Moving to a big villa

Back in the house, Ye Cheng said to Qin Qin, "Qin Qin, Dad still has something to do. Later, you can ask your mother to tell you a story."

"What about Uncle Fei?" Qin Qin asked quickly.

"He's definitely coming with me," Ye Cheng laughed.

"Oh." Qin Qin was a little disappointed. Without Uncle Fei, there was no way to learn Neijiaquan.

Ye Cheng spoke to his wife again and then called Fei Wei, asking him to wait in the parking lot.

It was exactly two o'clock when the two arrived in Dongguan by car and entered the office building of Hualing Cosmetics Company.

Ye Cheng did not immediately see the people from Meidan Biotech, but instead called Tie Hualing and Su Binggui.

"Let's hear your opinions. What do you think about the conditions that Meidan Biotech has set out?" Ye Cheng said, getting straight to the point.

"Mr. Ye, although acquiring the original shares of Medan Bio could lead to early arbitrage and substantial profits, I believe the beauty industry market is vast. While our current investment may pose risks, overcoming these challenges could lead to a bright future. We shouldn't sacrifice long-term prospects for immediate gains. We invested in Hualing Cosmetics not just for financial returns but to build a business," Tie Hualing expressed her views first.

Tie Hualing, known for her stubborn character, harbored a deep aversion to Meidan's practices, though she held the fewest shares and recognized that ultimate decision-making rested with Ye Cheng.

Ye Cheng remained calm, listening to Su Binggui.

"Allow me to add, Mr. Ye. I prefer being an entrepreneur to being a mere investor. Why settle for half-priced shares in Meidan Bio? If offered at full price, I might have considered it seriously. When I invested in beauty, I aimed for returns not just three or fivefold but tenfold, or even more. Like top investors in internet giants like Penguin and Ali, I believe that under President Ye's leadership, we can revolutionize the beauty industry. If Meidan can go public, so can we. With the potential to become shareholders of a listed company, our returns could far exceed current projections. I'm optimistic about Chen Yuan and President Ye's vision for the beauty industry," Su Binggui articulated his perspective.

"Haha, Lao Su echoes my sentiments precisely. We won't settle for crumbs from Meidan Bio. I stand with Mr. Ye to pursue global beauty," Cao Sanqi chimed in.

Several others voiced similar support for Ye Cheng's vision.

Pleased with the unity displayed, Ye Cheng nodded in satisfaction. He didn't want dissent after a decision was made; it hindered future cooperation. Managing conflicts among shareholders was crucial for company growth, especially for potential public listings.

"Now that everyone has spoken, the decision is made," Ye Cheng declared. "Sister Tie, inform the Meidan Bio team directly."

"But won't you meet them?" Tie Hualing asked, surprised.

"It's unnecessary," Ye Cheng said, shaking his head.

Tie Hualing smiled. "They might feel slighted if you don't at least see them, Mr. Ye."

The group shared a laugh.

Meanwhile, in the reception room at Hualing Cosmetics, the Meidan Bio team sat together, awaiting their meeting.

Chu Qiaoshan, who was leading the negotiation, sat calmly, sipping tea.

"President Chu, do you believe the new shareholders of Hualing Cosmetics will agree to our request?" An assistant couldn't resist asking.

"One side offers stable income, which can be cashed out upfront, while the other entails unknown risks that could result in losses. Which would you choose?" Chu Qiaoshan replied with a serene smile.

The terms he proposed were truly excellent.

If it weren't for the technical formula patents that Meidan required from Hualing Cosmetics to enhance Meidan's biotech assets, they could present a stronger case in the listed asset statement. With Meidan Bio's listing, investor confidence would increase, potentially driving up stock prices.

Thus, the original shares of Meidan Biotech were extremely valuable and couldn't be acquired with ordinary capital.

It was regrettable that he had to relinquish some shares to the shareholders, including Hualing. These individuals were undeniably fortunate, having secured a stake in Hualing in advance.

However, Chu Qiaoshan faced severe criticism from the chairman due to this incident. Were he not a seasoned company veteran, he might have faced significant repercussions for such a major oversight.

"If it were up to me, I'd undoubtedly choose the first option; tangible benefits are always the most immediate." The assistant nodded in agreement.

"As long as Mr. Ye, our global investor, isn't a fool, he'll undoubtedly opt for this method. Therefore, we're bound to secure Hualing makeup this time," Chu Qiaoshan stated confidently.

Just then, there was a knock at the door, and Tie Hua entered.

"Mr. Tie, are you here to escort me to meet President Ye?" Chu Qiaoshan stood up, adjusted his collar, and asked with a smile.

"No, I'm delivering a message to President Chu on behalf of President Ye. Our company has decided to decline the offer to exchange the original shares of Meidan Biology. You may take your leave," Tie Hua said with a smirk.

This confident demeanor of Chu Qiaoshan, with a belief that he held all the cards, irritated her.

"Are you feeling deflated now?" she seemed to insinuate. "Mr. Ye isn't the myopic individual solely focused on immediate gains, as you perceive."

Chu Qiaoshan was taken aback. How could they refuse? Surely, anyone smart would accept?

"Mr. Tie, this isn't a joke. Accepting the original shares of Meidan Biology only benefits you; there's no downside," Chu Qiaoshan retorted.

"Mr. Chu, not everyone operates on your simplistic view. There's more to life than just interests; there are dreams and aspirations... Under President Ye's leadership, we, Hualing—no, the world of beauty—could potentially surpass your Meidan," Tie Hua laughed.

"Mr. Tie, you're oversimplifying things. The beauty industry is volatile; countless companies have risen and fallen. If you reject our offer, bankruptcy may be your only fate," Chu Qiaoshan said sternly, feeling a surge of frustration as his well-thought-out plan crumbled before him.

