, and order all the equipment.

In a blink of an eye, it was early February.

The company's workshop was finally completed, and the instruments and equipment were delivered one after another. Since they were ordered in China, the logistics were fast and convenient. However, it was estimated that orders from abroad would arrive by the end of the month.

Professional and technical personnel were also recruited one after another.

Ye Cheng transferred a group of management personnel from Chenyuan Media.

However, the general manager of the company, Wang Envoy, was recruited through a headhunting company and has relevant experience in senior management of large companies.

Unfortunately, starting a company is equivalent to starting from scratch. If it wants to manufacture lithium batteries and put them into production, it is estimated that it will take at least three to five months, which is still a conservative estimate.

This means that for a few months it is purely input expenditure, and there will be no income.

Without the foundation of new battery technology, Ye Cheng would definitely not start such a pure loss-making company, and it may be a huge loss.

Unfortunately, the appeal of this new battery technology is too great.

"We have to find another way to make money.

Ye Cheng sat in the office, leaning back on the chair, thinking.

The battery company's investment will certainly not be small, and it will definitely affect his money-making plan.

He has to have more income in his account.

In fact, there are not many ways to make money that he can think of, but they can only make a little money.

He doesn't care at all.

Now that there is no business with an annual income of tens of millions, he does not think it is interesting.

"Want to stop playing @bitcoin?"

Ye Cheng's heart moved.

But he immediately rejected it.

Because it's too much for @牛牛.

It's okay to play with the general trend.

But if you use a lot of money to make daily fluctuations, it will definitely not work, and you will definitely be targeted by the behind-the-scenes capital that manipulates Bitcoin.

"It seems that in a short period of time, I can only rely on stocks to make more money."

Ye Cheng took a breath.

Many projects require large investments and compete with other giants.

Just then, a headline popped up on the phone.

After Ye Cheng saw it, his eyes lit up, and he quickly clicked to enter. Xinhe Pharmaceutical, a famous innovative drug company, failed to reorganize. Because it could not repay the debt of up to 300 million yuan, it would enter bankruptcy liquidation.

"I forgot about it."

Ye Cheng showed a smile.

He didn't think of this matter, mainly because the influence of the previous life was not great and because he knew it was just by chance.

Mainly, when he just entered the stock market in his previous life, he happened to buy the stock of this company, but he did not expect to encounter the delisting of the stock.

He thought it would be a heavy loss, but he didn't expect that it would miraculously return to the main board. Ye Cheng hit more than a dozen daily limits in a row, but instead made a fortune.

The reason for this is that when the company was about to liquidate and go bankrupt, an innovative drug that had been studied for several years and could treat diabetes made a breakthrough.

It brought the company back to life. Not only did it not go bankrupt, but it became a rookie in the pharmaceutical industry with the help of this new drug. In just over a year, the market value of this pharmaceutical company has increased by more than ten times, which is nothing short of a miracle.

"If I can take this opportunity to join this company, as long as I can get 20 to 30 percent of the equity, when the innovative drug comes out, I will soon get more than ten times the income."

Ye Cheng's eyes glowed.

This transaction is more profitable than the Heizhou cobalt mine project.

"There shouldn't be much time for me; at most one or two months, this innovative drug should come out."

Ye Cheng muttered to himself.

Thinking of this, Ye Cheng immediately asked his secretary to book some air tickets to Wu City, Bei Province.

"Hey, wife, I have something to do temporarily. I'm going to Wu City. It's estimated that it will take a few days."

Ye Cheng is called Lin Yuanyuan.

This time, it was really urgent.

He must take part in the equity of Xinhe Pharmaceutical as quickly as possible.

As for winning all of them, it's definitely impossible; after all, the company's size is not small, unless Ye Cheng puts all the funds into it.

But in that case, the risk is great.

After all, his intervention may affect the research and development of innovative drugs, but not necessarily.

As long as he can successfully enter this time, he can at least double his assets.