Golden Lord

"Mmh? You are not vying for my crown? How come?" asked the restless king.

"I am general of the vanguard within the undead empire, a nation of death beyond this world, our territories spanning wider than both your and the living's plane combined" spoke Loimos, his words inciting reactions from the other restless present.

"General?" but not from their king, who seemed to be the only one that had any grasp on the sort of being Loimos actually was, being the only one that could see past the living disguise he wore.

"General, you say? Is that not a rank for soldiers?"

"I am a soldier"

"How curious! I hardly believe such a claim, you say that the being I wholeheartedly believed to have come to snatch my authority is but a mere soldier? Who do you serve, Soldier Loimos?" the king's empty sockets ignited with golden flames, so fierce that they even seemed they even coiled and reached into his jaw.

"King Nitok, The Prince Of Death"