Ignoring Tie Hualing, he stormed out with his entourage. However, before leaving, he turned back to address Tie Hualing: "Mr. Tie, please inform President Ye that he'll regret this decision in the future."

As he left, Ye Cheng chuckled softly at Tie Hualing's recounting of Chu Qiaoshan's words. "Instead of accepting his failure, Chu Qiaoshan blames us. That's his way."

"Since he wants us to regret it, then we will definitely not let him do it. We have a relationship with beauty, not only to survive but also to thrive, become bigger, stronger, and lead in the beauty industry.

Ye Cheng's tone became heroic.

Many senior executives present were excited by Ye Cheng's words.

Next, Ye Cheng made a series of arrangements. After the acquisition process was completely completed, the company resumed production in an all-round way, repaid all debts owed, and settled all delayed wages.

When the news spread throughout the company, people were excited.

During this time, all kinds of bad news about Hualing Cosmetics spread, and people were distracted. Many people thought that the company would go bankrupt and dissolve, or that it would be annexed by Meidan Biotechnology.

Now there is finally good news.

Once the people's hearts are stable, the cohesion of the company will be greatly improved.

Tie Hualing's management ability is very strong, and she quickly stabilized the company's mood. At the same time, she made minor adjustments to the company's management according to Ye Cheng's request.

There was no major movement.

However, Ye Cheng also established an assessment period.

The capable rise, the mediocre fall.

Originally, the old shareholders of the company were deeply involved, and Tie Hualing's work was hindered.

It's different now.

Ye Cheng has absolute control; Su Binggui and others are only small shareholders; they have just entered the company, and their influence is far less than that of the original old shareholders.

Now that Ye Cheng has delegated power to Tie Hualing, he is definitely holding the imperial decree, like a sword of Shang Fang, and his authority has been absolutely guaranteed.

The transformation of Chenyuan Beauty is not only at the management level but also at the product level.

Ye Cheng wants to create a well-known makeup brand.

A comprehensive change has been made in the cosmetic containers and outer packaging; they must be exquisite, delicate, and stunning to compete with international brands. It can be seen at a glance that they are high-quality, giving users a sense of noble pride.

Cosmetics originally made by Hualing, whether in the shape of the container or the packaging, are a bit old-fashioned and cannot keep up with the times.

Of course, changing the containers and improving the production company's molds is not a small expense.

However, Ye Cheng changed everything without hesitation.

If you can't even invest in this, how can you create a top makeup brand?

In the blink of an eye, it was July 1st.

Schools across the country have closed for summer vacation.

These days, Ye Cheng travels between Pengcheng and Dongguan every day to manage various affairs.

Until now, Chenyuan Beauty Co., Ltd. is officially on the right track.

Ye Cheng also dispatched more than a dozen people from Chenyuan Media to join Chenyuan Makeup, mainly for supervision and management, especially finance, logistics, procurement, quality inspection, etc., which were Ye Cheng's main focus.

Nine in the morning.

Everyone in the family has packed everything.

Because they are moving today.

They moved out of the house where they lived for more than a year and went to Guanhu Golf Mansion.

Qinqin is the happiest.

"Dad, has the moving company's car arrived yet?"

Qinqin was carrying a schoolbag, which contained her favorite storybooks.

Moreover, there is a box next to her, which also contains various comic strips and fairy tale books. If practicing martial arts is her favorite, these books are the second-greatest fun.

As for the original, most precious toy, she didn't care at all.

However, it still packs a few large boxes.

"It's coming," Ye Cheng said with a smile.

At this moment, Ye Cheng's cell phone rang, and it was from the moving company.

The car has arrived.

"Okay, the moving company has arrived."

Ye Cheng chuckled.

Before long, the moving company workers arrived at the house and began moving items downstairs.

There weren't many large or small items, just dozens of boxes.

After the move, Ye Cheng and the others walked out of the house, locked it, and took the elevator to the underground parking lot.

In addition to the moving company's truck, Jiang Xianhai drove a commercial vehicle from the company.

With seven or eight people, one car was definitely not enough.

Once the roof rack was installed, Xiao Feifei also found a spot, and everyone got in the car.

The three cars exited the underground parking lot and headed towards Hualong District.

More than half an hour later, they arrived at the gate of the Hualong Golf Villa.

After security inquiries, they bowed and opened the gate.

The cars drove in slowly.

After a few more minutes of driving, they finally reached the large villa that Ye Cheng had purchased.

Seeing the villa through the car window, everyone felt its high-end luxury atmosphere.

Ye Cheng pressed the remote control for the villa's courtyard door, and it opened slowly.

All three cars drove in easily, with plenty of space for parking.

Moreover, there was a dedicated underground parking lot in the villa.

Everyone exited the cars.

"This villa is really spacious," Lin Yuanyuan remarked, extremely impressed.

Though she had seen it in videos shot by Ye Cheng, nothing compared to standing in front of it.

Qin Qin had already run to the front door, pressing the bell, and the villa door opened immediately.

"Qinqin, don't go in yet. It needs ventilation, and the air quality isn't good," Ye Cheng advised.

All windows were shut.

Though the villa had been renovated for years, reducing harmful gases like formaldehyde, it wasn't ideal for children to enter directly after being closed for so long.

"Okay," Qinqin said quickly.

Next, the moving company workers began transferring everything from the cars into the villa.

Seeing the luxurious interior decorations, delicate and expensive furniture, and soft carpets, the movers were very cautious, afraid of causing any damage.

Ye Cheng entered the villa and started opening doors and windows to ventilate.

Lin Yuanyuan observed from the villa, overwhelmed by its grandeur.

The villa was so large and beautiful.

The thought of living here in the future was something she had never dreamed of before.