Hot Potato

"Mr. Li, I am very confident in the future of Hongyan agriculture and animal husbandry, so I have no plans to sell shares for the time being," Ye Cheng said.

"It's alright; I'm just asking for help. If it's not a special situation, I don't plan to sell the shares of Hongyan Agriculture and Animal Husbandry. If there is an opportunity in the future, we will cooperate in investment," Li Xiyuan said with a smile.

Then the two chatted for a few more words and hung up the phone.

Ye Cheng got up, left Chenyuan Investment, and asked Fei Zheng to drive to Chenyuan Battery.

On the other side, at Hongyan Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Company.

"Cao Dong, Ye Cheng doesn't intend to sell the shares; I'm afraid you can only think of other ways," Li Xiyuan said to Cao Yancheng, chairman of Hongyan Agriculture and Animal Husbandry.

Cao Yancheng and several people present frowned.

This time, Hongyan Agriculture and Animal Husbandry plans to raise two large capitals, mainly to increase the success rate of listing in the future, but these original shareholders do not want to reduce their shares.

So they took the shares of two investment companies, Qianqian Investment and Chenyuan Investment, hoping to get their shares back.

It just so happened that Qian Qian Investment also had an arbitrage plan to leave the market, so the two sides coincided.

But now there is no such plan in Chenyuan Investment. The 13.4% shares invested by Qian Qian alone are not enough to satisfy the appetite of those two big capitals.

Unless they come up with some shares themselves,.

"Okay, everyone, I will not interfere with your affairs, so I will leave first," Li Xiyuan said indifferently.

Anyway, he has already negotiated the shares invested by Qian Qian and signed the contract.

After that, Hong Kong farming and animal husbandry will have nothing to do with him.

After speaking, he turned and left the office.

Only a few high-level executives of Hongyan Farming and Animal Husbandry were left at the scene.

"What do you think?" Cao Yancheng said.

"This mortal investment will not help our company's listing in the future, but it occupies 13.4% of the shares, which is too high. Even if it can't be fully recovered, at least half of it must be recovered," said another bald man.

He is the vice president of Hongyan Agriculture and Animal Husbandry. He planned this financing, and even the two major capitals were pulled by him.

"There's no need to be so direct. The survival of Hongyan farming and animal husbandry has something to do with Qianqian investment and Chenyuan investment. We can't say that we have passed the difficulties, and we will kick people out, so let's talk to him and try to persuade him to let him go. Some shares come out, and I'm sure he'll be willing," another senior official said.

"Old Wang, this is the business world. It's about strength, not morality. Do you want to share some shares? Anyway, I'm not happy, and I won't give a share," another shareholder spoke up.

"Hmph, then go talk to him and see if it makes sense. Do you think the other party will let you handle it? You don't want to inquire about this Ye Cheng's background," the shareholder surnamed Wang sneered.

As he said that, he took out a document and threw it on the table. "Take a good look at the content on it; this is the information I got through the relationship; it should be very accurate."

The others were stunned for a moment, then picked up the document and looked at it.

"Is this Ye Cheng a member of Asia News Agency?" When the people present saw the line of text above, their expressions changed slightly.

They still have a great understanding of the capital circle and know several well-known business circles, and Asia News Agency belongs to one of them. The business leaders in it are worthy of their admiration.

Even if Hongyan Agriculture and Animal Husbandry were listed, they would become billionaires, and they were far from that level.

They know the weight of a top business circle, and the interior is often very united. When one moves, it often moves a group... Unless it involves a higher level of battle,.

"Even if this person is not a member of the Asia News Agency, we must be very cautious when we want to kick him out. He is the boss of Chenyuan Media, and he has mastered a top live broadcast guild such as the Xinhai Guild and has an amazing voice on the Internet. At the beginning, because of the investment of the Dragon Group 2 film with Fengdeng Pictures, there was a lot of trouble at that time, which almost destroyed the film and television copyright of Dragon Group 2.

Wang Haitang continued.

The people present, including Chairman Cao Yancheng, fell silent.

