
"Smart one heh?" one of Lady Syklon's three elites laughed heartily, the other guards accompanying him weren't laughing, they were all looking at corpses of their comrades, the limp bodies of the monkeys also lying around, the bodies of their lady's forces were riddled with arrows, some of them partially molten, chemical burns all over their skin.

Their clothes partially fused with the contaminated flesh, it was a disgusting sight, even insects and rodents didn't dare approach the bodies, for the blight had already taken root within them, their insides were filled with miasma, the organs reduced into mush already, but the bodies had been left still.

"Must be a threat or something, heheh, what else is happening?" the elite was the shirtless one with an ample belly capable of safely storing away a tarvern's entire stock of booze, his heavy blade resting on his shoulder as per usual.