Super Curiosity Brothers

"Hey Saul…"

"Yeah Zola?"

"Do you hear what I am hearing?"

"Sounds like the clattering of an insect… Like in the attic at home"

The two brothers had ended their little vacation back at Throdqdmond and were now back at the academy, turned into a military school, the two of them had proven to be capable enough to be given greater ranks than that of a common soldier since they were able of learning some basic battle arts, they had both been awoken by most suspicious sounds in the night.

It had been going on for a while now, both of them were starting to seriously suspect that something was off about this place, but everytime they talked about it to the headmaster, the old man would casually wave their concerns off, saying that he was very well aware of who and what went about the academy ground, even stating that the smallest of insects could not escape his watchful eye.