The meeting

Dorothy just like Tamara's father, had failed to mollify Tamara and retrieve her from her ever brooding nature. At one instant , Dorothy reminded her of the forthcoming village ceremony to usher in a new village Chief. She did not jolt or smile at all. It was as if Dorothy was telling her some news from other planets or was announcing a shocking death report. This was contrary to her nature since such news would mean shouting and jumping up and down like a new born calf for Tamara. She liked ceremonies and festivals that her father would complain when she attended one and totally failed to discharge her domestic chores.


Five days later, the ceremonious day came . Dorothy tried for the last time to go and convince her dear friend to attend the event which was supposed to be held at the community's sports ground. Now Ota village was a vibrant village that embraced work and constantly reworded everyone who made an effort to bring development in the village. Sports and gaming was not forsaken either. It was one of the most adored activity especially during village weddings and ceremonies such as this. The sport ground was one of the most treasured and honored resources inherited from the forefathers of Ota.

Tamara after all her attempts to hesitate and give Dorothy all flavours of excuses , she had finally relented and agreed to come with her into the ceremony. She hastily completed her house chores and followed Dorothy . The ground was packed to capacity by mid morning and the girls secured a rocky place that out skirted from the ground. They perched themselves on a rock and at least accessed the view of what really was going on at the center of the ground.

"It's gonna be day today , isn't it?" Dorothy tried to break an awkward silence between them.

" Maybe!" Commented Tamara nonchalantly .

" Tammy! Why are you being like this? Why can't we enjoy the day?"

" Ooh! It's gonna be a good day. By the way where is the chief? " Tamara pretended as she faked a smile to convince Dorothy that she was in for the day.

" That is what I want Tammy! I want you to enjoy .I don't love it when you grow cold and continue wasting yourself in sombre."

" Did you say wasting in Sombre Dorothy? Almost all the villagers know my condition. They run away from me. Just some weeks ago I learnt that my mother had the disease of running and falling. I'm pretty sure I have it also. I'm trying to figure out how I can bay myself out and you're there talking of ..."

" Easy! Clam down Tammy. I didn't meant to make you feel that way okay. I know it's hard. But you got me Tammy! See let us not think of that matter please! For my sake Tammy! Please!" Dorothy pleaded persuasively and grabbed Tamara's shoulder gently.

" Okay! Dorothy!"

" Ohh sorry! I did not answer your question.

Which Chief are you talking about. The outgoing or the..."

" The incoming. I hear that he is still young and we look forward to greater changes in the village."

" You hear? Who told you?" Dorothy wondered.

" You thought you would always be ahead of me in everything? This time I beat you Dorothy." bragged Tamara and chortled proudly.

" Okay let us see! We would know if you were lied or you have dependable sources of information like me."

" I bet you I have!"

All leaders and officials of the chiefdom had settled composedly at the center of the ground under some old and hastily erected tents. The outgoing chief slouched in a chiefly chair designated only for him at the very center of the other leaders. A conspicuous young looking man also dressed in chiefly robes ,sat to the right of the chief . The villagers did not have to ask for it was apparent the man was possibly the expected successor.

The Master of ceremony was pompously booming his deep voice as he continued to welcome everyone into the ceremony. He was a man made to jokes and everyone who attended did not spare their lungs to laughter and it added more merriment than expected.

" Now I welcome our Chief to officially hand over the seat ...". The Master of ceremony announced . His voice got choked in a loud applause from the crowd spiced with ululations and drum beats. The crowd was more than eager to hear the voice of their worst Chief in history, having to let his guards down and step down for a more vibrant and promising chief. For decades, Ota and other villages in the chiefdom, had suffered the nasty side of the loathed outgoing Chief. He was one to be remembered to have imposed dictatorial regimes in his reign. Crime had increased in the chiefdom and mysterious deaths was a norm. Some backbiters had hearsays that Tamara's mother was a victim to the chief's malicious hands. It was propagated that Tamara's mother had caught the chief's attention with her beauty and when she assertively denied his advances, he plotted for her death and covertly oganised for her body to be thrown in River Hoji.

These rumors had once hit Tamara's ears but she found it almost impossible to try and believe it. It did not create a satisfactory evidence to her. What her father told her of a disease was making more sense to her senses.

" My beloved people." Began the chief. " It has really demanded me time and understanding that my leadership in this kingdom is not well celebrated. I have not only offended but killed many both physically and also psychologically. I beg for your forgiveness." He poused for a while and there was some low growling from the crowd . "I know you would want to taste the realm of another chief. This is not harmful. It is accepted. But one thing I beg from you is to grant me security as I retire from this seat. I believe I have accumulated a great number of my adversaries and they would do anything to claim my life. "

Just at that moment, loud grumbling sound was heard from every direction and the outcome of chief's intentions became visible. In a loud shout ,he ordered " Yes! My boys don't dare to spare anyone!"

Strong horses with armed men on them were menacingly charging towards the ground with fierce and serious intentions. Their fearless galloping and the cloud of blinding dust they left behind did more than best to send confusion and panic to everybody. Screams and cries filled the air as arrows left bows and find themselves into the flesh of innocent attendants of the meeting. Death was claiming people's lives as the soldiers intruded more and more into the crowd.

Dorothy let out a wild shrill as she ran away without caring for her friend . Tamara easily adjusted into the situation and like a commanded robot, her legs got inexplicable energy to thrust her in a sprint that made her too to forget about Dorothy. It added more flight energy in her when she witnessed one of the women who was running in front of her being shot dead to her back by two simultaneous arrows.

Her wild escape from snaring jaws of death landed her in a narrow path towards River Hoji . She negotiated a small bush and was at least relieved by the knowledge that she could no longer hear the pandemonium behind her. She was saved! She was no longer running but out of exhaustion, made an awkward forced jogging towards the river. She dropped down to it's bank and decided to rest and refocus as she figured her way home .

She blamed and resented on the fact that she gave in to Dorothy's persuasion. What if her father returned home from work and find her missing? What if he had also attended the ceremony without her knowledge? Was he killed the chief's army ?Wait! Where was Dorothy herself and is she alive? Warm streams of tears rolled down freely over her cheeks as she strained to gain the answers. She gazed steadily from the path that she had come from and never realized when when a colourful yellow weaver bird descended swiftly to pick up a wriggling caterpillar from the dust. Nothing was making sense in her world.

Just from the same bush she passed through, emerged another young man panting and equally worned out like her. Supporting himself with his hands on his knees, he gasped in a mass of air and tried to focus his eyes on her.

" The chief ..." he began still out of breath.

"Are they coming this way?" She interrupted uneasily while smearing her tears carelessly on her cheeks.

" No! No ! They aren't! But girl this is not a safe place either!" The man responded restlessly and stretched his massive arm to pull her up. " Come let's go this way." She trotted behind him as he maneuvered along the river amongst thorny bushes in places that clearly showed no traces of human footage. He led her into a clearing that gave them a chance to walk side by side instead of following each other. "We must cross the river and go the other side of the village maybe we would rest and come back later when probably everything has calmed down." He suggested while pointing to a cassava plantation on the other side barely a kilometer away.

Tamara grimaced at the suggestions but finally faked a smile and accepted but still being consumed from the guilt of her choices. First she chose to believe Dorothy and now here she is following blindingly to a stranger. But she had no option. Who else was there to guarantee her safety?