The Game of Destiny

After Li Renbo left the office, Ye Cheng settled back into his office chair, feeling somewhat bored.

He decided to open LOL, which had been gaining significant popularity lately, and began playing a game. However, it quickly turned into chaos.

Subconsciously, he found himself searching for PUBG.

He had enjoyed playing it in his previous life; it had been quite intriguing. However, his skills were lacking, often leading to his swift demise.

"Oh, by the way, PUBG hasn't been released yet. It won't be until August when Penguin secures the agency rights for PUBG Corporation in the Xia Kingdom area to complete the localization of PUBG." (For plot purposes, the game launch time has been delayed. (Please do not compare with reality.)

Ye Cheng shook his head in disappointment.

Suddenly, an idea struck him. Could he represent this game?

He searched for information on PUBG and found that it had just been released abroad, with very little information available online. It seemed that its popularity hadn't spread yet.

Over the next two years, PUBG would boom, becoming a popular game second only to LoL.

In the live broadcast industry, a group of top anchors relying on live streams for survival would emerge.

Therefore, obtaining the agency rights for PUBG and nurturing a group of PUBG anchors could potentially generate significant revenue.

"Yes, how could I forget this? At this time, Penguin shouldn't be paying attention to the game 'One-One-Seven'. I must seize this opportunity to secure the agency rights for this game."

Ye Cheng felt a surge of excitement. With some free time on his hands, starting a game company seemed like a promising venture.

Over the next two years, several promising games awaited development, all of which he could handle himself.

Ye Cheng was determined to act swiftly, knowing he was racing against time. Once the opportunity slipped away, he wouldn't even have a chance to fight back.

He would become the undisputed ruler of the gaming realm in the Xia Kingdom.

That very day, Ye Cheng instructed the company's external liaison department to contact PUBG's development company, Bangguo Green Cave Company, to inquire about the agency arrangements for PUBG.

Simultaneously, he promptly registered and established a new game company, Dust Games.

With this, Ye Cheng now owned four companies: Chenyuan Media, Chenyuan Investment, Chenyuan Battery, and Chenyuan Games.

Establishing another company would allow him to form a group company. By vertically managing the subsidiaries through the parent company, he could significantly improve financial efficiency and reduce administrative costs.

Recruitment for the new game company began promptly. Ye Cheng understood the importance of not merely acting as a distributor but also developing original games in the future.


Especially after the success of PUBG, he can develop a mobile game like Peace Elite, similar to a penguin.

Compared with console games, the market for mobile games is larger.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019.

Ye Cheng is inspecting the research situation in the second laboratory of Xingyuan Battery.

The progress is quite fast. A lithium battery has been initially developed, and various tests are underway. If it can meet the standards, it will enter the production line after approval.

Ye Cheng was quite satisfied.

Although this lithium battery does not have many features, it can already meet our needs.

At this moment, Ye Cheng's cell phone rang.

Ye Cheng took it out and saw that it was Zhao Kangling, the general manager of Chenyuan Games. He was originally the deputy general manager of Chenyuan Media. He was very capable and cooperated very well with Li Renbo in his work.

So this time Ye Cheng was transferred to Chenyuan Games as the general manager, which was a chance for Zhao Kangling to be promoted.

If he can manage Chenyuan Games well, he will always serve as the general manager.

"Boss, good news! Langya Studio has agreed to join our mortal game."

After pressing the button to answer, Zhao Kangling's voice came from the phone.

"Oh, really?"

Ye Cheng was a little surprised.

This Langya studio is part of the Apocalypse studio group of the four big game studios at Penguin Games. It originally belonged to an independent studio but was merged during the 15-year integration process at Penguin Games.

Since 2018, there has been news that the original Langya studio is going to leave.

Ye Cheng was reborn from a previous life and naturally knew about it. Later, Langya Studio left Penguin Games and became an independent game creation studio, which soon emerged.

For such a high-quality game production studio, Ye Cheng naturally values it very much.

If there is an opportunity to recruit, Ye Cheng did not hesitate to send someone to contact the person in charge of this studio.

I thought that my own game was just established and that it would be difficult to recruit such a heavyweight game studio, but I didn't expect them to agree.

So Ye Cheng was very surprised.

After listening to Zhao Kangling's words, Ye Cheng realized that several game companies had also contacted Langya Studio, but the conditions they gave were relatively harsh, and the conditions given by Xingyuan Games were very loose.

However, Langya Studio had the experience of working in Penguin games, so they naturally rejected the atmosphere and environment of those big companies. Because of this, they later became an independent game creation studio, just to get rid of the shackles.

