

The ship of the Kuja pirates sailed forward. After killing the rear admiral, Kuja pirates didn't loot the ship instead they just destroyed there ship and killed their denden mushi then sailed away.

Doja was very experienced. So she new what might happen if they left the rear admiral alive. It wasn't an easy fight. Rear admiral Doberman has eaten the zoan devil fruit, dog dog fruit model Doberman. And he knew armament haki. But he was no where near the level where he used to be. Hancock asked Doja, to let her fight Doberman. Doja agreed but she warned her that if she took long , then she will intervine. Hancock knew that time was the matter of importance.

The fight was brutal. Rear admiral was merciless while fighting against her. But due to her superior haki she won the fight. The rear admiral has barely awakend his observation haki. So she managed to dodge his every attack. But the same can't be said in terms of her offence. Zoan devil fruit naturally provided the man with high resilience, strenght, healing factor and stamina. Not to mention he could defend himself with armament Haki. Hancock's haki was stronger. So Hancock took a long time dodging and beating the the shit out of the dog human. The man became a practical equipment for her improvement of armament Haki.

"Oh no ! We have to sail through the florian triangle. Captain ! What should we do ?" The voice of Fu brought back Hancock from her thoughts of her previous fight. She immidiately went towards the front deck. True to Fu's words, she could see dark clouds ahead.

The florian triangle was the shortest route possible from water seven to sabaody archipelago. But the problem was due to it's atmosphere and wild waves there was a high chance of getting ship wrecked or getting lost in the thick fog.

"We don't have the time to sail around the florian triangle. Fu, this will be your first time navigating through the florian triangle. But there is a first time for everything. We have to save our sisters ! Can you navigate through these frightening fog ?" Doja's words were challenging. And hearing her words, Fu became determined.

"Don't worry captain ! I will navigate through these dense fog and wild waves !" Fu shouted.

"Then what are we waiting for ? Let's sail forward !"

"Aye aye captain !"


"Hancock, come to my cabin after finishing your food. I have something, I want to discuss with you." Doja said to Hancock while she was eating dinner. Hancock nodded her head.

After finishing her dinner, Hancock went to the captain's cabin.

Before she could knock , Doja called her in.

"Take a seat Hancock. There is something I wanted to ask you for a long time now." Hancock took the seat.

She was well aware that she was not strong like before. She was not beautiful like before. She lacks her devil fruit. So she has lost her arrogance as well.

"Ask away captain."Hancock said calmly.

"What happened to you in last few days. First you passed out in the middle of the day out of no where.

And after the attack you suddenly awakend conqueror's haki. Altho it is natural to awaken the colour of the supreme king in intense situations, but that does not explain your sudden increase in strength. You proficiency in Haki has surpassed mine. While three days ago you could only use observation haki . Even if I ignore your change in behaviour, your sudden increase in strength does not have an explanation." Doja asked in a serious face.

Hancock was not completely surprised by the question. Someone who has mastered observation haki could easily sense the increase in strength of Hancock. Not to mention her fight with the rear admiral in front of the entire crew can't be ignored. Hancock decided to tell Doja the truth. She herself has no explanation for how she ended up here after dying. It won't matter if she believed her or not. "I died. Almost 19 years from now in the future, I died in the hands of one of the 4 emperor of the sea, black beard. And then I woke up here." Hancock said seriously.

In response Doja sighed. "You are telling the truth but it is hard to believe. Can you please tell me what happened in your past life so I could understand better ?"

Hancock then procedure to tell her previous life in brief. Her enslavement by the hands of celestial dragons, her eating mero mero no mi, her and her sister's escape from the holy land, how she became the captain of the kuja pirates, how she met Luffy, the war of the best, how the world changed after that war, how the war lord system was abolished and finally how she fought and committed suicide in the hand of black beard. After her story Doja nodded solemnly.

"I understand why you want to save your sisters. Even if you three are not related by blood, you share a deeper bond than that.

But now I have another question. To what extent you are ready to go for them ? If they were sold by the time we reach sabaody archipelago, then what will you do ?" Doja asked Hancock seriously.

Hancock was not expecting this question. But she has the answer for her question. In her previous life she has not grown much after getting free from those world nobels. Her entire life was shadowed by that cursed mark. But this time it was different.

"I will save them. No matter the price, I will save them. It doesn't matter even if I have to climb all The way up to the red lines like fisher tiger, I will save them. It doesn't matter if you support me or not, I will leave the crew and save them."

Hancock was really determined to save her sisters.

"*sigh* I thought so. I know there is no way I can stop you. I cannot stop someone who has this kind of strong will along with the colour of the supreme King to back it up. But I will make this clear, I will not risk the entire crew because of those two. If we did not find them in sabaody archipelago, then we will part ways." Doja declared her decision. And Hancock nodded at that. It was not unusual. But it didn't matter. Because she was already ready for the hard ships that will come in her way.



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Uzumaki Naruko

Naruto Asmodeus Template

Reborn as a useless girl

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Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten

Uzumaki Naruko

Naruto: Asmodeus Template

Reborn as a Useless girl