A man of honour

A man of honour

Uragiri, once the member of the big mom pirates, was living his life as a slave trader. Bigmom, wanted to collect all the species in the world in her Dreamland. Uragiri took that moment to join the Big mom pirates in order to see the world above. But so he was blind by greed after seeing the luxury in the world above.

As a fishman, he could easily breath inside water. And in a world where water is everywhere, it was very easy for him to betray the big mom pirates and get away. After returning to the fishman island he decided to start a business. In his business, he sold young mermaid and fishman slaves in the sabaody archipelago.

After he returned from the big mom pirates he has introduced himself as a retired member of the big mom pirates. He first gives them hopes of showing them the world on the surface. Tells them that his previous comrades from the bigmom pirates will help him showing them the world above in the condition that they won't tell anyone not even their parents. And young children tended to fall in his traps. And then he takes them to the sabaody archipelago where he sold them to the slave traders.

For the last 5 years he has been living like this.

No one has ever suspected him as he was known as uncle Ura among the population. A kind uncle who helped others.

In his 45 years of life he has gotten away with betraying many people, strong and weak alike. But for the first time luck left his side , when he decided to target a beautiful human girl.

(AN: Uragiri stands for betrayal in Japanese)


Jimbei led both girls to the mermaid cafe to talk. After listening their purpose of visiting, Jimbei agreed to help them. He was also interested in testing his strength against Hancock who Rayleigh has personally trained.

Of course Hancock agreed.

But before that she wanted to meet the person who will cote their ship. After all she was in a hurry to go to the new world.

So Jimbei took them to meet one of the most professional ship coaters in the fishman island. After paying the coater ten millions in advance to coat their ship, they went to the inn which Jimbei has recommended.

The next afternoon, Jimbei and Hancock met each other near the corral forest.

There were a few spectators for the duel as well.

In her previous life, Jimbei was very strong. He was a master of fishman style martial arts, whatever it's name was. Not to mention he has also mastered both armament and observation haki. He had protectd Luffy during the war from Akainu. And that alone was enough to gain respect from Hancock.

And besides the obvious age difference will also matter in the fight so Hancock has decided not to hold back in the upcoming fight.

She could easily here people's muttering about how Jimbei, one of the strongest recruit of the royal army who has mastared fishman karate was fighting a little girl. They were obviously confused that why one of their strongest fighters looked so serious while fighting her.

But Hancock didn't care. Instead she focused on the fight ahead.

With the coral pop of a coralfish, the fight started.

Both of them moved simultaneously. Although Jimbei has mastered the fishman karate and was very proficient with it, it was useless against Hancock who could see a few seconds into the future. Every blow of Jimbei carried a lot of power, that could easily kill an ordinary human. But it was useless against Hancock who could dodge every single blow.

It was very frustrating for Jimbei. But in the fight he maintained his calm and tried to increase the power and precision of his attacks.

But soon he found that his efforts where useless. On top of that Hancock has started counter attacking in the middle of his attacks. And he found that she was not lacking in strength at all. Her strength could be compared to many strong fishmen. It was not at his level but it was not for behind. And considering that Hancock is only 12 years old it was and itself a very great feat.

To her credit, Hancock was only fighting using advanced observation haki. From the beginning of the fight it was clear that Jimbei has yet to learn haki. So she refrained herself from using armament haki. Instead she used her natural strength that she has gained in the past six months of training.

Obviously it will take some time to break Jimbei's defence who was physically stronger than her. But she was ready to spend that much time in improving her own fighting style.

Jimbei also realised the situation. Depending on her stamina she might win the fight if she was able to tier him out or damage him little by little. Jimbei wasn't underestimating Hancock because of her age. After all Hancock was trained by Rayleigh.

Obviously Jimbei knew who Rayleigh was. If the vice captain of Roger pirates has taken an student, then she must be very talented.

So finally Jimbei decided to use the only wide ranged attack in his arsenal.

But before using it, Jimbei paused to ask Hancock a question.

"How are you avoiding all of my attacks ?"

Hancock decided to answer truthfully.

"This power is called observation haki. This power is present inside every living being. They just have to awaken it.

You are really strong Jimbei. You are my strongest opponent so far after sensei.

This time I want to show you the other form of haki. So I will not Dodge your next attack. Give it your all."

Anyone else in the place of Jimbei would have felt infuriated after hearing Hancock. Infact his fellow guards were also discussing how disrespectfull it was. But Jimbei felt no such things. Instead he has admiration in his heart for someone so strong.

So he cancelled his plan for wide ranged attack and instead put every bit of his energy into his final attack. This attack was something he was experimenting with. It was a technique that he has created on his own. Or at least it was in its development stage.

But this time, Jimbei decided to complete his attack no matter what.

Putting all his strength into the technique he attacked.

Fish-Man Karate: Buraikan !



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Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten

Uzumaki Naruko

Naruto Asmodeus Template

Reborn as a useless girl

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You can also read the advance chapters of my other fanfictions in the tier FanFiction phase 1.

Check out

Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten

Uzumaki Naruko

Naruto: Asmodeus Template

Reborn as a Useless girl