Because they really underestimated this, Ye Cheng.

They thought that Chenyuan Investment was just a very small investment company. It was a coincidence that Qianqian Investment was brought in to invest in Hongyan Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, so they moved their minds and wanted to get their shares back.

"Hey, let's have a good talk with him and try to convince him to let some shares come out.

Cao Yancheng said with a sigh.

"What if he doesn't want to give up shares?"

someone said.

"Then what else can be done? It can only be done like this. Anyway, he must inject capital; otherwise, the shares will be diluted.

Wang Haitang said.

Everyone present was very uncomfortable because it meant that they had to give up some shares.

It's no wonder that they don't feel bad about this kind of damage to their own interests.

But if the company wants to raise funds and develop, it must do so.

Since Ye Cheng can't do anything about it, he can only cut the flesh from himself.

In the office, Ye Cheng was listening to the work report of General Manager Yang Shuhuai.

"Mr. Ye, this is the last order I have signed. Since we cooperated with Dapeng Motors, we have clearly noticed the battery. In addition, I am currently tracking a relatively large bidding project, and there should be great hope."

Yang Shuhuai said.

Now Chenyuan Battery is slowly on the right track. Although it has not yet made a profit, the loss has been reduced to a minimum.

"Well, take your time; don't worry; you must improve the quality and accumulate technology."

Ye Cheng said.

"Boss, please rest assured, I will pay close attention to quality and vigorously develop technical patents.

Yang Shuhuai said quickly.

The more the boss makes him steady, the more he wants to develop the company faster and better.

Only in this way can we earn the boss's trust and support for him.

In fact, he didn't know that Ye Cheng didn't pay much attention to the existing business of Xingyuan Battery.

In Ye Cheng's view, the only thing left to do is not to lose too much.

As for the real development, it depends on the new battery technology developed by He Yiping.

All the efforts of Chenyuan Battery are now laying the foundation for new battery technology.

Ye Cheng asked Yang Shuhuai to do some work and then came to the second laboratory by himself.

Within Chenyuan Battery, many people know that the company has two laboratories, and they are very curious about what kind of battery technology research and development is carried out by the two laboratories.

After all, the research equipment of the two laboratories is much better than that of the one.

Because of this, people from a laboratory once responded to Yang Shuhuai, hoping to merge the two laboratories.

Yang Shuhuai has no jurisdiction over the second laboratory, and the second laboratory is only responsible to the boss, Ye Cheng.

Therefore, He Yiping's position in the company is very detached.

He rarely interacts with other researchers in the company and only concentrates on his own experimental research.

The second laboratory is also becoming more and more mysterious inside the dust cell.

"Old He, how is the research progress?"