The olive branch cast by Chenyuan Games is very attractive to Langya Studio.

Ye Cheng is in a very happy mood. With the addition of Langya Studio, the Xingyuan game is no longer an empty shell.

Next, let's see if we can win the agency rights for PUBG Mobile in China.

"In the previous life, the reason why Penguin was able to win the proxy rights of PUBG was that it directly spent $400 million to acquire 4% of the shares of Green Cave Company. And now, PUBG has not been popular in the world; it has just been listed. If you want to win the proxy rights and acquire a part of the Green Hole company, by the way, the price should be much lower.

Ye Cheng had wishful thinking in his heart.

Because of the popularity of PUBG around the world, the market value of Green Hole has increased five or six times in just a few months.

Ye Cheng would be able to make a lot of money if he could acquire the shares of Green Hole Company ahead of schedule.

Such an investment is definitely worth it.

After Ye Cheng told Zhao Kangling a few words, he hung up the phone and came to the second laboratory.

Now the second laboratory has more than one person, He Yiping, and more than a dozen internship assistants, who are at least fresh graduates of 985 University, and two of them are still from the University of Science and Technology of China.

Of course, whether they can stay or not depends on their performance during the internship period.

He Yiping, the core experimenter of the new battery technology, has not let them contact them for the time being and only conducts some less important auxiliary experiments.

In this way, the work intensity of He Yiping can be reduced, and efficiency can be improved.

These internship assistants are all very good seedlings, with a solid theoretical foundation and practical ability. What they lack is the accumulation and application of high-end knowledge. It takes time.

In the evening, Ye Cheng returned home.

Qinqin sat on the sofa and watched cartoons.

"Qinqin, where's mom?" Ye Cheng asked.

"Mom is in the kitchen," Qinqin stared at the TV and said.

Ye Cheng hurriedly walked to the kitchen and saw Lin Yuanyuan cooking in the kitchen.

"Wife, why are you cooking? Where's Aunt Xu?" Ye Cheng said.

"Her father died suddenly of a brain hemorrhage, so she went back to her hometown in the morning, and it would take three or five days to return," Lin Yuanyuan stroked the hair on her face and said softly.

"Why don't you call me, so I'll be back sooner? What do you do when you bump into the kitchen with such a big belly?" Ye Cheng said.

He immediately took the vegetable spoon from Lin Yuanyuan and let Lin Yuanyuan go out.

"You're busy with work anyway; I'm also free, so I cook by myself, but it's nothing," Lin Yuanyuan laughed.

"That won't work; let your mother-in-law take care of you for a few days," Ye Cheng said.

It's been more than eight months, and it's time to be very careful.

Lin Yuanyuan nodded and agreed.

Ye Cheng poured the cooked dishes from the pot onto the plate and then brought several prepared dishes to the table.

Qinqin turned off the TV, took the initiative to grab the rice bowl and chopsticks, and started to serve the rice.

After eating, Qinqin also took the initiative to help clean up the tableware, and her movements were very neat.

"Qinqin is really nice," Ye Cheng remarked with a smile.

Soon, he picked up his phone and sent a prestigious video to his mother-in-law. Shortly after, the video call connected.

"I'm eating too, Mom," Ye Cheng said, addressing his mother-in-law.

"Have you just eaten, Qinqin?" His mother-in-law asked between bites.

"Grandma, I'm here!" Qinqin chimed in eagerly, flashing a mischievous grin that revealed her two front teeth.

"Do you want Grandma, Qinqin?" The mother-in-law laughed.

"I do, Grandma. I want to eat the steamed pork you made," Qinqin replied with a smile.

Meanwhile, Lin Xuanyu, holding his mother-in-law's mobile phone, intervened, "Qinqin, do you want to talk to Uncle?"

"Not really in the mood," Qinqin said, shaking her head.

Lin Xuanyu looked puzzled. "Why not? Uncle is feeling a little sad."

"I was just kidding. I miss Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle, Grandpa, Grandma... everyone," Qinqin clarified with a smile.

Lin Xuanyu didn't know whether to laugh or sigh.

After a brief conversation, Qinqin went off to play. Ye Cheng then turned to his mother-in-law, who had reclaimed her phone, and said, "Mom, our nanny needs to leave for a while. Can you come and take care of Yuanyuan for a few days? Do you have time?"

"Of course, I'm quite free at the moment. Your dad and I will come over tomorrow," the mother-in-law happily agreed. She had been eager to visit her daughter, who was eight months pregnant.

"Great, I'll have Xiaoyu arrange your plane tickets." Ye Cheng nodded, concluding the discussion.

He then spoke to Lin Xuanyu, who readily agreed to the arrangement.