Operation Polar Winds : Part Ten

First things first, when Alkayne arrived at his fortress, he surveyed the amount of accursed that had been killed, and from the looks of things, they had ceased approaching this place as the pile which had been dozens of corpses strong before was now a mere two bodies sprawled on the ground, looking up, he sensed Jiji's life force and Cecili's death force within his private quarters, proof that has he had expected, the nightbird was competent enough to pull something like that of.

Truly, he did not know why she had wanted to serve as a messenger here instead of joining the greater portion of her caste with Ourlon, in a realm like his their ability could really shine and would surely further hone their skills, for a nightbird as talented as herself, it truly was a strange decision, even if her moniker as 'The Penguin' suited this environment in some capacity, Alkayne did not quite get it.