Operation Polar Winds : Part Twenty-Three

"It would seem that Julo has fallen" calmly stating this whilst rising up from his seat, Janus dusted his shoulder and grabbed hold of his sceptre, readjusting the mitre upon his head before walking to the center of the room, surrounded from all sides by statues of Dame-Sommer, it was like the pope was constantly under the judgement of the goddess.

"That to be expect, Sir Janus, that Alkayne is a blessed one" garbed in a snow white cloak, the second paladin that served as bodyguard to the pope was standing on the opposite side the room "It is only natural that those not directly touched by Dame-Sommer's grace could not stand up to him"

Janus did not immediately respond and simply looked to the side, his gaze lingering focused for several seconds, a sigh escaped his lips.