A new devil fruit

A new devil fruit

When Doflamingo went to take a walk, Vergo had also decided to take a walk himself. He has taken the same path as his young master.

While walking, Vergo contemplated about Doflamingo's offer. They have recently gotten their hands on hebi hebi no mi, model titanoboa. And Doflamingo has offered Vergo to eat that zoan type fruit. Ofcourse if he didn't, then they will sell it for a pretty good price.

But Vergo didn't want to disappoint Doflamingo.

But he has never thought about eating a devil fruit in the first place. He would have considered it seriously if it was a logia or a mythical zoan, but an ancient zoan wasn't tempting to vergo. And besides the only thing that the fruit will provide him was immense defence similar to Up Uo no mi model seiryu, the size of a sea king, the ability to breath under water and all other ancient zoan advantages. But Vergo thought that the fruit was useless in Marine battles. It's size was its major disadvantage.

That's why he didn't want to eat the devil fruit.

After strolling for a while Vergo noticed strange stone statues on the road. At first he was confused. But soon realised that it was the work of a devil fruit. While inspecting one of the broken stone statues, he heard a loud sound from the plaza ahead of him. In any other day he would have ignored it. But for some reason he rushed towards the sound.

What he saw, made him horrified. In front of him stood his young master Doflamingo's stone statue. Then he looked towards the girl who did it. Vergo wasn't arrogant like Doflamingo. Looking at the destroyed wall behind his young master's statue he understood that the girl was much more dangerous than she looked.

But instead of attacking, he went infront of Hancock and started to beg for his young master's life on his knees. He didn't there to look at Hancock. Out of fear that she will attack the young master. He didn't know the effects of the devil fruit she has eaten. And that was the reason he didn't want to mess with Hancock. Unknown to him, that act has saved his life.

Hancock looked towards the man and front of him with disdain.

"Why should I spare him ? He attacked me first. Dispicable men ! Get out from my sight or you will meet the same fate as your master !" Hancock said haughtily.

"Please ! I beg you !-" without thinking much, Vergo too count the devil fruit from his pocket, and placed it on the ground in front of Hancock. "- Please ! Save my young master ! I offer you this devil fruit. This is an ancient zoan devil fruit, hebi hebi no mi model titanoboa.

Please !"

Hancock looked at the devil fruit in front of her. From the unique pattern, she could tell that it was not fake. But she doubted his claim for the fruit being a ancient zoan.

After thinking for a while, Hancock decided to take the fruit.

"Fine ! You are lucky that I am in a good mood today. I will turn back that man. But you must get out with him from in front of my sight as fast as possible." Hancock picked up the fruit and gave it to Marigold to carry.

Vergo stayed in his bowing position, till Hancock reversed her devil fruit effects.

She didn't wait to see the reaction of the duo and left instead.


// In the holy lands of Mariejoice

The five elders were reading the recent reports that they have asked from Sengoku. The appearance of that fruit after 800 years meant that the change has started. Soon Joyboy will return.

"Should we increase the bounty on her head ?"

Saint V.Nusjuro asked.

"Now there is no need for that. She hasn't directly opposed us." Saint Warcury spoke.

"And besides, unless awakened, that devil fruit won't pose much threat to us." Saint Saturn spoke.

"Let's keep an eye on her for now. We need to know her identity and affiliation." Saint Mars spoke.

"Let's not worry about that fruit. We should be more worried about the situation in the new world." Saint Jupiter spoke.

"The spawn of saint Figerland Garling is causing some trouble the new world." Saint Warcury spoke.

"What a shame, because of that damned Roger, we lost a potential candidate for next generation God's night." Saint Mars spoke .

"Should we contact him and let him know about his true lineage ?" Saint Saturn asked.

"He is a pirate now. To do such a thing, we need to discuss thoroughly." Saint V.Nusjuro spoke.

"Agreed." Saint Jupiter spoke.


"I can't believe that you got an ancient zoan devil fruit like this captian !" Silver was shocked after hearing Hancock.

"Yes, I did. And you don't have to ask me this all the time." Hancock sighed.

"It looks kinda a devil vegitable not fruit." Sandersonia replied. Hancock shrugged.

"So, what are we going to do with this ? Devil fruits are pretty expensive. But we can also eat it. I mean ancient zoan devil fruits are rare and powerful." Marigold asked.

"Well we don't have any devil fruit users among the kuja tribe. But if this fruit is really an ancient zoan, then we should keep it. I have already accidentally eaten a devil fruit.

So anyone want it ?" Hancock asked.

"I will pass, I don't want to be a hammer. I love swimming." Silver said in an even tone.

"I don't want it either." Sandersonia told Hancock.

"Well, I think I should eat it. I am currently the weakest among all of us." Marigold said hesitantly.

"Remember Marigold, devil fruits are just additional weapons. They give your strength sure, but they are not everything. But I agree. You should eat it. But not here. I want heard that zoan devil fruits, especially ancient zoan and mythical zoans makes their user very aggressive. So you will eat it in the Island I trained on. That way we don't have to worry about you going on a rampage." Hancock said seriously and everyone nodded.



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Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten

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