Operation Might Over All : Part Two

Tsarina Delelgoliol'Erstvourst Von Hartracite, of her full name and title, definitely didn't fit the part to be the ruler of a species that favoured physical strength over everything else, small, delicate, and even speaking in a rather refined language, everything from her hairstyle to the way she dressed just said that she would be more at home as precious little princess safely kept hidden in a castle.

Typically the type Herlbe could see getting pat on the head by King Nitok and Faraday, those ancient skeletons never said it, but they definitely had a soft spot for small and cute things, the revenant did not quite get it himself, as the entire place began to rumble, he swung his metal claws at the Tsarina, although hard to believe, she had to be the actual boss around these parts, and so, he expected her to dodge with remarkable agility or turn incorporeal perhaps, but no.