Operation Polar Winds : Part Fifteen

"It is unfortunate, but she suddenly and inexplicably passed away twelve years ago, a nun as faithful and diligent as her, can you imagine? I thought that we would end up as old sacks of wrinkled flesh and bones together, but such is life and such is Dame-Sommer's will, it surely must be a challenge I must overcome" the pope spoke and spoke, going on and on about his late wife, from the big strokes of their relationship to the most minute details, it was like he remembered every single second of their time together without exception.

And he maintained that odd, optimistic view and expression all the way through, his ice-coloured eyes gazing forward.

Alkayne was not sure how to react or respond, good thing his frostbitten face destroyed all means of facial expression, as he honestly could hardly pretend to relate or feel bad for him, all that was on his mind was :

'Undeath can bring your wife back'