 Ye Cheng was chatting with He Yiping in the lounge of the second laboratory.He Yiping poured a big cup of strong tea and grinned: "It's okay; there are several difficulties that have been broken through. Those college students have a high theoretical level, and now their practical ability has improved. They can help me share a lot."Of course, the core technology is still He Yiping working alone, and this is the place that delays the progress.No way; this is what Ye Cheng requested.After all, when Ye Cheng knew about his previous life, Chen Yenong had leaked information about the new battery technology because of the internal staff of the laboratory, which led to the follow-up situation.If you give Chen Yenong some more time to build a strong interest group with Chen Yenong's personal connections, there should be no problem in keeping the new battery technology.Therefore, Ye Cheng would rather this new battery technology mature later, but also lay the foundation first and have enough background and strength to deal with future risks.He Yiping also knew this, so he obeyed Ye Cheng's plan.He wasn't in a hurry anyway.Because he knew that it would take a few more years at most, he was able to complete such a technique.This is also the biggest dream of his life."Also, Mr. Ye, I have a new discovery."He Yiping suddenly said in a low voice, his eyes shining brightly."What did you find?"Ye Cheng asked curiously."Come with me."He Yiping got up and said it directly.Then Ye Cheng came to the place where He Yiping usually did experiments.Only He Yiping has permission to enter here; not even the assistants of the top students can enter.On a platform, there is a very special set of devices that look like a battery pack but are not very similar. They use special glass containers that contain special solutions.Moreover, the internal structure of this device is very complex; it seems to be composed of many special ternary structures.Based on Ye Cheng's understanding of this new battery technology developed by He Yiping, he only understood a little bit."This is the direction of my latest research. The liquid electrolyte used. Normally, the capacity and safety of solid-state polymer batteries are much better than those of liquid electrolytes. However, I used liquid electrolytes for research some time ago, and there is a very special discovery.Why do you talk while operating the flat?Then he charged, and after passing through the glass container, he could see the strange changes in the electrolyte inside.It takes about a minute to charge.He Yiping disconnected the charge and connected the entire battery unit to a special device platform.As He Yiping pressed a button, an extremely tiny azure blue electric light suddenly appeared on the platform and then disappeared in a flash."What was that just now?"Ye Cheng was surprised.He Yiping turned on a special instrument next to him, and the scene on the platform just now appeared on the screen, but a very special photographing device was able to photograph very microscopic phenomena.Soon, electric light also appeared on the screen, but it did not appear in a flash but appeared very slowly, and then it was enlarged to completely photograph the previous flashing process."Mr. Ye, you can see that this ball of electric light is actually a kind of plasma; in fact, it is also commonly known as plasma."He Yiping said."I know this. With current technology, it is not difficult to create plasma. Is there anything special about this?"Ye Cheng asked curiously."It is not difficult to make plasma, but it is impossible to make the plasma stable and controllable. It is like controllable nuclear fusion, which cannot be achieved with existing technology. But I found that the liquid state that I developed after the new type of electrolyte battery can not only easily produce plasma, but also the controllability of this plasma is very strong, as if the Coulomb force between particles and the collision with each other are weakened a lot."He Yiping said.

"You mean, can this new battery technology also generate controllable plasma?"

Ye Cheng was stunned.

Although he didn't understand the intricacies, he could grasp some of them, at least what controllable plasma meant.

In science fiction movies, there is often a weapon—a plasma weapon.

Since the temperature of plasma itself can reach millions to tens of millions of degrees, any substance will instantly evaporate in front of it, making its destructive power quite astounding.

If a controllable plasma weapon could be developed, its significance could be imagined.

"Old He, don't conduct research in this area. Once it's leaked, the consequences will be disastrous."

Ye Cheng said after a moment of contemplation.

"I know; that's why I didn't pursue it further."

Yiping naturally understood this.

Because of this research direction, it veered towards weaponry.

He was also a little worried.

"Old He, seal all the relevant information and destroy this device as well."

Ye Cheng said it in a deep voice.

He suddenly had an idea: why did Chen Yenong go to prison?

Was it really just about the new battery technology?

Now it seemed there was more to it.

It seemed that in a past life, the new direction of controllable plasma had also been discovered.

Perhaps Chen Yenong delved deep into this aspect, which then became a major issue.

Otherwise, given Chen Yenong's connections, he wouldn't have ended up in such a miserable state in the future. It must be that certain aspects crossed the line with the authorities.

"Well, I'll take care of it immediately."

He nodded.

If he hadn't wanted to inform Ye Cheng about this, he would have handled it long ago.

After all, this matter felt very sensitive to him; the best course was to not delve further into it.

Ye Cheng felt a little exhausted after leaving the second laboratory.

How did such a thing happen with the new type of battery technology?

Luckily, He Yiping had managed the confidentiality well. Otherwise, if the secret got out, the consequences would be dire.

"Indeed, it's a delicate situation."

Ye Cheng sighed.

In fact, he could have directly handed over his new electrical technology to the authorities for free. With such a contribution, he would surely have solid protection.

However, he had his own deeper considerations.

The benefits of the new battery technology were too substantial to simply abandon.

He wasn't willing to give up.

Thus, he felt it was necessary to wait. It seemed that activating the system was the only way forward.

If all else failed, then he would have no choice but to submit it honestly to the authorities.