

From a dark alley, Hancock looked towards the miserable state of her sisters. She didn't know how to feel. It was the best chance of her to rescue them. And yet Hancock didn't feel any joy. Sandersonia and Marigold were walking behind a fat celestial dragon. Their eyes were dead. They have lost all their will to live. But that's not the worst. Their body was covered in bruises. And they had minimal clothing to hide their shame. Hancock was boiling in anger. But she knew what was important.

After waiting for 4 days finally her target has appeared with her sisters.

Hancock didn't care if the person guarding the disgusting fat pig was Akainu, currently a vice admiral, she wanted to kill the bastard who is responsible for that state of her sisters.

As if knowing exactly what Hancock was thinking, Silver stopped her from doing anything dangerous in her anger.

"Let's stick to our original plan captain. The person guarding these celestial dragons is a vice admiral. I don't doubt your strength. But if you are sticking to your plan to not use your devil fruit powers then you should not engage in direct confrontation." Silver reminded Hancock.

Hancock understood it a very well. Akainu, who, in the future will be the fleet admiral cannot be underestimated at any cost. His promotion to admiral might not be far away. And she has no doubts that Akainu will kill anyone in his way.

Suddenly Hancock stopped in her mid thought.

She got an idea that might work perfectly

"Alright ! You are right. It is better if I do nothing dangerous. So it is decided. We will kidnap the fat pig." Hancock declared.

For a moment silver didn't understand what Hancock had said. But when it hit her, she grabbed Hancock from her collar and started shaking her.

"Didn't you hear me what I just said ? We can't act recklessly. And your great idea is to kidnap a celestial dragon !"

"If we kidnap the celestial dragon then the vice admiral will not able to attack us directly. So you should kidnap that celestial dragon and take him as a hostage. Within the commotion I will try to free my sisters. It is obvious that they are heading towards the slave auction house. We will start our attack there. In that way, no one will suspect us in the future, if I free all the slaves present their." Hancock said to Silver.

After listening to her silver let her go.

"Your plan isn't bad. But it is very risky. Anyway I told you that I will follow you were ever you go. So I will just do that this time. I heard that they will call an admiral here if a celestial dragon got attacked. I hope that your are ready to face an admiral."

"That's why we will be wearing these costumes." Hancock pulled out two oversized clown costumes out of nowhere.

In a normal day there is no way Hancock would wear such a thing. She would rather die than wear such a monstrosity. But it was all for her sisters.

"By the way did you buy the smoke bombs and gas canons that I had told you to ?"

"Yeah all is ready. They are almost there. We should get ready." Silver looked at the leaving figures of there target from the alleyway.


Akainu was one of the most promising vice admirals who is an admiral candidate. His promotion was just inches away from him after his performance in Ohara.

While it was Kuzan's fault that one survivor got away, he was praised that he annhilated all others and prevented any such scholar from escaping. But before his promotion to an admiral their are several steps to be followed. Only fighting and killing pirates isn't enough.

One of those things were his performance with celestial dragons.

That was one of the few reasons why many strong marines never reached the position. The Marine Hero, vice admiral Garp, is a prime example of that. There was no doubt that he is on par with the fleet admiral or even stronger. But he has refused the post of a Navy admirals many times in the past.

Akainu had worked with him in the past. And he knew the reason behind his refusal. From what he has observed from Garp's personality, he would probably ending up punching a celestial dragon in his face if he ever got assigned to such duties. That's why Garp stayed away from the celestial dragons as much as possible.

He focused on his task at hand. If he completed this mission successfully then he won't be far away from his position of an admiral. He would be the first one to become an admiral among the big three rookie in the marines.

Although there was no chance of trouble with a celestial dragon, he still stayed careful rather than regretting it later.

But not everything goes as planned in this cursed world. In the middle of human auction, someone threw smoke bombs all around the auction room. He sent the attack with his observation haki. But failed to stop it because there were many of them. But the real thing started when all the smoke bombs exploded in sync.

In the next moment Akainu felt a mountain was crushing him. He knew that feeling. It was the same feeling he felt during the fight between the golden lion vs the fleet admiral and the hero of the marines back then, when he was just a captain.

Conqueror's haki.

It was said to be one of the most dangerous powers in this world. Akainu didn't realise when he knelt down on the floor. But once, the haki stopped, he felt unimaginable rage. There were smoke everywhere. His devil fruit powers were useless in these kind of situation. He cannot open fire because one of the celestial dragon has disappeared from his sight. He was taken away from his side during the burst of conqueror's haki. He could sense that, but he was unable to stop it.

He was probably taken away as hostages. Akainu seriously regretted not learning haki emission when zypher had offered him to. He was to arrogant with his devil fruit power, and now he was being the price.



Check out my other fanfictions

Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten

Uzumaki Naruko

Naruto Asmodeus Template

Reborn as a useless girl

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Check out

Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten

Uzumaki Naruko

Naruto: Asmodeus Template

Reborn as a Useless girl
