Operation Arid Soil : Part Three

As it turns out, the heat was not only capable of burning the world below, but had many more strange capabilities, on top of being capable of bringing energies to a boiling point, it also seemed to interfere with much else, communication items that didn't even create a link of energy between the two ends were also malfunctioning if just one of them was caught in the heat, and would not work at all if directly exposed to sunlight.

'Maybe I should have taken the time to train some astrologers… They might have been able of unveiling the secrets of these suns' thought the minor lord, at a glance, they were naught but very harsh suns, something that wasn't unheard of, Ir'Houwl herself had known that back when she was a living in the empire of Pezerx, but the way more of them appeared and how they disappeared was rather odd.