First One

All undeads in the room prostrated in reverence and respect, abject torturers and horrific mind peelers in awe before their general, to the one they owed their current power and positions to.

Griar himself had no witty comments to make, frozen and silenced by his mere presence- Whether the negator had grown weaker, or if he had grown stronger since their last encounter was hard to tell, but something was certain, Loimos's presence seemed to have grown several times more domineering.

'Is he here to do it himself?' he fearfully thought, no, surely not, this didn't align with what he had shown so far, all undeads were eternal, and Loimos of all would not grow impatient with merely one of his possible conquests.

"Greetings, Lord Loimos, how did your research go?" communicating using the death tongue, Carnifex spoke up, head held low.

With a small motion, Loimos indicated for all to rise before responding.